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Join the movement for sustainable shopping habits. Our algorithm rewards eco-friendly choices, driving positive change in consumer behavior and reducing environmental impact. Make a difference with GreenMoney!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GreenMoney

  2. Introduction According to International Environmental Technology, pollution is in the Top 5 of Environmental concerns for 2019. With a focus on product packaging we found the following facts:

  3. Cumulative global plastic production in tonnes

  4. Global Plastic Waste by disposal Estimated share of global plastic waste method

  5. Plastic waste generation by industrial sector, 2015 Global plastic waste generation by industrial sector, measured in tonnes per year

  6. Surface plastic mass by ocean basin, 2013 Quantity of plastic waste floating at the ocean surface within each of the world's ocean or marine basins. This is measured in terms of the mass of particles ranging from small microplastics to macroplastics. It includes only plastics within surface waters (and not at depth or on the seafloor).

  7. Types of plastic .

  8. Problem Statement Only 2 of the 7 types of plastics are recyclable, it also takes 10 - 1000 years for the planet to decompose plastic. This increase waste on the planet immensely, polluting both the land and the oceans.

  9. Vision Our vision is to alter consumer behaviour, raise awareness about the types of packaging used for products and their effects on the environment while implementing our solution into stores, ultimately increasing store activity.

  10. Solution An algorithm which is integrated into existing partner store incentive programs, for example clubcards systems, so the store’s customers get rewarded for purchasing products that are eco-friendly.

  11. Why do you (the store) need GreenMoney?

  12. Why customers will use GreenMoney? 1) People need motivation to buy products in nature friendly packaging 2) People need to know how reusable packaging and its impact on the environment 3) People will be rewarded for going green

  13. Detailed Solution Design an algorithm that looks at: • The package used and its biodegradability/recyclable scale( number of years) • Market Cost of product • Buying habits pertaining to the product • Calculate a reasonable 'incentive mark ranging from 0 -10% worth of the product in points

  14. Prototype: ERD

  15. Prototype

  16. Prototype

  17. Finance • iRat will use is open source programming tools to minimize costs • iRat will implement GreenMoney on existing streams. • We might need to expand databases for certain stores and charge for hosting the code so it runs optimally. • We will also charge for labour and maintenance. • Our client is solely businesses, therefore the project does not require extravagant marketing but rather networking, which is relatively more affordable

  18. Why you should join the iRAT database as a client • New client base, loyal client base without introducing new product lines. • Increases purchase basket average value, because of higher prices of eco friendly production and additional cross selling opportunity. • Stores could charge companies for promoting their product (products that are nature friendly)

  19. Marketing • Targeting the chain store (grocery) • Pitch idea to the relevant people • Sales promotion by offering a lower initial price • Encouraging customers to share their experience with GreenMoney and their favourite store using a “#” on social media • Use product endorsement- attract influential people to share their shopping experience • Update customers on the consequences of waste through clubcard infomail and videos

  20. Risks and challenges • Too many different stores implement this strategy, so there is no competitive advantage for one store to do it. • Getting packaging data of every product • Finding a fair way to calculate the incentive rate on a product that has more than two types of material

  21. Roadmap Tagline Advertising the project and installating the software Complete the product Analysing the pluses and minuses, Getting in touch with another clients Start of the first annual campaign Contact the clients Official start of the campaign Green Money Determining the results, economic and environmental / agreeing on another deal Collecting first results Improving the product, unifying with the client Unifying the interests with the clients Collecting the results, rewarding the consumers Comparing the packaging materials from a year before PROJECT START MAY MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR Q1 Q3 Q2 Q4 Launch the product Analyze /improve First deal Second deal

  22. Conclusion Interest in sustainability and concern about consumer behavior impact on the environment was a major trend in 2018 and will be even more so in 2019. This will bring huge changes to retail as consumers increasingly care about making ethical, sustainable and ecological choices when they buy. Considering this information we want to enter the market with GreenMoney, one of the first campaigns focusing on products packaging

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