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AOP4 Management support performance

AOP4 Management support performance. Dr F.M.KIMANI DIRECTOR FOR MEDICAL SERVICES. Outline of the presentation. Introduction Achievements by ; Medical services Technical departments Support systems Parastatals Conclusion and way forward. Introduction.

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AOP4 Management support performance

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  2. Outline of the presentation • Introduction • Achievements by ; • Medical services Technical departments • Support systems • Parastatals • Conclusion and way forward MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION

  3. Introduction • Management support plans were based on core functions and responsibilities at the different levels • Provincial level • National level by the divisions, programmes and departments • Parastatals • reports shows the support geared towards delivery of health services in all levels of care (level 1- 6)‘ MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION

  4. Medical Services technical departments Surgery Medicine Standards and regulatory services Diagnostic and Forensic Technical administration Pharmacy Nursing MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION

  5. Dept of medicine achievements • Psychosocial and counselling services integrated in health service delivery • Draft standards and guidelines for medical social workers has been developed. • National guidelines on mental health printed and distributed . • Child survival strategy finalised and Launched. MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION

  6. . Medicine cont • Hospitals were supplied with X-ray logistics • Quarterly supportive supervision done. • The Kenya Board of mental health inspection tours were done. • quarterly nutrition bulletin was produced. • Paediatric care audit done in four hospitals. • Capacity building e.g. Masters in psychiatry; psychiatry nursing • Participation in assessment of nutrition situation in Kenya. MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION

  7. Surgical and rehabilitative servics • Service standards and guidelines for orthopedic technology was developed and disseminated • Procurement and distribution of equipment (orthopedic, physiotherapy, occupational, dental divisions) • Supportive supervisory visits • midterm evaluation of the National eye care strategic plan MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION

  8. Surgical cont • Computers procured for division of orthopedic technology • Provincial quarterly feedback meeting held by orthopedic div.. • Trainings ; • 27 clinical officers at KMTC as anesthetists; • ophthalmic clinical officers and nurses trained in improved eye care. MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION

  9. Surgical cont • Ten senior officers trained in management skills • Forty four orthopedic technologists were trained in management of club foot. • Fifteen of the planned thirty orthopedic technologist were recruited. • A disability survey was done MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION

  10. Nursing services dept • Finalized the nursing strategic plan • Final draft of the surgical catalogue done. • The nursing policies and standards guidelines finalized, • Draft nursing education policy in place • Participated in integrated supportive supervision • 16 nurses trained in peri-operative nursing and 13 in paediatric nursing. • Nursing workforce analysis was done MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION

  11. Pharmaceutical services • Kenya National Pharmaceutical Policy adopted. • Quarterly medicines prices and availability surveys were conducted • National framework for pharmacovigilance and post-marketing surveillance was drafted • 70 newly upgraded district hospitals inducted into the pull system. • 100 rural health facilities in Rift Valley province prepared for the pull system. MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION

  12. Pharmaceutical services • Essential Medicines Management of Supplies (EMMS) guidelines finalised and distributed. • Quantification exercise conducted and report done • Draft of the Kenya Essential Medicines List was developed and reviewed • 91 facility in-charges from Central and Eastern province were trained on the pull system. MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION

  13. Diagnostic and forensic services • SOPs for TB and malaria diagnosis were developed and disseminated • All provincial laboratories were enrolled on external quality assurance • Internal quality assurance established in 1000 VCT sites. • Trainings; • on laboratory data tools, • 6 laboratory managers trained on quality assurance. MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION

  14. Diagnostic and forensic services • 147,690 units of donated blood was screened for use. • Support to maintain and service laboratory equipment was given to the facilities. MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION

  15. Standards and regulatory services • Proposal for accreditation system and for revised KQAM implementation were developed. • A training policy developed and awaits sharing and formal launch. • KQAM master check list and standards for level 2 to 6 were also developed. • A draft e-health strategy developed. MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION

  16. Standards and regulatory services • Inspection of health facilities was carried out jointly with the professional association boards and councils. • Health professional of the year awards successfully held. • country survey on priority issues to inform policy development was done in collaboration with KEMRI. MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION

  17. Technical planning and coordination • Revision of the AOP 5 planning tools • planning units trained on the tools and the planning process, • AOP5 developed and launched. • Coordination of development and signing of performance contracts by health managers • Draft National referral strategy • The revision service charter and implementation in hospitals • development of clinical guidelines MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION

  18. Kenyatta National Hospital • Draft KNH Act prepared with guidance from parliamentary counsel • The hospital service charter translated into Kiswahili and posters displayed in all key service delivery areas, • Accident & Emergency unit opened • Automation of the stores • Phase1of the construction of a boundary fence along Mbagathi road was completed MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION

  19. KNH • Training needs assessment done, • 1,678 staff were trained in-house on leadership skills and organizational behaviour. • The hospital code of conduct developed and approved. • KNH scientific conference held on 18th-19th September 2008. • Simulator installed and commissioned for cancer treatment. MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION

  20. Kenya Medical Training College • Basic training curricula reviewed • 4, 000 competent health professionals graduated • KMTC ISO 9001-2008 Certified • 18 short courses conducted targeting health workers • 16 short courses/ seminars for teaching and non-teaching members of staff in the college. • Computers installed in 27 colleges MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION

  21. Constraints and Challenges • Financial constraints • Competing priorities • Inadequate data/information • Inadequate logistics • Linkage between management support and service delivery MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION

  22. Way forward • Missing reports to be submitted • Reports to be made for all outputs that had been planned for (as per the AOP4 Plan) • Achievement on management support to be linked to service delivery • Outputs that were not achieved to be re-planned in AOP6. MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION


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