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INTEGRATION OF FAITH – TEACHING. By Faye Patterson. The Bible as the center. WHAT IS INTEGRATION OF FAITH IN TEACHING?. Matthew: 7: 17-20 fruits Matthew 5 : 13 flavor Matthew 5: 14-16 light . The teacher, the key person .
WHAT IS INTEGRATION OF FAITH IN TEACHING? Matthew: 7: 17-20 fruits Matthew 5 : 13 flavor Matthew 5: 14-16 light
The teacher, the key person • Open Bible
Integration of faith Aesthetics cleanliness Personal appearance
Integration of faith, best for the teacher Numbers 8: 4 I Kings 6: 7
Teachers The teachers should witness with their lives the divine mandates found in the Word of God. —Education
Education • The most essential lessons that teachers and students ought to learn, are not the ones that point to the world, but those that separate them from the world and lead them to the cross of Christ.
OBJECTIVES • THE INSTITUTION:To take on the mission to evangelize. • THE TEACHER: To be responsible for teaching the Word of God in each classroom. • THE DISCIPLINES: Value the different disciplines as the place to have an encounter with faith. • THE HOLY SPIRIT: To recognize that He is the active principle in the integration of faith and teaching process, and who facilitates our work.
The integration of faith is present in: • Our mission • Worldview • Lifestyle • Marketing strategies • In the campus - offices • In the formal and informal education
THE ADVENTIST EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION Goals and Objectives of Adventist Christian Education • The formation of a good citizen, preparing him/her for his/her future life as well as his/her earthly existence here and now.
Objective • “Is the harmonious development of the physical, the mental, and the spiritual powers. • Prepares the student for the joy of service in this world and for the higher joy of wider service in the world to come.” —Education, 13
WHAT IS OUR PURPOSE? Purpose of Adventist Christian Education To provide a place where the youngest members of the family of God can be educated under His growth and development plan.
THE ADVENTIST EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS The Adventist Christian institutions should promote: • Hope in a better world, the world to come. • The value of a person. • The privilege of being able to discern between good and evil. • The knowledge and acceptance of Jesus as their personal Savior.
LET US THINK Do the values selected by the institution provide an answer to their own needs, to the needs of the courses offered, and the needs of the students?
THE TEACHER, RESPONSIBLE OF THE INTEGRATION He whose mind has been enlightened, because the Word of God opened his understanding, will comprehend his responsibility before the Lord and the world, and will feel that his talents should be developed in such a way that they will produce the best results, because he will “declare the praises” of who has called him “out of darkness into His wonderful light”. (1 Peter 2: 9)
The Teacher • Demonstrating in each course the Christian values imprinted in the Bible. • Presenting the values, the Christian concept of the world and of life.
All sciences aid in the discovery of the meaning of life.
We should decide, in an urgent manner, how we plan to proclaim the Gospel through the content of the various disciplines. The science world belongs to the world created by God, therefore there cannot be any contradiction between faith and science.
“Only as the higher life is brought to view, as shown in the teachings of Christ, can any learning and instruction rightly be called higher education; and only by the aid of the Holy Spirit can this education be gained.” (Counsel to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 375)
“Instead of confining their study to that which men have said or written, let students be directed to the sources of truth, to the vast fields opened for research in nature and revelation.” —Education, 17
Important to remember • The educational institution as a place for evangelization. • The Christian teacher is responsible for the integration of faith-teaching. • The disciplines as a meeting place with faith.
MATHEMATICS The teacher is the one who gives meaning and importance to knowledge. He/she will awaken in his/her students the value of truth and the meaning of intellectual rigor; things are like they are, and cannot be any other way. He/she will communicate the significant value of truth, the rational laws, the harmony and order that regulates everything whose origin is in God, and His handiwork which is reflected in nature.
The teaching of exact sciences develops observation, relationship, comparison, association, reasoning, analysis and synthesis abilities, which will personalize the teacher. It helps to discover the meaning of order and harmony, which will allow the teacher to acquire a Christian vision of the world and life. The teacher should help the student to find what is defined in science: Besides knowledge, there is hope.
MATHEMATICS It will guide the student to have a sense of responsibility, exactness, effort, perseverance and honesty, and to develop a capacity for work. Work is materially justified for what it produces, such us service to others and a blessing to the one who gives it, thus collaborating with the creative work of God. Work done in such a way will generate happiness and will help to develop aesthetic and moral techniques and values.
SCIENCES . Science is found in the source of Creation. . Make the students admire the marvels of creation, and to be amazed at the scientific progress. Daniel 12:4 . The observation of these facts should uplift them to the Creator and motivate them to pray. . “Upon every page of the great volume of His created works may still be traced His handwriting.” — Education, 17. There is no contradiction between faith and science in nature because God is the Author of everything.
The discovery of truth in teaching, through natural and experimental sciences, will bring us closer to its Author. Teach them to look and judge everything in the light of faith; to consider man as the lord of the creation. . Everything was made for man, and man for God. “You have made him a little lower than the angels, and crowned him with glory and honor. You made them rulers over the work of your hands; you put everything under their feet.” (Psalm 8:5,6) We should love nature, because the meaning of everything is fulfilled in God. Its beauty puts sin farther away from us, and brings us near the purity of peace and of God.
From the solemn roll of the deep-toned thunder and old ocean’s ceaseless roar, to the glad songs that make the forests vocal with melody, nature’s ten thousand voices speak His praise. In earth and sea and sky, with their marvelous tint and color, varying in gorgeous contrast or blended in harmony, we behold His glory. The everlasting hills tell of His power. The trees that wave their green banners in the sunlight and the flowers in their delicate beauty point to their Creator. The living green that carpets the brown earth tells of God’s care for the humblest of His creatures. The caves of the sea and the depths of the earth reveal His treasures. He who placed the pearls in the ocean and the amethyst and chrysolite among the rocks is a lover of the beautiful. The sun rising in the heavens is a representative of Him who is the life and light of all that He has made. All the brightness and beauty that adorn the earth and light up the heavens speak of God. —CPTS, 54
SOCIAL SCIENCES Man seeks the answer to “what for” and “why”. Ellen White tells us that we should prepare thinking human beings, and not mere reflectors of the thoughts of others. To discern values in the light of the Word of God.
. “The Bible is to be presented as the word of the infinite God, as the end of all controversy and the foundation of all faith”. (Christ Object Lessons, 39-40) . It is necessary to guide the students in such a way that they can see “how the lessons extracted from the Bible can be applied to their own lives and that in it they can find counsel to resolve their own problems”.(CADWALADER, E.M., Filosofía básica de la educación adventista, T3, p. 184.)
History It depicts the human efforts to find answers to the meaning of life, origin of the world,and the task given to mankind.
HISTORY Analyzes the struggles to live; the worries, challenges, ideals, and misery of man; what makes him free, and what makes him a slave. Presents the way to salvation by showing the conflict between good and evil, and God as the Author of History through the prophetic line.
“Here the great problems of duty and destiny are unfolded. The curtain that separates the visible from the invisible world is lifted, and we behold the conflict of the opposing forces of good and evil, from the first entrance of sin to the final triumph of righteousness and truth; and all is but a revelation of the character of God”(Patriarchs and Prophets, 596). It leads man to understand the eternal consequences to the decisions he makes today.
GEOGRAPHY To place the students in relation to a specific space and place. To give meaning to the work that man does, which should be done to honor God and to serve humanity.
CIVICS To guide the students to understand the efforts of the people to organize themselves, to seek justice and peace, to coexist, and the organization of the family, as well as that of the state. To highlight service to the community, liberty, and solidarity.
Language-Literature It is the expression of the “mystery” of man. Man, be in the theatre, in novels, or poetry, is a person in a life situation who expresses himself among lights and shadows, and his struggles between good and evil.
. In the literature that reflects the soul, we should help the student to discover truth and beauty. . Art and literature have a relation with the religious beliefs of all people. “For each literature professor whose mind and heart are rooted in the secret of the Integration of faith. Such teacher proves that is possible to communicate knowledge and guide his students to discover faith by themselves, and reach a high level of integration.” (GABELEIN,FRANK , ThePattern of God’sTruth, pág. 69.)
Artistic Education It allows the student to learn the educational value of a creative activity as an expression of the creative work of God and a relation to the exterior world through the senses. It discovers the beauty of creation and expresses it in its works. In doing so man communicates with his fellow men, with himself, and with God. It develops an aesthetic conscience with a capacity for observation, admiration, and marvel. It places man at a level where he will discover the nature of the things that speak to him of the love of God for humanity.
1 “No matter how wonderful music, sculptures, and paintings are; everything that was created existed first in the mind of the Great Artist, who not only had the idea of what He was going to create, but also the ability to do it. Even with all of that, the Creator of the creation in which we live, came to dwell within us. The Creator came to dwell with what He had created, and God expects man to understand Him and to accept His love and sacrifice.”(NEAL Beatrice S. Guía de estudio de la Biblia, citado en “La oración en la Biblia, p. 44)
MUSIC The music,... rightly employed is a precious gift of God, designed to uplift the thoughts to high and noble themes, to inspire and elevate the soul”.(Education, 167) “The music that praises God and uplifts the mind is useful for divine purpose, and should occupy a place in our schools. From Genesis to Revelation, it travels throughout the Scriptures. Music will not only occupy a privileged place in eternity, according to the inspired visions of John in Patmos (Revelation 5:9; 14:3; 15:3), but even more, when we touch the subject of worship here and now, music is a vital factor in preparing the heart to receive the divine truth". (GABELEIN, Frank, The Pattern of God’s Truth, 70.)
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Is to take care of the body, as the Temple of the Holy Spirit, which will be expressed in good health so that we can serve others. . These lessons are evangelizers, they make us think, want, and work as God expects us to. “Physical culture is an essential part of all right methods of education. The young need to be taught how to develop their physical powers, how to preserve these powers in the best condition, and how to make them useful in the practical duties of life. Many think that these things are no part of school work, but this is a mistake.” (Fundamentals of Christian Education. 425)
“But that which above all other considerations should lead us to prize the Bible is that in it is revealed to men the will of God. Here we learn the object of our creation and the means by which that object may be attained. We learn how to improve wisely the present life and how to secure the future life. No other book can satisfy the questionings of the mind or the cravings of the heart. By obtaining a knowledge of God’s word and giving heed thereto, men may rise from the lowest depths of degradation to become the sons of God.” —Counsels to Teachers, 53, 54
Thank you Faye Patterson pattersonfa@interamerica.org