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What is EVTA? NGO , exists since 15 years

Visit of the Finnish partners of the Global West project to the European Vocational Training Association (EVTA) Brussels, 03-12-2012. What is EVTA? NGO , exists since 15 years Important evolution: from a consortium to an association, a network and recently a Community of Actors

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What is EVTA? NGO , exists since 15 years

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  1. Visit of the Finnish partners of the Global West project to the European Vocational Training Association (EVTA) Brussels, 03-12-2012

  2. What is EVTA? • NGO, exists since 15 years • Important evolution: from a consortium to an association, a network and recently aCommunity of Actors • Formal members are: • Public/private/semi-private organisations • Vocational training and/or Employment centres • Represents: • 2.000/3.000 VET centers • 60.000 people working • 15 different countries


  4. A new strategy: the EVTA Ecosystem • “EVTA's 4P ecosystem is a strong community supported by a foundation of interacting organisations and individuals belonging to its interconnected 4 Pillars (4P): Employment, Training, Innovation and Entrepreneurship • The policy strategy of the European Union on the mentioned pillars is a reference for EVTA.

  5. EVTA: a European Voice • Privileged relationship with the European Commission • DG EAC (Bruges Communiqué) • DG Employment • Strong relation with the UE Presidencies (i.e. Belgium presidency 2010) • Representation at the EESC (European Economic and Social Committee)- CCMI • Collaboration with the European Parliament (contribution of legal texts, co-organisation of events) • Cooperation with EU Networks: EVBB, EfVET, EUproVET, SOLIDAR, EUCIS-LLL

  6. EVTA: an information resource focused on the 4 P • EVTA news: http://www.evta.net/evta_news_html/index.html • EVTA newseltters: http://www.evta.net/news_2012/news_evta_jm1/index.html • Presentation of the EU hot topics twice a year during EVTA AG –Conferences: Employment Package June 12: http://www.evta.net/evta_generalassembly_june2012/06_empl_pack_geers.pdf • EVTA provide invitations to High level European Events Last in date:“Final conference of the project “Establishing a European Sector Council for Commerce on employment and skills” organised by Eurocommerce, Brussels 05/12/12

  7. EVTA Provides Communication Tools • A new website: www.evtaecosystem.eu • Exploitation and dissemination of results of projects and publications -Experience and product sharing - Intra/extra-net • A mailing listof more than 6 000 people working in the field of the 4P. • EYEDO (live broadcast) • EURACTIV (site of information on European Affairs: Targeted banner & newsletter advertising , Visibility of press releases, Distribution of video, Promotion of events )

  8. EVTA: a key partner in European Projects • VETWORK2: Workbasedlearning • RestructuringToolbox: one hundred anticipating and management tools for restructuring companies • Going Local:Carry out regional actions to set up policies and services to anticipate crises in companies • RESPonsabilities in Restructuring:transferring practices regarding restructuring processes from one given context to another. • EurFashion: Studentsmobility • QAFP in EU: Quality assurance • Autogrill: New Autogrill European Work Council • Track: Quality and attractiveness of the European VET. • Clear: Innovation and creativity in LLL strategies

  9. What is doing EVTA in ECVET, LO and Mobility? Thematic dossiers: • Mobility/EQF/ECVET/EQAVET to bring the policies and practices closer to the members: http://www.evta.net/evta_mobility_html/index.html • EVTA EU projects catalogue http://www.evta.net/evta_euprojects_html/index.html

  10. EVTA Projects on ECVET • Facilitator in the European ECVET team: http://www.ecvet-team.eu/ • PEP & PEP goes local See PEP Brochure and PEP II newsletter

  11. EVTA Projects on Mobility • EUMOVE: an example of how sectors collaborate on the quality of work placement companies abroad www.eumoveabroad.eu • Europemobility Network: www.europemobility.eu • International Community of Mobility Coordinators • to stimulate the raise of quality and quantity of work placements in Europe by promoting interaction and cooperation among those who are responsible for mobility initiatives. • EUrFashion: https://www.eurfashion.eu/en/ • Project objectives: to improve mobility of both students and professionals at EU level for the fashion and textile sector • to create transparency in order to develop recognition and transfer is guarantied.

  12. EVTA Projects on Learning outcomes based approaches/qualifications • MUVET- MUsic and Vocational Education and Training : To strengthen the music sector with experiences from other countries and with the development of occupational profiles for the sector. This enables people in the sector to develop themselves in the framework of lifelong learning. http://www.evta.net/Muvet/index.html • OPEP To define a method, based on good practices in other countries, to come from occupational profiles, to educational profiles and finally educational programmes and standards.

  13. AEFP/EVTA Rue de la Loi 93-97B-1040 Brussels www.evtaecosystem.eu Tel. +32 (0)2 644 58 91Fax. +32 (0)2 640 71 39

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