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Factors Influencing ED Utilization Among Patient Groups in Local Health Systems.

Analysis of high ED utilization rates among specific populations such as infants, elderly, homeless individuals, and African Americans. Factors include insurance coverage, income level, and access to primary care.

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Factors Influencing ED Utilization Among Patient Groups in Local Health Systems.

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  1. What characteristics of patients and local health systems are associated with ED utilization?

  2. ED Utilization rates are high among:

  3. High use population groups • Infants • Age 75 and above • Nursing home residents • Homeless • African Americans • Individuals covered by insurance (Medicaid/SCHIP)

  4. Annual ED visits by high-use population groups, 2006.

  5. Nursing home residents • Annual ED visits by high use population groups, 2006 • 140 ED visits per 100 individuals • 2% group’s share of all ED visits • Medicaid/SCHIP enrollee 26% share

  6. ED patients who are not admitted to the hospital and frequent ED users account for large shares of total ED volume

  7. 15% admission/ transfer • Not admitted, multiple ED visits

  8. Non-citizen residents of the US use ED at a much lower rate than the national average. African Americans have higher rates.

  9. Non-citizen residents have lower ED utilization rate than the national average (17.2 less per 100 population) • African American residents use the ED more frequently then white (by 9.9 visits per 100 population)

  10. Without controlling for other factors, the rate of ED use is higher for uninsured patients relative to the privately insured.

  11. The rate of ED use is higher for patients covered by insurance relative to the uninsured patients.

  12. Uninsured patients use the ED at the same rate as the privately insured (after adjustment).

  13. Expected payer distribution of total ED visits, 2006 • Private insurance 40%

  14. The recent growth in volume of ED utilization is driven by individuals with private insurance, higher income and private physicians as their usual source of care.

  15. The share of visits attributable to patients with income above 400% of the poverty level increased from 21.9 to 29.0% • Shares for other income groups fell or fluctuated with no pattern. • Rising use of ambulatory care (from 52.4 to 59.0%)

  16. Low income and poor health are strong predictors of ED utilization

  17. Poorer health of Medicaid patients vs uninsured patients • Self reported health status • Presence of chronic illness • Difficulty with activities of daily living

  18. Frequent ED users have substantially physical and mental health problems and typically low income

  19. ED as a supplement rather than a substitute for other forms of care • Higher than average utilization of other health services • Have a usual source of acre outside the ED

  20. Patients with “extreme” levels of ED use have a variety of complex physical and mental health problems

  21. The supply and capacity of providers to meet the demand for ambulatory care also influences the rate of ED use within communities.

  22. High ED Utilization rate in communities • Limited primary care providers • Greater supply of ED capacity

  23. How frequently do patients use the ED for non-urgent or preventable conditions?

  24. Use of the ED for non-urgent and preventable conditions appears to be very common and growing. But identification of these conditions remains imprecise.

  25. All of the increase in total ED visits between 1997-1998 and 1999-2000 attribute to visits classified as semi-urgent, non-urgent or no/unknown triage. (National Center for Health Statistics and Cunningham) • 56% of ED visits were classified as ambulatory care sensitive from 1997-2000 (Weinick et al.)

  26. Use of the ED for ambulatory care sensitive conditions is associated with limited access, financial or otherwise to, primary care providers.

  27. Utilization is high among: Medicaid patients and uninsured/self-pay. • Those with a regular doctor were significantly lees likely to have a non-urgent ED visit. (5 EDs at NE US) • Simply having access to clinic care does not reduce non-urgent ED use. (St. Louis clinic)

  28. Children age 5 and under are very likely to use the ED for non-urgent conditions.

  29. What are the factors that influences this utilization?

  30. Preference for ED care (focus group) • Convenience • Access to specialty care • Availablity of higher quality care • Service to all kinds of patients

  31. More patient perceptions • Professional reassurance • Verification of non-urgency • Parental responsibility

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