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THE INTEGRATED MONITORING OF THE ATMOSPHERIC AEROSOL IN SIBERIA. Koutsenogii K.P., Koutsenogii P.K. Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion SB RAS, 630090 Novosibirsk, Institutskaya St., 3 koutsen@ns.kinetics.nsc.ru. 1. Content. Introduction. The monitoring aims.
THE INTEGRATED MONITORING OF THE ATMOSPHERIC AEROSOL IN SIBERIA Koutsenogii K.P., Koutsenogii P.K. Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion SB RAS, 630090 Novosibirsk, Institutskaya St., 3 koutsen@ns.kinetics.nsc.ru 1
Content Introduction The monitoring aims The monitoring structure The research results The sources of the atmospheric aerosol (AA) in Siberia The particle size distribution, chemical composition, number and mass concentrations AA in Siberia. It’s spatial and temporal variations The evaluation of the technogenic loading Laboratory and field range researches The mathematical models Data base and GIS technology Summary 2
Introduction At present time even more attention is paid to the effect of long-range transport of continental atmospheric aerosol (AA) to the Polar region. The studies in Norway and Alaska have shown, that Western and Central Siberia may considerably contaminate the atmosphere in Arctic. The cities and many regions of Southern Siberia are strongly contaminated by industrial emissions. 3
Introduction In many cases such powerful point sources of polluting industrial emissions are rather simple for chemistry of an environment and one can expect the obtaining of important scientific results with minimum charges. Simultaneously in Siberia we have remote areas, which are located at huge distances from industrial, highly polluted centers. According to generally accepted opinion, the characteristics of aerosols in these regions are considered to be “background”, this mean aerosols, which are formed due to natural processes, with low influence of polluted substances. Many years of studies of characteristics of atmospheric aerosols in different regions of Earth show, that considerable part of aerosol mass are particles, produced due to wind erosion from the surface of soil and oceans. These are so-called dust and sea salt particles or coarse fraction AA (d>1mkm). The content of particles fine fraction AA (d<1 mkm) of natural and anthropogenic origin is rather low. The Central Siberia during winter period is distanced for few thousand km from the sources of erosion particles. In winter, the earth in Siberia is covered by snow, and water surface, including ocean, is covered by ice. Therefore, during winter, the conditions are rather favorable for studying of long-range transport of industrial pollutants. 4
The monitoring aims · Investigations of laws of formation, transformation and transport of aerosols in Siberian region at local, regional and global scale for determination of their sources and sinks. · Estimation of influence of AA on quality of atmospheric air, levels of contamination of vegetation, soil and water, fate of different substances and elements in objects of environment. · Estimation of an impact of AA of different nature onto people’s health and animals. ·Investigation of AA influence onto atmospheric processes and climate. The monitoring structure 3 1 4 5 2 Mathematical modeling Monitoring Data base and GIS technology Analytical Laboratory and field range researches 5
The scheme of monitoring in North semisphere, 1991 The scheme of monitoring in Siberia, 2002 6
Map of the forest fires in East Siberian region, 2002 Maximum forest fire activity in Tyva Republic 17 July 2002. Autumn outbreak forest fire activity in Buryat Republic and Irkutsk district 22 September 2002 8 Outbreak forest fire activity in Yakutia 14 August 2002
a Number concentration of the pollen grain, m-3 b c Seasonal dynamic of the pollen grain emission in atmosphere (time period from 6 to 9 p.m.),1997 d e a - total number conc.; b - poplar; c - birch; d - pine; e - cereals; f - many-grass f 9
The vertical profile of the microorganism content Y – relative fractions, % X – heigt, m3 Season dynamic of the protein mass concentration ( ) and microorganism number concentration ( ) Mean daily mass concentration change of aerosol and protein spring winter summer autumn X – sampling date Y (left) – total aerosol mass concentration, mg/m3 or mkg/m3 (right) – ratio protein mass concentration to aerosol one 10
Particle size distribution and chemical composition, number and mass concentration atmospheric aerosol in Siberia. It’s spatial and temporal change. The technogenic impact estimation. 11
Submicron particles concentration daily change Daily change of submicron particles Daily change of submicron particles mass concentration during winter and summer 13
Technogenic impact influence on the spatial-temporal change of the AA multielement composition. The relative concentration method. 15
Summer Winter Summer Winter Ionic composition change on south and north Western Siberia Cu, Pb, Cd concentration in surface water Winter Summer Atmospheric aerosol, precipitation and surface water ionic composition. Acid rain problem. 16
Point source Distance from a source(х) Izoline and distribution of the mean annual deposition of the solid particles emission into atmospher from Kuzbas industry cities Line source. Auto route near near Tarko-Sale Total organic ecotoxicants emission 17
K r a s n o s e l k u p, July 1999 The correlation coefficients and factor load of Ni, Cu, Se, Ca2++Mg2+ and SO42- at s.Krasnoselkup Ural Norilsk Annual emission (tonn) any component from Ural and Norilsk enterprises evaluation Air mass direct and back traectories method Air mass pollution zones 18
Laboratory-stand researches Mathematical modeling Data base and GIS-technology 19
Surface Surface Volume Volume Mass-spectrum AA, sampling in Irkutsk and Lystvyanka Kinetic of freon 22 (1) и photosorption N2O (2), NO (3) and N2 (4) photodesorption from MgO surface 22
The vertical sedimentometer channel The thermoenergetics stand 23
Aerosol plume airphotography in the thermo and dinamic inhomogeneous Photograph of a smoke and it’s computer model 24
The vertical velocity isograms during single tier convection. Thick line - clouds contours; thin line - rising air flow; dotted line - descending one. The vertical velocity isogram during two tier convection. Thick line - clouds contours; thin line - rising air flow; dotted line - descending one. The vertical velocity field cross-section at height 500 m.1)convection calls haos position; 2) hexagonal structure during during the weak wind; 3) the convective paths taked one’s bearings velocity vector; 4) cross-section structures during strong velocity displacement. The arid aerosol concentration distribution at height 300 m. 25
Summary The integrate monitoring AA in Siberia was organized. This one permit to determinate the AA microphysical characters and its spatial-temporal change local, regional and global scales. There was organized the information collection that need to design data base and the evaluation of technogenic impact on different biosphere components and health people. 26
Acknowledgements This research received partial support by INTAS, RFBR and SB RAS grants 27