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Different Types of Eye Surgery

Different types of eye problems require different treatments. Some eye problems can be treated with medication, while some require surgery. Know the different types of eye surgeries available.

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Different Types of Eye Surgery

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  1. DifferentTypesofEyeSurgeries

  2. 1.ContouraVisionLasikSurgery The Contoura Vision eye surgery is the most advanced technique of specs removal. It is a vision-rectifying treatment chosen by most patients because of its ability to provide better than perfect vision. It is a quick surgical process that yields the best outcome for correcting the vision. An advanced corneal device, Topolyzer, collects yourtopographicimage,basedonwhichthelaserexposuregetsadjusted.Thelaser raysadjustthevisionbyreshapingthecornea. Astronglightbeamhelpsinadjusting the cornea and ensures clearer vision. One can combat the eye disorders like farsightedness, nearsightedness, etc. with this surgical process. For optimal results,choosingareputableLasereyecentreinDelhiisimportant.

  3. 2.CataractSurgery With age, the eye lens turns opaque, and cataractistheopacificationprocess.Itmakes the vision blurry and cloudy. The feeling is similartoawhitecurtainbeingputinthelens, restricting the vision. The surgical process to eliminate the cataract involves the removal of thelens.Thesurgeonputsanartificiallensfor improving the vision. It is a common surgical process and most people undergo it after crossing60s.

  4. 3.GlaucomaSurgery Glaucoma is an eye disorder that may cause blindness. It is an impact of the intraocular pressure on the optic nerves. High-pressure ontheopticnervesfortheincreasedlevelsof aqueous humor is the reason behind Glaucoma. It slowly damages the vision and needs regular medical supervision to combat the rate of vision degradation. With the Glaucoma surgery, the doctor removes the excessaqueoushumor.

  5. 4.RetinalSurgery Theretinaisthemostcriticalpartoftheeye.Theretinalfunctionisidenticaltothe negative films in a camera. It connects the optic nerve and transmits the optical imageforbrainprocessing.Thediseasesimpactingyourretinaaresevereandoften lead to blindness. The common disorders with the retina include – retinal detachment,diabeticretinopathy,etc.Thedifferentretinalsurgeriesare– Pneumaticretinopexy Scleral buckle Cryopexy Laserphotocoagulation

  6. 5.SquintSurgery Lazyeyesorsquintisacommonproblemthesedays.Menandwomenofallages can get the symptoms of lazy eyes, and this only increases with age. Here, one eye stops functioning as it should, and the brain fails to process the image of botheyes.Theeyesdonotalignevenly,andtheweakereyelosesvisionpower. Thesquintsurgeryhelpsrectifytheissueandbringsanevenfunctionalcapacity tobotheyes. Besidesthese,othereyesurgeriesinclude–Oculoplasticsurgery,Corneal transplant,eyemusclesurgery,etc.

  7. ContactUs PhoneNumber 9818547918 Originally Published at: https://www.articletrunk.com/differ ent-types-of-eye-surgery/ Website www.contouravisionglobal.com

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