How to Have Success at Art Shows
How to have success at art shows. Like any business you need traffic and you need conversions, better known as buyers. One thing you must remember . . . It does not matter what business you are in! Whether you are in the art business, the restaurant business, the widget business or the fu-fu business. You are in the "People Business"
So you have always wondered what it would be like to be an artist and show and sell your work around the country at weekend art shows? Here are some tips that can increase your chances of succeeding.
1) Go Visit Some Art Events First -
You may not always have the luxury of visiting each and every art show before you apply for acceptance. After all, if you visit before applying, you'll have to wait another year to participate (if you are accepted) and most of us are not that patient. However, when you can visit the show first and talk to participating artists, you will get a feel for whether or not this is a show in which you wish to participate. Be up front with the artists that you talk with and ask a few questions. Most will be happy to answer your questions if they sense your honesty and sincerity and you don't distract them from those who visit their booth.
Some events that bill themselves as art shows or even arts and craft shows end up with a lot of questionable "art" booths that are not really art at all. If the "art" show has more than it's share of artists who make foam rubber alligators on a coat hanger or rubber band gun crafters, it's probably not that high quality of art show. That is not to say that there is not a place for these products. There are many large festivals that attract huge crowds that have all kinds of vendors from artists and crafters to cosmetic salespeople to sausage-on-a-stick vendors.
On the other hand, a juried event will elevate the level of quality work that is shown, which should attract an audience that has a greater appreciation for art. It may reduce the number of attendees, but those who do attend may be a more "qualified" audience. By qualified, I mean that they not only have a greater appreciation for art, but hopefully the means to purchase it if they like it.
2) Be Consistent With Your Art Work - Watch Video and go to website for additional information
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