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Oil Mud Testing Procedures - API SC13/TG3 Summer Standardization Conference

Join the API SC13/TG3 conference to recommend changes and develop procedures for oil mud testing in field and lab environments. Review previous minutes and work group reports on automation, chemical analysis, HTHP direct indicating viscometer, PSD test methods, and activity modifiers revision updates.

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Oil Mud Testing Procedures - API SC13/TG3 Summer Standardization Conference

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  1. API SC13/TG3 Oil Mud Testing Procedures2018 API E&P Summer Standardization ConferenceSheraton – Denver, ColoradoTuesday – June 12, 2018 Chairman: Kim Burrows - Halliburton/Baroid

  2. SC13/TG3Agenda • TG Charge • Roll Call • Previous Minutes Review and Approval • Work Group Reports • WG0 – Automation – Stocks • WG1 – Chemical Analysis – Perez (Hibernation – No report) • WG2 – HTHP Direct Indicating Viscometer – (Closed – No report) • WG3 – PSD Test Methods – No Current Chair – Burrows acting chair • WG4 – Activity Modifiers – Estes • B2 Revision Update • New Business • Action Items • Adjournment

  3. SC13/TG3Charge TG Charge: Recommend needed changes and develop test procedures for field and laboratory testing of oil-based drilling fluids. RP’s Affected: Recommended Practice for Field Testing Oil-Based Drilling Fluids - API RP 13B-2 Recommended Practice for Laboratory Testing of Drilling Fluids - API RP 13I

  4. SC13/TG3Roll Call – June 12, 2018 Task Group Members:

  5. SC13/TG3Review/Approve Previous Meeting Minutes • The January 2018 TG3 meeting minutes from the Winter conference in San Antonio were emailed and are available for members to review • Call for a motion to accept the minutes and vote to approve Brent Estes – motion David Breeden – seconded

  6. SC13/TG3 – OBM ProceduresWork Group Outline

  7. SC13/TG3Work Group Reports – WG0 • Testing Automation Chairman: Shannon Stocks • Charge: Has not been defined • Status: Initial discussions if this should be a WG or a TG TG3 should form a WG to evaluate electronic instruments, like the Salunda MudChecker, that can be used to perform a solids analysis on NAF emulsion fluids. If nothing else a tech report or tech bulletin could be issued even if nothing could be developed into a RP. 1/23/18 Meeting discussion: a WG0 team will form to discuss scope and potential charge. Some consideration will be given as to whether a WG within TG3 or a new TG should be formed. Shannon Stocks will take the lead.

  8. SC13/TG3Work Group Reports – WG1 • Oil Mud Chemical Analysis (Salinity & Alkalinity) Chairman: Jose Perez • Charge: “Revise and improve existing OBM chemical analysis procedures for whole mud alkalinity, chloride and calcium.” • Status: Hibernation

  9. SC13/TG3Work Group Reports – WG2

  10. TG3 / WG3Particle Size Distribution Testing of OBMs/SBMs No Current Chairperson Former Chairperson(s) Scott Klasner / Halliburton (Dr. Hongji Yuan – acting Chair) WG Charge: Propose a method(s) for determining PSD’s of NAF’s to be included in API RP13I. Scope: RP13I is for laboratory testing of drilling fluids. WG would form a workgroup to determine an appropriate standard procedure for particle size analyses of solids in an OBM or SBM using laser diffraction particle size analyzers. Pre-dispersion of the mud and optimum carrier solvents need to be investigated. Industry will be canvassed for current procedures and solvents selected. Round-Robins will be required to determine the optimum method. SPE or AADE paper possible.

  11. TG3 / WG3Particle Size Distribution Testing of OBMs/SBMs . Progress: API to work on the appropriate wording/style – January 2017 Work group meeting to review API inputs Email recommended practice to the Task Group TG vote to adopt the RP – June 2017 Going into 13I for next ballot cycle Approved – May 2018 Published – anticipate in 2018

  12. TG3 / WG4Measurement of NAF Internal Phase Activity Modifiers Chairperson Brent Estes - Chevron Charge: Validate activity measurements for estimating concentrations of Potassium Acetate as the activity modifier in NAFs. Recommend a methodology for using Potassium Acetate concentrations to calculate low gravity/high gravity solids content in NAFs.

  13. Work Group Members: David Breeden Consultant Kim Burrows Halliburton / Baroid Alan Rodgerson BP Brent Estes Chevron Carl Lacombe NOV Fluids Steve Mason M-I SWACO Paul Scott ConocoPhillips James Allensworth Baker Hughes Jose Perez Q’Max Antoine Thuriere Newpark TG3 / WG4Measurement of NAF Internal Phase Activity Modifiers

  14. TG3 / WG4Measurement of NAF Internal Phase Activity Modifiers • No significant work preformed since the Winter Meeting • Review Pending Action items • Continue current Round Robin (estimated completion – January 2019) • Check on retort data and determine if samples are available to send to Q’Max – Estes • Check on sample testing dates – Otto • Re-run data from NOV on the 70/30 OWR samples - LaCombe • What is the effect the raw data has on the solids concentration calculations - Perez

  15. SC13/TG3 - B2 Revision Team members for B2 Revision Current document: 5th Edition – April 2014 Joe Perez and Kim Burrows to lead the team

  16. SC13/TG3 - B2 Revision Meeting April 5, 2018 Meeting Objectives: Determine preferred method for reviewing B2 Establish work plan Establish meeting schedule (dates, times, location) Much discussion around combining the B1 and B2 – the small group who attended the meeting were unanimously in favor of combining. Decided to pursue this idea at the Summer mtg. Preferred review method will be to ask for leads + 1-2 more volunteers for each section then review recommendations for changes as a group. Sections that are the same between B1 and B2 will adopt B1 version.

  17. SC13/TG3 - B2 Revision Additional B1 Sections: Sand Content, MBT, Alkalinity and Lime, Chlorides, and Hardness Annex: B2 A-O B1 A-K

  18. SC13/TG3 - B2 Revision Assignments

  19. SC13/TG3 - B2 Revision Timeline • Establish reviewers for each section – June 2018 • Small group reviews – June through August 2018 • Final review large group – B1 to B2 Sections – July 2018 • Final review large group – All other sections – July – Dec 2018

  20. Review: Winter 2018 TG 3 Action Items

  21. SC13/TG3 - New Business

  22. SC13/TG3 - New Business

  23. SC13/TG3 - New Business • pH for titrations (Paul Scott) • Calibration templates to standardize for all documents (Bernard Fraboulet) • WG00 to explore Static Sag measurements (Shannon Stocks)

  24. Summer2018 TG 3 Action Items

  25. SC13/TG3 - Adjournment • Call for Motion to adjourn meeting and vote. Carl LaCombe – motioned Fred Growcock – seconded

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