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HBCU Ambassador Initiative Tri-Slides CAPT Steven T. Baynes Coast Guard Liaison to NAFEO/HBCUs. http://www.ed.gov/about/inits/list/whhbcu/edlite-index.html. Hampton University LT Deon Scott, 9/01/2009 Report. FUTURE OPERATIONS / ENGAGEMENT. CURRENT OPERATIONS.
HBCU Ambassador Initiative Tri-SlidesCAPT Steven T. BaynesCoast Guard Liaison to NAFEO/HBCUs http://www.ed.gov/about/inits/list/whhbcu/edlite-index.html
Hampton UniversityLT Deon Scott,9/01/2009 Report FUTURE OPERATIONS / ENGAGEMENT CURRENT OPERATIONS • 24 Sep: Career Fair Week – LT Deon Scott, LT Lenell Carson, RuitOff Chesapeake • 26 Sep: White House Diversity Event –LT Deon Scott, LT Navin Griffin • 5-6 Nov: HU Executive Leadership Summit –ADM Cook? • William Harvey Leadership Institute • TBD: The William R. Harvey Leadership Institute at Hampton University offers the undergraduate student a curriculum option that enhances the regular university experience. It is an intensive, interactive undergraduate minor designed to develop entry-level leaders for the workplace and community who are competent, committed and ethical. There are about 20-25 students from each classification. The have a range of different majors including STEM. Intent is to get RDML Cook as a guest leadership speaker. • Partners Program • The Hampton University Career Counseling Center Partners Program will proudly display the logos of those corporations that support Career Center programs and University initiatives. • An employer will be able to email its logo to: careercenter@hamptonu.edu and the University's Webmaster. Our logo will provide a link to a special page that will allow the students having 3.0 honor and above Grade Point Averages access to the corporation's internships, hidden jobs, co-ops, scholarships, student receptions, conferences, student panels, and special programs. • 30 Jun :We have established a great working relationship with the Career Center, as well as the School of Engineering. They are excited about our participation on campus, and supportive of the CSPI program. • Corporate Ambassador: • The corporate ambassador program is managed through the Career Planning Office. Our OTs are allowed to speak on the CGs behalf on campus, and in classrooms (with Professor approval). Basically, they are afforded levels of access that gets direct info to students. • CSPI Info Session: • On campus OTs will setup information sessions and seminars. FOCUS AREAS – ISSUES • RDML Cook has requested to sponsor Hampton U.Tremendous opportunity for an MOU with CG and Hampton U. • We currently have 02 OTs on campus ready to get the word out. • We have excellent working relationships with the Career Center, and School of Engineering
Morehouse CollegeLT Deon Scott, LTJG Quinton Dubose, LTJG Fred Pugh9/01/2009 Report FUTURE OPERATIONS / ENGAGEMENT CURRENT OPERATIONS • 25 Sep: AUC Career Week – LCDR Merchant, LTJG Dubose • Ambassador will attend AUC career fair and associated events • 25 SEP Morehouse- Science Dept Mtg • LTJG Dubose set up meetings to discuss CG opportunities with Alumni Affairs and School of Science and Engineering • 18-25 Oct Morehouse Homecoming • Combined Morehouse/Spelman Homecoming events- Mbr will liaise with other Ambassadors and speak at events/present during classes/set up a booth to educate students/parents/faculty about CSPI scholarship opportunity. • ATC Mobile Fly over and local schools presentation 25 Aug : We visited the campus during freshman orientation week. Met with staff member in in the science and math Department. We have established a great working relationship with the Career Center and they are excited about our participation on campus, and supportive of the CSPI program. Currently running color ad in AUC Digest College newspaper for the Atlanta University Center (Clark Atlanta, Spelman and Morehouse) FOCUS AREAS – ISSUES • Looking to identify a potential opportunity for CG Flag Officer sponsorship: Meeting with ADM Keith Taylor to discuss • We currently have 02 OTs on campus ready to get the word out. • We have excellent working relationships with the Career Center, and School of Engineering. Met with Executive Director of Morehouse scholars program who has access to many of the brightest students on campus. Many of which have unmet financial aid needs.
Spelman College LCDR Zeita Merchant9/24/2009 Report FUTURE OPERATIONS / ENGAGEMENT CURRENT OPERATIONS • Opportunity to have unlimited access to display a promotional table in the Manley Student Center during the academic year (August 2009 – May 2010). • Opportunity to have unlimited access to display a promotional table in the Manley Student Center during the academic year (August 2009 – May 2010). • Opportunity to set-up one (1) booth display at the following 2009 Homecoming activities: Kick-Off Jam • (October 18th) and Market Friday (October 23rd). • Opportunity for U.S. Coast Guard representatives to make welcome remarks during the following programs and special events: 2009 Homecoming Neo-Soul Concert (October 20, 2009); SSGA Speakers Series • (November 9-13, 2009); World AIDS Day (November 19, 2009). • CSPI Ad will run in AUC digest throughout the semester • CGRC has created a COIs with the Career Services Directors and Financial Aid Director and various administrators. • Aug 17-21: LCDR Zeita Merchant & LT Tamisha Williams wet with University Officials and participated in Freshman Orientation week activities including a promo table in the cafeteria • U.S. Coast Guard has joined as a Leadership Sponsor of the Office of Student Life & Engagement: • Name and/or logo recognition on the Spelman College award-winning website which receives 20,000 unique visitors each month; recognition in at least one (1) issue of the Spelman Connection – weekly electronic announcement distributed to more than 15,000 households. FOCUS AREAS – ISSUES • CGRC and HBCU Ambassadors have done an excellent job building relationships with key personnel at Spelman College. • ADM Landry spoke at Spelman for a Key Note Leadership event and will serve as a flag sponsor for Spelman college
South Carolina State UniversityLCDR Christy Rutherford, LCDR Pride Sanders9/24/2009 Report FUTURE OPERATIONS / ENGAGEMENT CURRENT OPERATIONS • Delivery of Coast Guard Pamphlets and material • Sep 17th – Job Fair – LT Christy Casey will attend. • Oct/Nov TBD – RADM Branham visit SCSU as guest speaker • Week of October 26 – Nov 1st (Homecoming Week) This week would be a perfect time to promote the CSPI program at SCSU. Currently we have 0 CSPI students at SCSU and none in the pipeline at the CG Recruiting Office in Columbia • Date: Fall semesterPublic Service Announcement • Speaking opportunities in classes and career center Date: all year/dates TBD • 28 Aug: Capt Baynes, LCDR Pride L. Sanders & LCDR Christy Rutherfordmet with school officials in the career development facility. Promoted the fact South Carolina State University was responsible for almost 10% of all African American officers in the Coast Guard. Career Services staff and School Officials have requested that a return trips/visits be made throughout the fall 2009 semester. • There is currently a CG booth in the student center. The CG website will be included on the career counselor’s webpage. CG officers will come back as guest speakers in the classrooms. FOCUS AREAS – ISSUES • Looking to discuss sponsorship opportunities with ADM Branham • The staff was amazed at our presentation and passion for helping students at SCSU. We felt welcomed and the meeting went off without a hitch. Because of our past history of success with graduates, the faculty members believe there could and should be more recipients from this college. Mr. Thomas stated he wants the Coast Guard to become a household name at SCSU. We advised SC State of the individuals we wanted to meet. Instead of speaking with only the counselors, we attempted to get into all aspects of the students lives (i.e. all of the staff they come in contact with). In the future we will set up with R/O to provide support for follow up interviews.
Bowie State UniversityLTJG Eric Marshall9/18/2009 Report FUTURE OPERATIONS / ENGAGEMENT CURRENT OPERATIONS • 29 Sep: Will meet with Career Center and ROTC program manager to establish a relationship and being discussions on how to integrate the Coast Guard in to the school. Also plan on meeting with CG recruiting office DC to gain a understand of how they attract minorities into CG. • 14 Oct: Will conduct student outreach. Setup up information booths and walk around talking to students informing them on the benefits the CG has to offer. • NONE TO DATE FOCUS AREAS – ISSUES • Establishing a relationship between BSU and the CG • Develop a strategic plan to attract students to the CG
Clark Atlanta UniversityLT Deon Scott 9/25/2009 Report FUTURE OPERATIONS / ENGAGEMENT CURRENT OPERATIONS • 03 Oct 09: Clark Atlanta University Homecoming • 19 Feb 10: Clark Atlanta University Career Fair • Delivery of Coast Guard Pamphlets and material for student information. • Participate in Clark Atlanta E-recruiting system. Clark Atlanta University now uses eRecruiting for career events such as career seminars, career fairs, job postings and to list information sessions and information tables • 30 Aug: We are beginning a working relationship with Clark Atlanta University. I visited the university’s Director of Career Planning and Placement Services. They were very receptive and accommodating. The Director of the Cooperative Education and Placement Services has offered to place CSPI and other Coast Guard program information in the Financial Aid Office, and on Student Bulletin Boards. • I also dropped of CSPI fliers in the Financial Aid Office with a promise to come back and sit down with the Financial Aid Director. • Currently running color ad in AUC Digest College newspaper for the Atlanta University Center (Clark Atlanta, Spelman and Morehouse) FOCUS AREAS – ISSUES Looking to identify a potential opportunity for CG Flag Officer/SES sponsorship We currently have 00 OTs on campus, but we do have OTs on the adjoined campuses that comprise the Atlanta University Center. We have excellent working relationships with the Career Center, and looking to build our brand awareness on campus.
Elizabeth City State UniversityMr. Thom Roddy, LCDR, USN, Ret. Associate AmbassadorChief, General Logistics – Base Support Unit Elizabeth City FUTURE OPERATIONS / ENGAGEMENT CURRENT OPERATIONS • Working with Carlas White, Director Student Activities on a joint Coast Guard / ECSU concert and comedy event for fall 2009 and spring 2010. • We’re also looking at joint sporting events including a bowling tournament at ECSU’s bowling alley for the fall. • Lastly we’re looking at hosting the ECSU Jazz Ensemble at the base club and opening the event to all students and faculty with ECSU ID. • The process of building our relationship and partnership has begun in earnest in June 2008. Since that time, Captain Carol Bennett and I attended an orientation by Dr. Sharp, Director, Aviation School on ECSU’s new Aviation Program. Additionally we attended a brief on ECSU’s new Pharmacy School, and have met with Dr. Geofrey Mills, Dean School of Business on opportunities for collaboration. • ECSU ranked #11 among HBCU’s by US News and World Report 2010 Best Colleges. • 4 August 2009: We gave ECSU a free booth at our Coast Guard Day celebration attended by over 3K guests this year. Great opportunity to expose our workforce to our hometown school. FOCUS AREAS – ISSUES Our focus to date has been on building a relationship with ECSU that is both collegial and collaborative. It is clear that Coast Guard and ECSU have much to gain by forming partnership where possible. We (USCG) desire the diversity in our service that students at ECSU could bring to us, and ECSU desires the diversity our base population could bring to their campus.
Florida A&M UniversityLT Eric Wilson9/20/2009 Report FUTURE OPERATIONS / ENGAGEMENT CURRENT OPERATIONS • LT Wilson will discuss outreach options with LTC Williams after the homecoming events. • LT Wilson will coordinate with Senior Chief Gordon (CGRC) to acquire school contact information and arrange for a telephone conference to discuss future USCG activities and marketing on the campus. • LT Wilson will work with ATC Mobile to arrange for training flights to the Tallahassee, FL airport for tours of USCG aircraft. • CGRC (Senior Chief Gordon) is currently the lead in organizing USCG participation in the 2009 Florida A&M University Homecoming for the week of 19-25 October. • LT Wilson has arranged for a Fly-by of the homecoming game using an HC144A, and is awaiting word if ATC Mobile can support a static display sometime throughout the week. LT Wilson has been working with LTC Jeffrey Williams, the head of the University’s ROTC program. LTC Williams is supportive of the CSPI program. FOCUS AREAS – ISSUES Our focus to date must be on increasing our visibility throughout the campus. FAMU students must become aware of the opportunities the USCG can provide for their future and career development. This is an on-going process and we must leverage the strength of our current relationships with the school to afford us new opportunities in outreach into this community.
N.C. A&T State UniversityLCDR Dwayne Meekins,9/21/2009 Report FUTURE OPERATIONS / ENGAGEMENT CURRENT OPERATIONS • 31 Oct: NC A&T Homecoming • 2 – 3 Nov: CDR Adrian West & LCDR Dwayne Meekins will return to A&T to continue outreach. Also to conduct interviews for CSPI applicants. • CSPI Info Session: OT King is working on setting up an information session to continue getting the word out. This session will take place during our 2 – 3 November visit. • 15 – 16 Sep: We have established a great working relationship with the University to include the Office of Career Services, Office of Financial Aid, the School of Engineering, the Athletic Department, WNAA (the school radio station). They are excited about our participation on campus and are supportive of the CSPI program. FOCUS AREAS – ISSUES • We currently have 1 OT on campus already getting the word out. • We have 1 student who has already completed the application process and is only awaiting an interview. • The Career Fair on 16 Sep was pretty fruitful. We identified 6 additional students who are in various stages of package preparation. We plan to conduct interviews for each during our 2-3 November visit. • With continued focus & exposure, we believe we can find another 4/5 applicants for the upcoming CSPI board. • We also had a DCE applicant who is in the process of completing his package stop by the booth.
Norfolk State UniversityLT Masamba Moses, LT Deon Scott 9/25/2009 Report FUTURE OPERATIONS / ENGAGEMENT CURRENT OPERATIONS • 14 Oct: Norfolk State University Career Fair • Spring 2010 Date TBD: Norfolk State University Spring Career Fair • 30-31 Oct: NSU Homecoming Events • Early October: CGRC already has information sessions planned for NSU’s campus • Delivery of Coast Guard Pamphlets and material for student information. • 08 Sep: NSU/CG MOA signing – The Coast Guard and Norfolk State University worked together to offer scholarships and internships to minorities. The Coast Guard gets support for recruiting in return for giving academic options to NSU students and faculty. Officials say the partnership will be a model for other Coast Guard higher education initiatives with Historically Black Colleges and Universities. • - NSU students may participate in internships in operations, intelligence studies, community relations, marketing/publicity, and information services among others. • - NSU students may participate in the Coast Guard’s volunteer service program in which they will work side-by-side with Coast Guard junior officers and civilian personnel. FOCUS AREAS – ISSUES • RADM Hewitt is the current Flag Sponsor for NSU. • Currently there are 00 active CSPI student assigned to the NSU. This will no doubt change due to the exposure from the CG/NSU partnership. CGRC (LT Carson) has planned some outreach events on campus in the near future that will generate leads for recruiting. FS1 Haggins of RO Chesapeake has good rapport with staff on campus and is doing an excellent job at the local career fairs.
Savannah State UniversityChristy Casey, LT, AmbassadorPrevention Chief – Marine Safety Unit Savannah FUTURE OPERATIONS / ENGAGEMENT CURRENT OPERATIONS • Working with Shaunce White on attending SSU’s October 7, 2009 Career Fair. • We’re also targeting SSU’s Homecoming event as a recruiting platform on 30-31 Oct. • We are making steady progress in establishing a great working relationship with Savannah State. To further that end, contact has been made with the Career Development Center’s Coordinator of Career Services Mr. Shaunce Reilly regarding different outreach opportunities available. • SSU hosts a robust Marine Science Professional Degree Program, as well as a number of Engineering programs that we are looking to form bonds with over the course of the next few months. FOCUS AREAS – ISSUES To create lasting partnerships with the Marine Science and Engineering programs as well as the Career Development Office.
Texas Southern UniversityCDR Adrian L. West,9/24/2009 Report FUTURE OPERATIONS / ENGAGEMENT CURRENT OPERATIONS • 29 Oct: Texas Southern University Career Fair • Delivery of Coast Guard Pamphlets and material for student information. • At a date TBD, plan to engage the Port of Houston Authority to look for opportunities for Coast Guard involvement in the development of the course curriculum or instruction for the university’s Maritime Transportation Management and Security program. Vision of opportunities include CG billet assignment to TSU as an instructor at no cost to TSU, CG internships for students of this discipline, Summer Work-study program at CG Sector for students for course credit. • http://www.tsu.edu/pages/10.asp?item=6784 • 22 Sep: We are beginning a working relationship with Texas Southern University. LTJG Quinton DuBose and I visited the university’s Office of Cooperative Education and Placement Services. They were very receptive and accommodating to the point of inviting us back to participate in their upcoming Career Fair at no cost. The Director of the Cooperative Education and Placement Services has offered to place CSPI and other Coast Guard program information on the University’s Facebook site and place Coast Guard information in the office spaces. • We have also been made aware of a new degree program in Maritime Transportation Management and Security that will be introduced on campus in 2011. This is the result of a partnership between the university and the Port of Houston Authority. They say there may be opportunities for Coast Guard personnel to serve as guest instructors and lecturers. FOCUS AREAS – ISSUES • Currently there is only 1 active CSPI student assigned to the local Houston Recruiting Office. This student is from Stephen F. Austin University which is 3 ½ hours away from Houston. Prior to LTJG DuBose’s and my visit to the TSU campus, the Coast Guard had zero visibility amongst the student population. We were approached by curious students and asked questions about missions, scholarships, and employment opportunities. This says that this student body is open to military service and is interested in jobs concerning Maritime missions and security.
Xavier University of LouisianaCharles Donaldson, Jr., LTJG, Lead Ambassador FUTURE OPERATIONS / ENGAGEMENT CURRENT OPERATIONS • NOLA HBCU Career Fair – 29 September 2009 • Will be held at XU • Continuing to build relationship with Administrators, Staff members, and students at XU • LT Summers has met with the Director of Career Services • LTJG Donaldson has met with Mirian Minnard, Associate Director of Career Services, on several occasions to discuss advertising/recruiting options • for the CG. Some of the options are listed below: • Speaking at the monthly Department Meetings and the Student Government or Class meetings • Including information on the monthly XU bulletin • Outside agencies are allowed to set up informational booths/table every Tuesday and Thursday in the University Center FOCUS AREAS – ISSUES Our focus is to continue to build a relationship with the administrators, staff members, and students at Xavier University. We are also brainstorming the different ways that we will reach out to the students. XU has a outstanding Pharmacy program and is #1 in placing African American students into medical school. With that being said, it will be a challenge to recruit at the university because a majority of the students are biology and pharmacy majors. They may not be able to see how the CG will align with their educational and career goals.
Delaware State UniversityLCDR Richard HowellLT Evelynn Samms,9/18/2009 Report FUTURE OPERATIONS / ENGAGEMENT CURRENT OPERATIONS • 01 Oct: Military Mini Career Fair – LCDR Rick Howell, LT Evelynn Samms, and a local recruiter (possibly from the Philly office) • 10 Oct: Parents Day – LCDR Rick Howell, LT Evelynn Samms (tentative) • 22 - 24 Oct: Homecoming and Career Fair. On 22Oct, DSU is holding a job fair on the main campus. The job fair is an opportunity to meet with undergraduate and graduate students seeking full time employment. Additionally we will be able to meet with faculty during the job fair. On 24Oct (Homecoming festivities), we are proposing to have an information booth set up in the student center or near the stadium talking to prospective candidates and their parents. We will request a recruiter to attend for specific questions. • Partners Program: • In talks with the School of Airway Science to spread the word on CSPI, direct commission aviation and the BLUE21 program. http://www.desu.edu/som/airway_science/ • The Airway Science Program provides students with quality education and experience in preparation for careers in the aviation industry. Curricula in the Program lead to a Bachelor's of Science degree with concentrations in Airway Science Management or Airway Science Systems (Professional Pilot). The POC a Mr. Fred Cooke was at our meeting on 15July. • 15 July :We have established a working relationship with the Director of Career Services, as well as the program manager for the School of Airway Science. They are very excited about our participation on campus, particularly on the Aviation side. • As a result of our meeting we have been invited to several campus events, and are discussing adding the CSPI scholarship information as a possible link to the DSU scholarship / recuriting web page. Currently DSU has a web-based recruiting system. The CSPI information can be posted as a job and can include the information students need to know. The link is: • https://desu-csm.symplicity.com/emplopyers/ • CSPI Info Session: • Currently there are no Officer Trainees on the campus. FOCUS AREAS – ISSUES • Proximity of the nearest recruiting Office. In the past the Dover recruiting office was the main hub for the Officer Trainees. However that office has since closed and the nearest is located in Philadelphia (Over 60 miles away). • The career fair on the 22 has a registration fee of 200.00.
Lemoyne Owen College, Memphis, TNLCDR Will Watson9/28/2009 Report FUTURE OPERATIONS / ENGAGEMENT CURRENT OPERATIONS • 21-23 October: Visiting Professor during Black Executive Exchange Program event. Will conduct in-class presentations on leadership and will discuss CG Career Opportunities. • Will also conduct presentation on CG Careers in Student Center • 20 Jul : Have made great in-roads to College over the last 8 months. Have met with College President, Johnnie B. Watson, have ongoing dialogue with the Director of Career Services, Dr. Denita Hedgeman, and am establishing links to Dr. Imani Fryar, Director of the WEB Dubois Scholars Program (all students 3.5 GPA or better). • 18 Sep: Presentation to WEB Dubois Scholars on CG and CSPI opportunities, Missions Day opportunity – 6 students began CSPI applications, 1 will apply to OCS. • Have been invited back to follow-on presentation week of 19 October. FOCUS AREAS – ISSUES • Seeking to establish feeder from WEB Dubois Scholars Program to CSPI • Establishing CG presence at university through mentoring • Will spread influence to Southwest Comm College (and Central High School) during next visit.
Jackson State University, Jackson, MSLCDR Will Watson9/28/2009 Report FUTURE OPERATIONS / ENGAGEMENT CURRENT OPERATIONS • 30 Sep - 1 Oct: Will attend JSU annual career fair and meet with Director of Career Svcs. and coordinate follow-on mtg with Pres. J State to discuss CG/J State MOU. • 20 Oct: Student Engagement in Student Center with RECRUITOFF Jackson, MS. • TBD – Meeting with CCS and President, J State • Have established relationship with Director of Career Services, College of Business, Ms. Lori Swanier. She has opened the door to the University’s Director of Career Services, Lashanda Jordan. Expect to meet with both on 1 October. • Over the course of the last 9 months have visited J State 4 times. Initially accessed staff through Economics Professor McKinley Alexander. FOCUS AREAS – ISSUES • Will work toward establishing more formal relationship with J State with CCS as potential sponsor. • J State has historically been one of the CG’s key sources of CSPI students. Would like to rekindle that relationship. • Recruitoff is located very nearby. PO Michelle Washington (Recruiter) has been a great partner and strong presence on campus.