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Is Jesus and Krishna one? Will the true Krist please stand up?.
Is Jesus and Krishna one? Will the true Krist please stand up?
1. Both were miraculously conceived. 2. Both were divine incarnations. 3. Both were of royal descent. 4. Devatas or angels sang songs of praise at the birth of each. 5. Both were visited by neighboring shepherds. 6. In both cases the reigning monarch, fearing that he would be supplanted in his kingdom by the divine child, sought to destroy him. 7. Both were saved by friends who fled with them in the night to distant countries. 8. Foiled in their attempts to discover the babes both kings issued decrees that all the infants should be put to death. http://aztec.asu.edu/ash/thavlai2/krishna.html
Krishna’s birth foretold: However, an oracle foretold Kamsa (the evil king) that Devaki's (his cousin sister’s) eighth child would be responsible for his death. Birth foretold An angel foretold Mary of the birth of Jesus
Deviki and her husband Vasudev were imprisoned in the palace dungeon. Deviki gave birth to seven children, all of whom were killed by Kansa. Herod killed all the children in the city
Krishna Cowherd Jesus Shepherd
• Both are believed to be sons of God, since they were divinely conceived• The birth of both Jesus of Nazareth and Krishna of Dwarka and their God-designed missions were foretold• Both were born at unusual places - Christ in a lowly manger and Krishna in a prison cell• Both were divinely saved from death pronouncements• Evil forces pursued both Christ and Krishna in vain•Christ is often depicted as a shepherd; Krishna was a cowherd• Both appeared at a critical time when their respective countries were in a torpid state• Both died of wounds caused by sharp weapons - Christ by nails and Krishna by an arrow• The teachings of both are very similar - both emphasize love and peace• Krishna was often shown as having a dark blue complexion - a color close to that of Christ Consciousness.Subhamoy Dashttp://hinduism.about.com/library/weekly/aa122200a.htm
The Vishnu Purana speaks of Crishna being shot in the foot with an arrow, and states that this was the cause of his death. Other accounts, however, state the he was suspended on a tree, or in other words, crucified Krishna, Crucified? by Acharya Shttp://www.truthbeknown.com/kcrucified.htm
Christ Krishn Jagannatha Tirtha das (VINA) May 21st 1999 of NZs Hare Krishna Network goes one step further and identifies the name Krishna as the same as Christ by searching through “The Etymological Derivation Of The Name "Christ"”http://www.hknet.org.nz/jesus-christ-kristos-page.htm
When an Indian person calls on Krishna, he often says, Krsta. Krsta is a Sanskrit word meaning attraction. So when we address God as Christ, Krsta, or Krishna we indicate the same all-attractive Supreme Personality of Godhead. When Jesus said, Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be Thy name, the name of God was Krsta or Krishna.His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ” Christ comes from the Greek word Christos, and Christos is the Greek version of the word Krsna. When an Indian person calls on Krsna, he often says "Krsta." Krsna is a Sanskrit word meaning the object of attraction." So when we address God as "Christ," "Krsta," or "Krsna," we indicate the same all-attractive Supreme Personality of Godhead. When Jesus said, "Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name," that name of God was Krsta or Krsna. "Christ" is simply another way of saying "Krsta," and "Krsta" is another way of pronouncing Krsna.” http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/christ-krshna.htmlChrist, Christians, & Krishna Srila Prabhupada
“The parallels between Krishna and Christ to be found in the Hindoo scriptures and the Christian Gospels are too numerous and too exact to be accidental.” The legends of the one were borrowed from the other "THE CHRIST" by John Remsberg. The book is great. It shows how Christ is just a copycat god of KRISHNA, BUDDA, and many other gods that existed thousands of years before Christ, and even a few copycat gods that were invented AFTER Christ. “ http://aztec.asu.edu/ash/thavlai2/krishna.html
Krishna was a playboy involved in indiscriminate sex. Krishna’s mistress was Radha the wife of Ayana
“While the circumstances of Jesus' disappearance are by no means clear, they are indeed for us less important, even irrelevant.” As Srila Prabhupada pointed out: "preaching is the essence." ." The whole cosmos is under decay and there is no way out of it in the Krishnite culture, even Krisha himself is subject to birth and death – the only difference is that Krishna knew his past births and poor us do not.. "Abandon all varieties of dharma and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all.” While the binding of Karma cannot be broken – even by Krishna – how he can do this without the violation of cosmic justice is still inexplicable. But that is exactly the Bhakthi margam. This is certainly counter to the basic Hindu tenants of Karma and blind cosmic justice.
600 AD? We know for sure that the scriptures that speak of Krishna came into existence well after 600 AD. astronomical data for the date of birth of Krishna would place his birth in 600 AD. Or as far back as 5300 BC There are no historical records of such a King anywhere and there is no evidence of such a person. Major Vedas do not speak of these Gods at all. Archeologically the evidence is that if Krishna ever lived it was later than 300 AD.
The question is how did the Indian religions come to know of this “Krishna”?
"First, was Bhagavat Gita part of Mahabharatham and was the author of Gita really Veda Vyasa?" (pages from 506 to 509 of Volume IV of complete works of the Swamy Vivekananda) “A great many people do not believe that he ever existed. Some believe that [the worship of Krishna grew out of] the old sun worship. There seem to have been several Krishnas; one was mentioned in the Upanishads, another was a king, another a general. All have lumped into one Krishna.”. CW, Vol.1: Krishna, p.438.
The question is simply this - which was the copy and what areas? What was the socio-political reason for such mixing up? Was it a carbon copy of one person or a mix up of a collection people? How did this come about?
If the horoscope given to us is correct Krishna was born in the month of Sravana on the 23rd day on the night of full moon in Lagnam Edavam at midnight and if Guru (Mars), Kujan (Mercury), Ravi (Sun) and Sukran (Venus) were at their own home, Budan, Chandran (moon) and Sani (Saturn) were in their highest time, then Krishna was born in AD 600.
There are no historical records of such a King anywhere and there is no evidence of such a person. Major Vedas do not speak of these Gods at all. Archeologically the evidence is that if Krishna ever lived it was later than 300 AD. The search for similar planetary position before the Christian Era will have to go very very long back. Solar Astrology was not really adopted in its entirety in India until the time of Alexander the Great
Krishna and Megathenes Heliodorus Herakles = Krishna? "This Herakles is held in especial honour by Sourasenoi, an Indian tribe who possess two large cities Mathora and Cleisobora and through whose country flows a navigable river called Iobares." Heracles was a Indian hero king who was getting old at 40. He was worried about finding a suitable match for his daughter. He searched high and low, and found no one. So finally he married her himself!
"In marriage, in amorous dealings, when one's life is in danger, when the whole of one's possession is going to be lost, and when a Brahman's interest is at stake, untruth should be told. The wise have said that speaking untruth on these five occasions is not a sin."