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I+D en la UB para futuros aceleradores lineales Dr. Ángel Diéguez

I+D en la UB para futuros aceleradores lineales Dr. Ángel Diéguez Departamento de Electrónica , Universidad de Barcelona. Dr. Angel Diéguez Prof. Lluis Garrido Dr. Atilà Herms Dra. Anna Vilà Dr. David Gascón Raimon Casanova Albert Comerma Juan Trenado Lluis Freixes Eva Vilella.

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I+D en la UB para futuros aceleradores lineales Dr. Ángel Diéguez

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  1. I+D en la UB parafuturosaceleradoreslineales Dr. ÁngelDiéguez Departamento de Electrónica, Universidad de Barcelona

  2. Dr. Angel Diéguez Prof. Lluis Garrido Dr. Atilà Herms Dra. Anna Vilà Dr. David Gascón Raimon Casanova Albert Comerma Juan Trenado Lluis Freixes Eva Vilella

  3. Activities in future accelerators of the UB …on design of sensors for future trackers ...on design of front-end electronics and readout …on test APDs developed @UB Collaboration with LPNHE/IN2P3 DEPFET collaboration

  4. Si strips readout – col. In2P3 Plan forfutureSiStr chip Define technology: 130nm IBM, 130nm ST, 90nm IBM Adapt 1 channelelectronics: both Analog and Digital Build 8-16 channel module: Adapt control electronics to a basic module of 8-16 channels. Build 1st complete module in Si. …128 channels

  5. DHP DEPFET col. Analog blocks Digital toAnalogConverter: 8 bits, slow (DC), 1V or 1V2 powersupply, radiationtolerant. Bandgap: 1V or 1V2 powersupply, radiationtolerant. Analogto Digital Converter: 10 bits, slow (DC), 1V or 1V2 powersupply, radiationtolerant. Analogmuxformultiplexing ADC input

  6. DHP DEPFET col. Digital contributiontothe DHP Slow Control Interface: User Data Registersconnectedto JTAG. Designfortesting: Automaticinsertion of test and control logiccompliantwith IEEE 1149.1. BoundaryScan: BS chainconnectedtothesame JTAG.

  7. APDs for the FT region Avalanchephotodiodes in standard CMOS technologies Learningfromthefabricatedstructures: STM 130nm, AMS 0.35um Detector instabilities (dark counts, afterpulsing, cross-talk) are instabilities contributing to the detector response. Have deep impact on the readout details. It is very important to understand their origin and to reduce their incidence. Tryingtolearnalsofromdevicesimulations Design of pixels and readoutstructures: Active quenching and fastreadout.

  8. APDs for the FT region Avalanchephotodiodes in standard CMOS technologies Learningfromthefabricatedstructures: STM 130nm, AMS 0.35um Detector instabilities (dark counts, afterpulsing, cross-talk) are instabilities contributing to the detector response. Have deep impact on the readout details. It is very important to understand their origin and to reduce their incidence. Tryingtolearnalsofromdevicesimulations Design of pixels and readoutstructures: Active quenching and fastreadout.

  9. APDs for the FT region Avalanchephotodiodes in standard CMOS technologies Learningfromthefabricatedstructures: STM 130nm, AMS 0.35um Detector instabilities (dark counts, afterpulsing, cross-talk) are instabilities contributing to the detector response. Have deep impact on the readout details. It is very important to understand their origin and to reduce their incidence. Tryingtolearnalsofromdevicesimulations Design of pixels and readoutstructures: Active quenching and fastreadout.

  10. APDs for the FT region

  11. APDs for the FT region

  12. APDs for the FT region

  13. APDs for the FT region Avalanchephotodiodes in standard CMOS technologies Learningfromthefabricatedstructures: STM 130nm, AMS 0.35um Detector instabilities (dark counts, afterpulsing, cross-talk) are instabilities contributing to the detector response. Have deep impact on the readout details. It is very important to understand their origin and to reduce their incidence. Tryingtolearnalsofromdevicesimulations Design of pixels and readoutstructures: Active quenching and fastreadout.

  14. APDs for the FT region Avalanchephotodiodes in standard CMOS technologies Linear modeisalsoworking in standard CMOS: spatialresolution

  15. APDs for the FT region Avalanchephotodiodes in standard CMOS technologies Learningfromthefabricatedstructures Tryingtolearnalsofromdevicesimulations Design of pixels and readoutstructures: Active quenching and fastreadout.

  16. APDs for the FT region Avalanchephotodiodes in standard CMOS technologies Learningfromthefabricatedstructures Tryingtolearnalsofromdevicesimulations Design of pixels and readoutstructures: Active quenching and fastreadout.

  17. Ion dose, Boron

  18. APDs for the FT region News designsincludingreadout… Pixel in Geigermodewith active quenching + control of recharge time (adaptedto detector/testbeam) 10ns signal and 300ns tosend data in ILC (50% / 50% in testbeam) Occupancydeterminedbydarkcount ..0.7avalanches/pixel/ms 3 x 3mm2 translates to a 25 x 152 pixels matrix • 400MHz clock is needed in the chip for FIFOs • DLL on chip • On chip clock • … • FIFOs, control, … • PIXEL

  19. APDs for the FT region Futuredesigns… 3D interconnectionfor 1) coincidencefiltering , triggering 2) 100% coverage Designfor test beamfor a developed APD array, radiationtolerancetests, …

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