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Welcome!. Introduction of Executive Board Ice Breaker- QUIZZO! Habitat History In recent news… Current Event! Builds Committees Fundraising Committee Education Committee Coalition Committee NEW : Build Committee & Internal/External Liaison position Conclusion. Overview.
Introduction of Executive Board Ice Breaker- QUIZZO! Habitat History In recent news… Current Event! Builds Committees Fundraising Committee Education Committee Coalition Committee NEW: Build Committee & Internal/External Liaison position Conclusion Overview
Introduction of Board Members Co-Presidents: Seth Pollack & Amanda Liew Fundraising Chair: Nikita Anand & Hannah Smythe Secretary/Webmaster: Julie Kim Education Chair/CHAC Liaison: Shannon Macika Treasurer/SAC Rep: Nicola Ferretti Coalition Liaison: Mark Pantano Build Coordinator: Kristin Mullen
Overview of Habitat for Humanity Main goal: to provide clean, decent and stable housing for low income families Families fill out an application and are chosen based on their financial need, along with their commitment to put in hours to build their home. Once their home is built, families receive a 0% interest mortgage.
Overview of Habitat for Humanity • Habitat has helped thousands of low-income families find new hope in the form of affordable housing • Habitat enlists the help of churches, community groups and others to successfully tackle a significant social problem – decent housing for all. • Since its founding in 1976, Habitat for Humanity has built more than500,000 houses and served more than 200 million people worldwide.
In recent news… 2011 Rockefeller Christmas Tree returns home to help Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia For the fifth consecutive year the Rockefeller Christmas tree was donated to Habitat for Humanity to build a decent & affordable home Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia is the recipient of this year’s tree! • Past Rockefeller trees have been used in New York, Connecticut, and Pascagoula, Mississippi, to help build a home for a Hurricane Katrina survivor • Habitat for Humanity recently published a children’s book, “The Carpenter’s Gift,” celebrating the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center • Read more at http://www.habitat.org/newsroom/2012archive/01_05_2012_rockefellertree.aspx
How Can You Get More Involved in Habitat for Humanity? • Go on the Builds! • Driving! • Join the Fundraising Committee! • Join the Education Committee! • Join the Coalition Committee! • Join the Build Committee! *NEW* • Apply for Internal/External Liaison position! *NEW*
Saturdays We usually leave Penn at 8 am and return to campus at 3pm The first build will be THIS SATURDAY, JANUARY 28th! E-mail sign-ups will be sent out. We coordinate with Delaware County Housing Coalition and Habitat Philly and go on builds in the Philadelphia area and in Salem, NJ. When we get to the building site, we will be asked to work on anything ranging from painting, dry walling, tiling, etc. Builds
If you are 21 years old or over and have a valid drivers license, you can a become certified driver through Civic House! We are also using Philly Car Share this year for builds for those that are 19 years old or over. Anyone willing to drive on builds will have their dues waved and will get a free Habitat T-Shirt! Also, you can guarantee yourself a spot on any of the upcoming builds! Driving
The week before each build an email will go out asking for Habitat volunteers. There are roughly a dozen spots available for each build, so we will be using a priority system to pick volunteers. The priority system will take into account attendance at GBMs, attendance at executive board meetings, participation in a committee, and willingness to drive. We will try to ensure that all members with a genuine interest in Habitat have the opportunity to go on as many builds as possible. Going on Builds!
Habitat for Humanity Builds • What to bring with you on a build: • Water bottle, gloves and lunch/snack
Committees! Interested in becoming a more active Habitat member? Join one of our three existing committees and help plan events, fundraising, and advocacy. NEW committee opportunity is being started this semester for those interested in builds. Applications will go out in an email after the GBM! All applications (including for the new build committee and internal/external liaison position) will be due WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1st at 11:59 PM!!!
Fundraising Committee Fundraising Committee is very important to the continuance of Penn’s Habitat for Humanity and fulfilling our mission. Major Fundraising Events in the Fall: Friarside Coffee House Rake-a-thon One main goal for this semester is to plan the Valentines Day Fundraiser with the Glee Club!
Fundraising Committee We're teaming up with the Glee Club to do Singing Valentines as our annual spring fundraiser! Recipients will be serenaded by a quartet from the Glee Club. HOW TO HELP: Selling tickets! Posting flyers! Walk shifts! (February 9, 10, and 13!) Buy singing valentines! Date: Tuesday, February 14th: Valentine’s Day!
Education Committee Purpose: to educate Penn and the surrounding community about Habitat for Humanity’s mission and related issues, like homelessness and the shortage of affordable housing The committee organizes advocacy campaigns, speaker dinners, and educational programs on campus to spread the Habitat message. This semester, we will be organizing “Act! Speak! Build!” week on campus – a week straight of Habitat events! NEW this semester: be on the lookout for details about How-to-Build workshops with Habitat Philadelphia!
Coalition Committee Coordinates with Drexel and Temple chapters of Habitat for Humanity for our annual Rake-a-thon Rake-a-thon occurs in the fall, where we provide raking services in the Chestnut Hill neighborhood to solicit donations Other advocacy/fundraising events occur throughout the year We also coordinate social events with Drexel and Temple students!
Join this NEW committee to help our build coordinator plan all the build details, including where we build & transportation Influence where we build and get a behind-the-scenes look at how builds are planned Gain priority on builds you want to attend most! Apply to this NEW opportunity to join Habitat’s Exec Board Position will involve promoting member retention by planning social events for our group Great position for anyone looking to deepen their involvement with Penn’s Habitat for Humanity chapter! NEW OPPORTUNITIES! Build Committee Internal/External Liaison position
Conclusion Dues: $10 for the entire year This includes transportation to and from builds. Keep checking your email for updates about builds/meetings, applications for committees, and attend executive board meetings on Monday nights at 9 pm in JMHH G94! Not sure which committee(s) to apply for? Check out one or more of the committee meetings this Sunday, January 29th. All committee meetings will be in JMHH 260! 3:00 to 3:30- Build Committee with Kristin 3:30 to 4:00- Coalition Committee with Mark 4:00 to 4:30- Education Committee with Shannon 4:30 to 5:30- Fundraising Committee with Nikita & Hannah
Thanks For Coming!! Come see any of the board members if you have any questions! http://www.pennhabitat.org http://www.facebook.com/pennhabitat Email: penn.habitatforhumanity@gmail.com