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Recap: The design of Word Games. We have answered the “four questions” (at least partially): System behavior? Allows a user to play various word games Members of the community? ( one ) User interface & User , ( many ) Transformers, ( many ) Connections How do they interact?
Recap: The design of Word Games • We have answered the “four questions”(at least partially): • System behavior? • Allows a user to play various word games • Members of the community? • (one) User interface & User , (many) Transformers, (many) Connections • How do they interact? • User operates user interface, which creates Transformers and Connections. Transformers communicate through Connections. • What goes inside a Transformer? • ConnectionAcceptors, Connections, etcplus an instruction-follower with rules, such as for Capitalizer: 1. Read input 2. Produce capitalized version of it 3. Write output
How to implement rules: Outline • An instruction-follower has a rule, e.g. for Capitalizer: 1. Read input2. Produce capitalized version of it3. Write output • Now let’s see how to implement such rules, as follows! • What is a String? What can you do with them? • Rules, Parameters, Arguments – Methods • Classes and instances –Creating instances (new) • Fields andconstructors
Strings • Java has a special kind of object called a String: • "Hello""What is this?" • "x&% _()^*!" • Double quotes are not part of the string, they simply indicate where the string begins and ends • Our Transformers are StringTransformers. • Each takes String(s) and produces a transformed String • String concatenation: • "Turkeys are"+"bzzz what?!"yields • "Turkeys arebzzz what?!" • The Java + operator takes two Strings and produces a String
String dot method arguments, in parentheses (start at , end before) What Can You Do with Strings? • Use concatenation operator (per previous slide) • Invoke a String method toUpperCase: • "Hello".toUpperCase() yields "HELLO" • Invoke a String method substring: Numbering starts at zero "Hello".substring(3) yields "Hello".substring(1, 3) yields "Hello".substring(0) yields "lo" "el" "Hello"
Rules, Parameters, Arguments • Now that we know about Strings, we can look inside our Transformers • Here is the transform rule for a Capitalizer: • The parameter: The temporary name thePhrasethat refers to the actual argument supplied to the Capitalizer. • What is the transform rule for a Pedantic Transformer that seems to know everything? • E.g., given "you stink!"it outputs "Obviously you stink!" to transform a String (say, thePhrase),returnthePhrase.toUpperCase(); Answer on next slide
Rules, Parameters, Arguments • Here is the transform rule for a Pedantic: • What do we call whatToSay? • Answer: the parameter • If the parameter whatToSay is given the actual value "you stink", it is called an argument • Could we have used thePhrase instead of whatToSay? • Yes, we could use any legal Java name where we used whatToSay • We must, of course, use the same name throughout the rule • Why is Obviously inside quotes while whatToSay is not? • The phrase Obviously is literally what we want, while whatToSay is only a name that lets us refer to some actual value • Think of another Transformer and write itstransformrule • It should take a String and produce a String to transform a String (say, whatToSay),return"Obviously "+ whatToSay; Questions?
Methods (Rules in Java) • In Java, such rules are called methods • Here is the transform method for a Capitalizer: • The syntax (notation) for a method definition looks like this: • Our example begins with String indicating that the method returns a String • Exercise: Write the transform method for a Pedantic Transformer String transform(String thePhrase) { return thePhrase.toUpperCase(); } ReturnType methodName( Type parameter, ...) { Information on what to do } String transform(String whatToSay) { return "Obviously " + whatToSay; } Answer: Questions?
Classes and Instances • All Capitalizers use the same rule • We say that these Capitalizers are all instances of the Capitalizer class • Capitalizer differs from a generic StringTransformer • in that it uses the particular transform rule (method) that is stated • Write the class Pedantfor a Pedantic Transformer class Capitalizer extends StringTransformer { String transform(String thePhrase) { return thePhrase.toUpperCase(); }} Answer on next slide
Classes and Instances class Pedant extends StringTransformer { String transform(String whatToSay) { return "Obviously " + whatToSay; }} • This class describes what a Pedant can do • The class is like a recipefrom which to make a particular Pedant • The class is not a Pedant itself! • Can you guess what word would we use to create a new Pedant (more precisely, a new instance of a Pedant)? • Answer on next slide
Creating Instances • To create a new instance of a class, we use the new operator: • To create a Pedant in Java, we use new Pedant() • Saying it again cooks up another Pedant: new Pedant()
Many Instances • Creating multiple instances of Transformers makes life interesting. For example: • What does sending "I’m here!" to a Pedant, and sending that Pedant’s output to another Pedant yield? • Answer: "Obviously Obviously I’m here!" • What does sending "not much" to a Pedant, and sending that Pedant’s output to a Capitalizer yield? • Answer: "OBVIOUSLY NOT MUCH" • What does sending "not much" to a Capitalizer, and sending that Capitalizer’s output to a Pedant yield? • Answer: "Obviously NOT MUCH"
Classes, Instances and Fields • One class can describe many different instances • Now let’s see multiple distinct instances of a class,with local state associated with each instance • Two NameDroppers, each with their own myNamefield Rumi Maria Hello Rumi says Hello Maria says Hello
Rumi Maria Hello Rumi says Hello • Consider the transform rule forNameDropper: • myName is • NOT a parameter here (do you see why not?) • a persistent part of the particular NameDropper • So we need a local storage spot, with a name that lives with the NameDropper instance • Such a name is called a field Maria says Hello to transform a String (say, thePhrase),return myName + "says "+ thePhrase;
Maria Hello Rumi Rumi says Hello • In Java, the transform method for NameDropper is: • this.myName means this instance’smyNamefield Maria says Hello String transform(String thePhrase) { return this.myName + " says " + thePhrase; }
Fields and Constructors • A NameDropper must know its name from the very beginning • We use a constructor to set the field called myName: • Then, when we invoke NameDropper’s constructor, we give it an argument: NameDropper(String whatMyNameIs) { this.myName = whatMyNameIs; } new NameDropper("Rumi"); new NameDropper("Maria");
Class:Fields, Constructors, Methods public class NameDropper extends StringTransformer implements StringTransformable { private String name; // field: persistent storage, a permanent part // of each NameDropper public NameDropper(String whatMyNameIs) { // Constructor this.name = whatMyNameIs; } public String transform(String whatToSay) { // Method return this.name + " says " + whatToSay; } } Questions? Private means private to the class. The standard is that fields are generally private and all else is public (for now) – more on this later.
Summary: Java syntax of a class Yellow font on this slide indicates Java syntax. Questions? public class NameDropper extends StringTransformer { private String myName;// field: persistent storage, a permanent part of each object public NameDropper(String whatMyNameIs){ // Creation rule this.myName = whatMyNameIs; } public String transform(String whatToSay){ // Transform rule returnthis.myName +" says "+ whatToSay; } }
Summary • All Transformers obey the same general rules and interface • Each defines a transform method (rule) that takes a Stringand returns a String • This enables us to use the same Connection interaction for all of them • Differences among Transformer behaviors are hidden inside the transform method that each of them implements • Today we saw most of the basic pieces of Java • None was shown in sufficient detail to permit mastery • We’ll revisit all these pieces over the next few weeks!!!