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Bell Ringer September 10

Bell Ringer September 10. Define the following terms from your blue literature book. On page 1058: Tragedy, motif, tragic hero, archetype, tragic flaw, catastrophe, chorus, fate On pages 1064 and 1065:

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Bell Ringer September 10

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  1. Bell Ringer September 10 • Define the following terms from your blue literature book. • On page 1058: • Tragedy, motif, tragic hero, archetype, tragic flaw, catastrophe, chorus, fate • On pages 1064 and 1065: • Classical drama, skene, orchestra, theatron, choragus, myths, legends, dramatic irony, allusions

  2. Summary of Oedipus Rex • Oedipus’s parents abandoned him to die because a prophet claimed that Oedipus would kill his father and marry his mother. • Oedipus was adopted and raised in another kingdom with no knowledge of his actual parentage. • One day while traveling Oedipus meets a group of people on the road which are rude and threatening to him; he kills them. • When Oedipus arrives in a city called Thebes, he defeats the Sphinx, and the townspeople are so happy they ask him to be king. • Oedipus marries the recently widowed queen and vows to find her husband’s murder.

  3. Summary of Oedipus Rex • Oedipus finds out he was adopted by his parents. • Oedipus realizes that he has accidentally killed his father and married his mother just as the prophecy predicted he would. • Oedipus’s wife/mother hangs herself before anyone can stop her. • Oedipus gouges out his own eyes and lives the rest of his life in exile at Colonus. • Antigone, Oedipus’s daughter, stays with him throughout the rest of his life.

  4. Menoeceus Laius -----Jocasta Creon --- Eurydice Oedipus Haemon Polyneices Antigone Ismene Eteocles

  5. Laius-----Jocasta-----Oedipus Polyneices Antigone Jocasta-----Oedipus Eteocles Ismene Polyneices Antigone Ismene Eteocles

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