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Bruner Discovery Learning

• Sequential stages called representations: enactive —direct experience or concrete activities iconic —visual, spatial, graphic symbolic —reason , logic, abstract symbolism

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Bruner Discovery Learning

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  1. • Sequential stages called representations: • enactive—direct experience or concrete activities • iconic—visual, spatial, graphic • symbolic—reason , logic, abstract symbolism • • Child ALWAYS ready to learn, but only within current framework of development • • Teacher provides challenges & problems to help students move to next level • • Benefits of Discovery Learning: • helps students learn how to learn • shift from extrinsic to intrinsic rewards • “heuristics of discovery”—students find out things independently • knowledge easily remembered Bruner Discovery Learning Source: Victor, E. & Kellough, R.D. (2002) Science for the Elementary & Middles School, Prentice Hall: Columbus, OH. pg. 46-48.

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