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Dr. Kim Bower presents the Process Motivation Model (PMM) for investigating learner motivation in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) settings. This keynote explores the impact of CLIL on learner motivation and identifies the main elements that enhance motivation. Case studies from three state schools in England are used to illustrate the findings.
Festival of Teaching Excellence KeynoteInvestigating learner motivation Academy of Innovation Leeds, June 2018 Dr Kim Bower National Teaching Fellow
Introduction Introduce the Process motivation model (PMM) for investigating learner motivation • background to the model; previous models • how it was applied in a second language setting - Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) sometimes called cross-curricular language learning • examples of data from Y8/9 questionnaire in contrasting settings in 3 state schools • workshop activity Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
Context for learner motivation research study: CLIL in England • lack of coherent national language policy • curricula for 11-16 age range with content (exam) perceived by learners to be irrelevant • modern languages perceived as difficult and unimportant by many learners • sustained, successful CLIL projects in a handful of schools buck the trend • CLIL recommended by national languages review • short-lived government (teaching agency) initiatives: • CLIP; ILL, bilingual schools project • bilateral Anglo French partnership in ITE
Research questions • Framework was devised for an empirical research study undertaken in three state secondary schools in England, to investigate the extent to which Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) promotes pupil motivation in the teaching of modern foreign languages (MFL). • (1) in what ways does CLIL impact on learner motivation? • (2) what are the main elements of CLIL that enhance motivation? Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
Methods • Case studies in 3 state schools, 2 established CLIL projects, 1 embryonic. • findings from the 2 established projects • Data collection • ½ day visit to meet and to discuss research with school • Questionnaire sent to a CLIL/immersion group aged 12/13 (second year secondary school) • 3 day visit to each school: • recorded pupil focus groups (transcribed): 2 per school • recorded interviews with teachers, heads of department, senior leaders and headteachers • lesson observation • Here: learner perspectives from pupil questionnaire and focus groups Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
How to investigate motivation coherently in such different contexts? previous models • Williams and Burden (1997) • The Components of Motivational L2 Teaching Practice Dörnyei (2005) • Socio dynamic period: complex dynamic systems perspective Dörnyei and Ushioda (2011) • A Process Model - Investigating Motivation in CLIL settings (Coyle, 2011) Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
Williams and Burden 1997Psychology for Language Teachers Fig. 2 A three stage model of motivation reasons for deciding to sustaining the doing do something effort, or something persisting Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
Williams and Burden 1997 Internal factors subject to External factors Significant others the nature of interaction with significant others the learning environment the broader context 1. Intrinsic interest of activity 2. Perceived value of activity 3. Sense of agency 4. Mastery 5. Self-concept 6. Attitudes 7. Other affective states 8. Developmental age and stage 9. Gender Fig 2. Factors influencing an individual's decision to act based on Williams and Burden 1997 Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
The Components of Motivational L2 Teaching Practice Dörnyei 2005 Creating the basic motivational conditions Generating initial motivational Encouraging positive retrospective self- evaluation Maintaining and protecting motivation
Socio dynamic period: complex dynamic systems perspective • Process orientated phase has merged into the socio dynamic period • Dörnyei and Ushioda 2011:91 The broad distinctions between motivation, cognition and affect phenomena are still valid but ‘should be viewed as dynamic subsystems that have continuous and complex interaction with each other’ Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
Coyle, 2011:17 A Process Model - Investigating Motivation in CLIL settings
Process motivation model for investigating language learning pedagogical approaches Aspects of motivation • Learning environment: • learner, • teacher, • course specific • Learner engagement: • perceived value of activity; • attitudes towards learning; • perceptions of learning; • engagement in learning tasks • Learner Identities/Self: • self concept, • mastery Aspects of motivation • Learning environment: • learner, • teacher, • course specific • Learner engagement: • perceived value of activity; • attitudes towards learning; • perceptions of learning; • engagement in learning tasks • Learner Identities/Self: • self concept, • mastery Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
Aspects of motivation are explored by: see hard copy • Principal characteristics • Exemplification of potential sources of evidence for principal characteristics: what to look for • Potential investigation methods/ instruments Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
Process motivation model for investigating CLIL in the classroom in England Coherent framework to support 3 contrasting models • Learning environment: learner, teacher, course specific • Learner engagement: perceived value of activity; attitudes towards learning; perceptions of learning; engagement in learning tasks • Learner Identities/Self: self concept, mastery Bower (2014): adapted from Williams and Burden 1997; Dörnyei, 1994a and Coyle, 2011 Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
Engagement: investigation methods • Learner questionnaire (sent to school for scrutiny prior to sending to pupils). Administer by • staff who don't know the class • standardised introduction script • informs questions, informal and formal for data collection visit • Learner focus group • 2 groups of 6-8 in each setting (recorded & transcribed) • follow up questions • Teacher interview (transcribed) • range of staff: class teacher; HoD; senior leader; Head • Observation • naturalistic • triangulation Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
where did the best data re engagement come from? Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
Asking the right questions... • literature • previous research studies • documentation • conversations with staff in setting prior to research • questionnaire • scrutiny of class teacher (s) • pilot ....and drawing on experience Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
Learner Questionnaire Beech School 1. What do you like about being in the Geography in French group? Tick those that are true for you The way you learn French Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
Questionnaire 9. How enjoyable is learning French for YOU? Tick a box 11. How would you rate your level of effort in Geography in French classes since September? Tick a box Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
12. How would you describe your progress in French since September in each of the four main skill areas? Tick a box for a), b), c) and d) Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
15. In Geography lessons where French is used, I am usually......... tick one or more of these: Question from Italic study (Coyle, 2011) because... (give your reasons) ……………………………………………………………………...... ………………………………………………………………………..…………………...........................................................................
1. How enjoyable is learning a language for you? Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
2. How would you rate your level of effort since September? Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
learning environmentwhat motivates you to work hard? 'merits; other rewards; the games generated by the software, ‘Task Magic’' L1: 'To sort of do our best and not let her (teacher) down' L2: 'Getting good GCSEs and to go on and like get further with your life' L3: 'the silver certificates knowing that all this hard work is going to pay off' 'prizes, praise, creative things' L1: 'I suppose for ourselves, really, as well, because you want to do well because you want to get a higher mark so you can go onto other things'. Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
Development of intercultural awareness in our form room there are a couple of quotes and stuff, ... one quote ... said "for every language you learn, you learn a new life or something." And I can sort of relate to that because French is really different from English and learning French is like stepping into a whole other world. because you understand people better L1: ... in our form room there are a couple of quotes and stuff, ... one quote ... said "for every language you learn, you learn a new life or something." And I can sort of relate to that because French is really different from English and learning French is like stepping into a whole other world. L2: I think we have achieved a better understanding of the language and the country and stuff. L1: … L2: …Yeah, it means you’re (.) talking to people around the world which makes it more interesting, and you can, there’s different things going on all around the world, so you can learn all about different places. Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
new, age relevant content Y7 because in this one (CLIL) we’ve been doing like Rain Forests and that kind of stuff, but in normal German it’s just kind of colours and pets and things like that. L1: L2: And you’re learning double the things in the amount of time. L3: You’re learning German and Geography. Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
Findings: Optimal challenge • high concentration levels • exceptionally well-developed listening skills • boredom rare • any confusion not demotivating Confusion often used with positive states, e.g.: 'confident, interested, confused, enjoying the lesson and achieving because sometimes with some words I am confused with the differences' (girl) 'interested and confused because I love trying to learn French. I find it harder to learn History and French at the same time'.(boy)
FindingsWhere challenge was too great ...I am usually.... 'fed-up, bored and slipped into a coma because I fell behind in class and couldn’t catch up'. Fed-up, bored and suicidal because the lesson was too hard for me to keep up. Everyone else knew what to do so I just messed around. Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
The Process Motivation Model (PMM) • Complex, coherent , in-depth approach for investigating a range of motivational characteristics • for planning research and interpretive analysis Planning - use model: • to plan research - what aspects will you focus on? • to develop each investigation tool • not every aspect is relevant to every tool • a prompt when planning; a checklist for draft tools Analysis of results: • provides a coherent framework • themes for organisation of findings Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
Workshop: applying the PMM to your context In pairs: • which of the 3 aspects of motivation are more relevant to your context? (column 1) • which aspects (element of aspects) of motivation related to your context are already covered well by module/annual evaluations and TQA feedback? Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
Workshop: applying the PMM to your context In pairs: 3. choose 1 aspect, narrow the focus to one principle characteristic you would like to explore. • How might you investigate this characteristic? • what other data collection methods might be useful? • Draw up a potential format and some questions you might ask 4. how might you adapt the model for your context/subject? 5. what additional methods of data collection might be added? Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
Contact details Do get in touch if you are interested in researching motivation or CLIL in your field k.bower@shu.ac.uk Dr Kim Bower National Teaching Fellow Sheffield Institute of Education Sheffield Hallam University Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
References Bower, K. (2017)Explaining Motivation in Language Learning: a Framework for Evaluation and Research The Language Learning Journal http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09571736.2017.1321035 Bower, K. (2017) 'Speaking French alive': learner perspectives on their motivation in Content and Language Integrated Learning in England' Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17501229.2017.1314483 Coyle, D. (2011) ITALIC Research Report Investigating Student Gains: Content and Language Integrated Learning. Edinburgh: University of Aberdeen, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. Dörnyei, Z. (1994) Motivation and Motivating in the Foreign Language Classroom, 78, 3: 273-284. Dörnyei, Z. (2005) The psychology of the language learner: Individual differences in second language acquisition, London: Erlbaum. Williams, M. and Burden, R. L. (1997) Psychology for Language Teachers: A Social Constructivist Approach, New York Cambridge University Press. Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018
Other useful papers Gardner, R. C. Integrative Motivation: Past, Present and Future, Presented at Distinguished Lecturer Series, Temple University Japan Dörnyei, Z. (2003) Attitudes, Orientations, and Motivations in Language Learning: Advances in Theory, Research, and Applications, Language Learning, 53(51): 3-32. doi:10.1111/1467-9922.53222 Zoltan Dornyei: personal website https://www.zoltandornyei.co.uk/ Investigating learner motivation, Bower 2018