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When you file your income taxes, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) conducts an initial review of your return. When this is completed, a notice of assessment is issued (NOA). This CRA assessment determines whether you owe a balance, owe nothing, or are due a refund. If you live in Canada and need CRA notice assessment services, SAU Consulting is your best option. For more information, please see our website https://www.sauconsulting.ca/our-services/taxdisputes
A CRA notice of assessment is an assessment of your tax return. Every year after you file your tax return, the Canada Revenue Agency sends you a letter. It includes the amount of income tax paid in detail, the amount of their tax refund, tax credit, income tax already paid, and so on.
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) issues the Notice of Assessment to all Canadian taxpayers after processing their tax returns. The Notice of Assessment includes important information such as your retirement savings plan deduction limit and amounts for the following year's return, such as unused tuition, education credits, and capital losses.
Small businesses can benefit from SAU consulting and business advisory services by filing optimized returns that save time and money. We will represent you and handle the paperwork and communication associated with objections to Notices of Assessment and audits.
In order to help your business thrive, we are providing the right direction for you, including well-organized tax consultants specialists in Canada. We can assist you in becoming organized, planning for profit, and making financial management decisions.
CRA audits taxpayers to ensure compliance with income tax laws and to request documents and information that examine property or record-keeping processes.
In general, tax credits save you more money than deductions. Credits are typically intended to encourage or reward certain types of behavior that are thought to be beneficial to the economy.