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The Synchronous Programming Model and Its Applciations

The Synchronous Programming Model and Its Applciations. Gérard Berry Chief Scientist Esterel Technologies www.esterel-technologies.com Gerard.Berry@esterel-technologies.com. Embedded Systems. computers -> embedded and networked SoCs complete change in device interaction

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The Synchronous Programming Model and Its Applciations

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  1. The Synchronous Programming Model and Its Applciations Gérard Berry Chief Scientist Esterel Technologies www.esterel-technologies.com Gerard.Berry@esterel-technologies.com

  2. Embedded Systems • computers -> embedded and networked SoCs • complete change in device interaction • growing number of critical applications • airplanes, automobiles, medical devices, robot surgeon • smart cards, electronic wallets

  3. Automatic toll Automatic toll Light control Light control Alarm detection Alarm detection Air Con Air Con Radio Radio Panel Panel Engine control Engine control Sleep detector Sleep detector GPS GPS Gearbox Gearbox Airbags Airbags Clutch Clutch Radar Radar ABS ABS Direction Direction Supension Supension Global Coordination

  4. Hardware or Software? Embedded Systems on Chip • Many processing units • Large embedded software CPU DSP GLU RAM ROM FPGA

  5. Ennemy number 1 : the bug • Therac 25 : lethal irradiations • Dharan's Patriot • Ariane V • Mars explorers • High-end automobile problems • Pentium, SMP cpu networks • Telephone and camera bugs Bugs grow faster than Moore's law!

  6. As soon as we started programming, we found to our surprise that it wasn’t as easy to get programs right as we had thought. Debugging had to be discovered. I can remember the exact instant when I realized that a large part of my life from then on was going to be spent in finding mistakes in my own programs. Maurice Wilkes, 1949

  7. How to avoid or control bugs? • Traditional : better verification by fancier simulation • Next step : better design • better and more reusable specifications • simpler computation models, formalisms, semantics • reduce architect / designer distance • reduce hardware / software distance • Better tooling • higher-level synthesis • formal property verification / program equivalence • certified libraries

  8. Classical computation models are inadequate • Turing complete => too powerful, too hard to verify • No need for fancy dynamic memory allocation • Concurrency is mandatory, but too difficult (e.g. threads) • Determinism is mandatory, but contradicts concurrency • Implementation of classical control theory not obvious • Inadapted to circuit design

  9. There are much simpler models ! Asynchronous data-flow: Kahn Networks, Ptolemy simple, easy concurrency, nice semantics widely used in multimedia devices data-deterministic, but no support for distributed control Domain-specific synchronous languages simple, easy concurrency, nice semantics determinism, distributed control same source code compiled to hardware or software Direct match with embedded systems foundations control engineering : sampling theory, automata theory circuit design : RTL logic, transactional modeling

  10. P||Q Concurrency : the compositionality principle Q R P

  11. d t t’ t’’ P||Q Q R P t’’ = t + d + t’ t’’ ~ t ~ d ~ t’ t ~ t + t

  12. Only 3 solutions : • t arbitrary asynchrony • t = 0 synchrony • t predictable vibration

  13. _ + Cl H t arbitrary : Brownian Motion _ + + H Cl _ HCL H Cl + _ H HCL Cl + HCL H Chemical reaction Internet routing HCL +

  14. Zero delay example: Newtonian Mechanics Concurrency + Determinism Calculations are feasible

  15. the most difficult real-time manoeuver ever Here should be a fabulous drawing of Hergé’s    "On a Marché sur la Lune", in English "Explorers on the Moon". French edition, page 10, first drawing. Drunk Captain Haddock has become a satellite of the Adonis asteroid. To catch him, Tintin, courageously standing on the rocket's side, asked Pr. Calculus to start the rocket's atomic engine. At precisely the right time, he shouts "STOP"! This is the trickiest real-time manoeuver ever performed by man. It required a perfect understanding of Newtonian Mechanics and absolute synchrony.

  16. t predictable : vibration Nothing can illustrate vibration better than Bianca Castafiore, Hergé's famous prima donna. See [1] for details. The power of her voice forcibly shakes the microphone and the ears of the poor spectators. [1] King's Ottokar Sceptre, Hergé, page 29, last drawing. propagation of light, electrons, program counter...

  17. The synchronous model Bianca Castafiore singing for the King Muskar XII in Klow, Syldavia. King's Ottokar Sceptre, page 38, first drawing. Although the speed of sounds is finite, it is fast enough to look infinite. Full abstraction! If room small enough, predictable delay implements zero-delay Specify with zero-delay Implement with predictable delay Control room size (delay analysis)

  18. Software Synchronous Systems Cycle based read inputs compute reaction produce outputs Synchronous = within the same cycle propagate control propagate signals Zero-delay : standard model in control theory


  20. Synchronous languages • Started in the 80's • ESTEREL : Ecole des Mines / INRIA, SyncCharts : Un. Nice • LUSTRE : IMAG, SIGNAL : INRIA Rennes • SAO : Aerospatiale -> Airbus, Gala : Thalès • Reactive C: Ecole des Mines, TCCP : Xerox, Quartz : Karlsruhe, • Ptolemy : Berkeley, Lava : Chalmers, Xilinx • Industrial use in the 90's • LUSTRE / SCADE : nuclear plants (Schneider), avionics (Airbus) • Esterel : avionics (Dassault), telecom • Signal / SILDEX : continuous control (SNECMA, EDF) • Ptolemy-based systems (CoCentric) : hardware & signal processing • => Full development in the 2000's

  21. Esterel SyncCharts Argos PBS Lustre SCADE Signal Lava Data vs. Control signals signals control data values values Esterelv7

  22. 0. U * - X pre + sin pre 1. S + cos pre Data-Dominated Designs Behavior steady,data flows data path, signal processing, continuous control Lustre / SCADE : sequential equations, declarative Yt= sin(Xt) * cos(Yt-1) Y = sin(X) * cos(pre(Y)) boxes = operators arrows = data flows

  23. Control-Dominated Designs Behavior keeps changing, little data handling state-machine control bus protocols, memory / cache / pipeline control Esterel v5 / SyncCharts : imperative + hierarchical behavior abort sustain DmaReq when DmaOk; abort abort every ByteIn do emit ByteOut (?ByteIn) end every when DmaEnd when 10 MilliSecond do emit TimeOut end abort boxes = states arrows = transitions names = signals hierarchy = preemption

  24. The Evolution: Mixed Designs Tricky control path + extensive data path Multi-mode signal processing, alarm detection and handling Bus bridges, QoS arbiters, fancy memory control • Software: SCADE incorporates Esterel state machines • Hardware: Esterel v7 incorporates Lustre equations • + more system-oriented design features • UML architecture description • configuration management • requirement traceability

  25. Embedded software design flow Informal specs Matlab / Simulink modeling Formal verification SAT + numbers (Prover plug-in) simulation animation SCADE data flow automata DO 178-B certifiable code generator Embedded C / ADA code Semantics preservation + compiler certification: = no unit test needed on C code. Airbus : 50% savings

  26. Esterel v7 Hardware Design Flow Paper spec Esterel Spec (unique reference) C simulation System C FPGA proto. Formal verification Test generation hardware : VHDL, Verilog software: C, C++ semantics is preserved throughout the flow

  27. UART with OPB Interface

  28. Formal semantics • Data-Flow • functional fixpoint equations + clock calculus (Lustre, Signal) • balance equations (Ptolemy) • Integration within Haskell (Lava, O'Haskell) • Control-flow • transition systems, SOS rules (Esterel) • coalgebras, coinduction (Kieburtz, Pouzet) • constructive logic (Esterel, Mendler) Programs exactly mean what they say

  29. E’ k F’ l p p’ q q’ E E E’ k p p’ k = 0 E E’ k p p’ ; p * * E E’ U F’ max(k,l) p’ | q’ p | q E Structural Operational Semantics (SOS)

  30. Kieburtz Coalgebra Style

  31. Compilers • Data-flow to software (Lustre / SCADE, Signal) • inline expansion, toplogical sorting • optimization: memory allocation, locality • (limited by traceability) • Control-flow to hardware (Esterel) • structural translation to RTL + sequential optimization • program dependency graph + smart encoding (Columbia) • Control-flow to software • RTL simulation in software (Esterel v5 / v7) • static scheduling of control-flow graph (Synopsys) • static scheduling of aggregated blocks (France Telecom, INRIA, Columbia)

  32. Different communities, different needs • Safety-critical software : keep it simple • prefer graphical programming • add unit-delays to break cyclic dependencies • => strong acyclicity constraints on dependencies • => simplified state machines • Efficient hardware : maximal power • textual programming + some state machines • agressively pack computations in the cycle • play with combinational / sequential logic (pipeline) • accept clever cycles (reincarnation, combinational cycles) • => minimal language restrictions

  33. Different communities, same needs • Better specifications • golden models, linked to system models • formal contracts with subcontractors • Better synthesis • why recode by hand? • Better formal verification • property checking • sequential equivalence Architects and designers start understanding the value of formal methods

  34. Conclusion • A very simple specific computation model • valid for software and hardware • A high degree of concurrency • but still deterministic • Mathematical semantics • made understandable and usable • Compiling to hardware and software • correct by construction • Formal verification • based on mathematical semantics

  35. Work in progress • Improve the technology • compiling / synthesis: memory / gates footprint • verification, test generation: performance • Extend the scope • software: distribution on networks • hardware: multiclock, clock gating • modeling of non-deterministic systems (SoC) • => add controlled non-deterministic concurrency

  36. Some references • Nicolas Halbwachs “Synchronous Programming of Reactive Systems”, Kluwer Academic, 1993 • Gerard Berry “The Foundations of Esterel”, Proof, Language and Interaction: Essays in Honour of Robin Milner, MIT Press, Foundations of Computing Series, 2000. • Gerard Berry, “The constructive Semantics of Pure Esterel”, on-line book, http://www.esterel-technologies.com • Albert Benveniste et al. “The Synchronous Languages 12 Years Later”, IEEE Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 91, No. 1, 2003 • Stephen Edwards, "languages for Embedded Systems", Kluwer, http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/~sedwards/cec/ • Dick Kieburtz, "Reactive Programming for Embedded Controllers" • Dick Kieburtz, "Reactive Functional Programming"

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