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Why Muscle Imbalance Can Be Dangerous?

If you are experiencing muscle imbalances that are impacting the quality of your life, Physical Therapy can help. Muscle imbalances can lead to physical issues such as limited mobility, pain, and asymmetrical posture. A Physical Therapist can help determine which muscle pairs are imbalanced and help strengthen it. Call Respire PT today at 703-671-1871 to schedule a personalized evaluation!<br>

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Why Muscle Imbalance Can Be Dangerous?

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  1. WhyMuscle ImbalanceCanBe Dangerous? respirept.com

  2. Areyouexperiencingmuscleimbalanceduringyourexercises?DoyounoticethatyourbodyAreyouexperiencingmuscleimbalanceduringyourexercises?Doyounoticethatyourbody isasymmetrical?Doyoulookinthemirrorandseethatcertainmuscleshavesize imbalances? Forpropermovement,opposingmusclegroupsmustworkandcoordinatetogether.Muscle lengthandmusclestrengthneedtobebalancedfornormalmovementandfunction. CommonBodyPartsThatareAffectedbyMuscle Imbalance: ForwardHeadPosture Hunched/SlouchedShoulders AnteriorlyTiltedPelvis With big muscle imbalance, certain muscles will work harder and overcompensate. This can lead to pain and injury on either side. TwoTypesofMuscleImbalance: BodyMuscularImbalance – ThemusclesontheRightandLeftsideofyourbodyshould besimilarinsizeandstrength.Ifonesideofyourbodyisstronger/larger,theweakerside canovercompensateandrecruitthewrongmuscles.Thiscanleadtopainandinjury. JointMuscularImbalance – Eachofthemusclesthatcontrolaparticularjointmovement mustworkinconjunctionwithitsopposingmuscletocreateapropermovement.Ifone musclebecomesstrongerorweakerthanitsopposingmuscle,itcandisruptthe mechanicsandrangeofthemovement.

  3. Your muscles work in pairs. One is responsible for pulling the joint while the other is responsible for pushing. When one (agonist) contracts, the opposite muscle (antagonist) relaxes for full joint movement. WhatCanCauseaMuscleImbalance? PoorPosture UnbalancedExerciseProgram StrengtheningActivitieswithImproperForm Inactivity Ifyouareexperiencingmuscleimbalancesthatareimpactingthequalityofyourlife,Physical Therapycanhelp.Muscleimbalancescanleadtophysicalissuessuchaslimitedmobility, pain,andasymmetricalposture.APhysicalTherapistcanhelpdeterminewhichmusclepairs areimbalancedandhelpstrengthenit.CallRespirePTtodayat703-671-1871toschedulea personalizedevaluation! Original Source: https://respirept.com/why-muscle-imbalance- can-be-dangerous/

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