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If you have arthritis, then you know all about the difficulties with moving and functioning in daily life that it can present. What you might not know, however, is that physiotherapy can help you find relief from your arthritis pain. There is no cure for arthritis, but by using the exercises and techniques that your physiotherapist can teach you, the onset of arthritis can be slowed and you will experience less pain overall. You have the choice for a safer, more effective path toward arthritis pain management: physiotherapy. Call Mex Physio and schedule a physiotherapy appointment today.
KNOW MANAGE YOUR ARTHRITIS THE NATURAL WAY – WITH THE HELP OF PHYSIOTHERAPY I fy o uh a v ea r t h r i ti s , th e ny ouk n o wa lla b o u tt h e d i f f i c u lt i e sw i thm o vi nga ndf u n c ti o n in gi nda i l y l i f et h a ti tc a np r e s e nt . W h a ty o um ig h tn otk n o w , h o w e v e r , i st h a tp h ys io t h e r ap yc a nh e l pyo uf ind r e l i e ff r o myo u ra rt h r it i sp a in . T h e r ei sn oc u r ef o ra r th r it i s, b u tb yu s in gth e e x e r c i s e sa n dt e ch n i que sth aty o u r p h y s i o th e r a p i s tca nt ea c hy o u , t h eo n se to f a r t h r i ti sc a nb es l ow e da ndy ouw i l le xp e r ie nce l e s sp a ino v e r a ll . Y o uh a v eth ec h o i cefo rasa f e r , m o r ee f f e c t i v e p a t ht o wa r da r th rit isp a inm a na g e m e nt : p h y s io t h e r a p y . C a llM exPh ys ioan dsch edul ea p h y s i oth e r a p ya p po in t me n tt od a y.
WhatcanIexpectfromPTformyarthritispains? Physiotherapyvisitsareoftenshortinduration.Yourtherapistwillbefocusedonspotting problemswithyourphysicalfunctionthatarerelatedtoarthritis,andteachingyoumethods youcanemployathometorelievepain. Inordertohelpyourphysiotherapisttoprovideyouwiththebestadvicepossible,think carefullyaboutdifferentphysicalgoalsthatyoumighthave. Forexample,youmightwanttobeabletodoyourdailyjobwithoutstrainingyourhipsor knees,toreachthingshighuponakitchenshelf,ortosimplygetinandoutofyourcar withoutpain.Expressingthesegoalstoyourtherapistwillaidinensuringthatyour treatmentsareasspecifictoyourgoalsaspossible. Yourphysiotherapysessionsprobablywon’tneedtobedoneonaweeklybasis.Onceevery fewweekstomonitoryourconditionandprogressshouldbesufficient. HowdoIknowwhattypeofarthritisIhave? Arthritisincludesanentirefamilyofpainfuljointconditions.Forsomeindividuals,itmaytake theformofpainfulgoutinatoejoint; inothers,itcanstrikeduetoabacterialjointinfection. Themajorityofarthritissufferers,however,sufferfromoneoftwoagonizingconditions: Osteoarthritis – Thismostcommonformofarthritisisusuallyanaturalconsequenceofa lifetimeofjointmotion,coupledwithcertainchangesthattakeplaceduringaging. Healthyjointscontainnotonlyalubricatingfluidtokeeptheboneendsmoving smoothly,butalsoalayerofcartilagethatactsasashockabsorberandanti-friction component. Rheumatoid arthritis – Thisformofarthritisiscausedbyanauto-immunediseaseor dysfunction.Thesameprotectivemechanismsthatnormallyfightoffdiseasegerms decidetoturnonyourjoints,treatingthemastheenemyandattackingthem.Thisresults inpainfulinflammationthatmaycomeandgo,leavingjointswellinganddeformityinits wake.
HowwillIbenefit? Arthritisattacksthejointsofthebody,sothegoalofphysiotherapywillbetorestoretheuse ofthosejointsandimproveyourabilitytomovearoundandengageindailyactivities. Thephysicalexercisesyourtherapistwillteachyouwillbedirectedtowardimprovingyour mobility,rangeofmotion,flexibility,andcoordination.Yourplanmayincludeany combinationof: Environmentalmodifications:Yourphysiotherapistcanmakespecificrecommendations foradditionaltherapeuticaidsbasedonyourtypeofarthritis. Treatments:Modernphysiotherapyhasabroadrangeoftreatmentoptionsavailableto assistwitharthritispain. Education:Sometimesarthritisinthehiporkneewillrequiretheuseofassistivemobility devices,suchasacaneorwalker.Yourphysiotherapistwillteachyoutheproperwayto usethesedevices. Posture:Yourtherapistwillteachyouvariousbodymechanictechniquesthatwill improvejointfunctionandreducepain.Youwillalsobetaughtwaystouseyour strongestmusclesandjointstorelievepressureonarthriticjoints. Getstartedtoday Ifyouarereadyforrelieffromarthritispain,callMEXPhysio (MovementExperts) toschedule yourappointmentwithaphysiotherapist. Original Source: https://mexphysio.com/manage-your-arthritis- the-natural-way-with-the-help-of-physiotherapy/