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AUSTRO CONTROL FLYING IN THE ALPS PRODUCTS FOR GENERAL AVIATION. Erstellt durch: Andreas Pfoser Version: 1.0 Datum: 18. März 2010 Datei: schoenhagen.ppt. MODULAR CONCEPT. PRODUCTS PREPARED FOR ALL PARTS OF GENERAL AVIATION (IFR light, VFR, Gliding/Hanggliding/Paragliding, Ballooning)
AUSTRO CONTROLFLYING IN THE ALPSPRODUCTS FOR GENERAL AVIATION Erstellt durch: Andreas Pfoser Version: 1.0 Datum: 18. März 2010 Datei: schoenhagen.ppt
MODULAR CONCEPT PRODUCTS PREPARED FOR ALL PARTS OF GENERAL AVIATION (IFR light, VFR, Gliding/Hanggliding/Paragliding, Ballooning) • GAMET SECN I (abbreviated plain language) • GAMET SECN II (chart form) • charts SIGWX phenomena („low-level significant weather chart“) • charts upper W / upper-air T • charts QNH / Foehn potential ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS (SPECIALIZED FORECASTS) • GAFOR (visibility / cloud base categories; route segments) • ALPTHERM (atmospheric convection over complex topography) • BALLONMET (specific information for ballooning flights) • TEXT BULLETINS (overview forecasts in german language)
MODULAR CONCEPT GAMET SECN I (IFR light, VFR, Gliding/Hanggliding/Paragliding, Ballooning) Content: • Information on en-route weather phenomena hazardous to low-level flights up to FL 200 • Information of meteorological conditions which could adversely affect general aviation airfields Area of interest: FIR Wien divided into three sub-areas (climatological aspects)
MODULAR CONCEPT GAMET SECN I (IFR light, VFR, Gliding/Hanggliding/Paragliding, Ballooning) Times of Issue / Validity Periods: • 4 times per day, every 4 hours • Forecasts are disseminated one hour prior to the beginning of validity period • issue 05 lct: validity period 06/12 lct • issue 09 lct: validity period 10/16 lct • issue 13 lct: validity period 14/20 lct • issue 17 lct: validity period 18/24 lct • during the night (23/06 lct) density of traffic operating at low levels is not sufficient to warrant the issuance of GAMET information
MODULAR CONCEPT GAMET SECN I (IFR light, VFR, Gliding/Hanggliding/Paragliding, Ballooning) Phenomena included in GAMET SECN I: • SFC WSPD widespread surface gusts > 30 kt (below 3000 ft amsl) • SFC VIS widespread surface visibility < 5 km (below 3000 ft amsl) • SIGWX isol-frq/obsc/embd/sql TS/TSGR; hvy DS/SS; VA • MT OBSC widespread mountain obscuration I. frontal system / low-pressure-area / upper-level-trough II. ST obscuring pre-alps mt passes or small peaks inside basins III. ovc CU along ridges, base blw peaks / IV. orographic clouds • SIG CLD isol-sql CB/TCU or widespread low stratus < 1500 ft agl • ICE mod or sev (except for occurring in convective clouds) • TURB mod or sev (except for occurring in convective clouds) • MTW mod or sev downdrafts due to mountain waves
MODULAR CONCEPT GAMET SECN I (IFR light, VFR, Gliding/Hanggliding/Paragliding, Ballooning) Examples:
MODULAR CONCEPT GAMET SECN II (IFR light, VFR, Gliding/Hanggliding/Paragliding, Ballooning) Set of Fixed Time Forecast Charts: • Forecasts of Upper Wind and Upper-Air Temperature • Forecasts of SIGWX phenomena • special chart „Foehn potential“
MODULAR CONCEPT GAMET SECN II (IFR light, VFR, Gliding/Hanggliding/Paragliding, Ballooning) SIGWX phenomena LLSWC („ALPFOR AUSTRIA“): • covers layer between GND and FL200 • issue 05 lct: charts 08 lct + 12 lct + outlook 16 lct • issue 09 lct: charts 12 lct + 16 lct + outlook 20 lct • issue 13 lct: charts 16 lct + 20 lct + outlook 24 lct • issue 17 lct: chart 20 lct + outlook 24 lct • issue 21 lct: chart tomorrow 08 lct + outlook 12 lct • pressure centres, fronts • cloud information, precipitation, vis-reducing phenomena • surface visibility, surface wind • weather phenomena hazardous to low-level flights en-route
MODULAR CONCEPT GAMET SECN II (IFR light, VFR, Gliding/Hanggliding/Paragliding, Ballooning) SIGWX phenomena LLSWC („ALPFOR AUSTRIA“): CB tops FL390 TCU tops FL220 height of base and top layer amount: FEW 1/8-2/8 SCT 3/8-4/8 BKN 5/8-7/8 OVC 8/8 characteristics: CONS continuous LYR layered EMBD embedded types: CU, SC, ST, NS, AS, AC, AC LEN
MODULAR CONCEPT GAMET SECN II (IFR light, VFR, Gliding/Hanggliding/Paragliding, Ballooning) SIGWX phenomena LLSWC („ALPFOR AUSTRIA“): types of icing: OPA rime type of ice formation CLA clear type of ice formation MX mixed type of ice formation types of turbulence: LLVL low level RDGE ridge LEE leeward CAT clear air turbulence
MODULAR CONCEPT GAMET SECN II (IFR light, VFR, Gliding/Hanggliding/Paragliding, Ballooning) ALPFOR AUSTRIA Examples: winter weather in the eastern alps
MODULAR CONCEPT GAMET SECN II (IFR light, VFR, Gliding/Hanggliding/Paragliding, Ballooning) ALPFOR AUSTRIA Examples: foehn and thunderstorms in the eastern alps
MODULAR CONCEPT GAMET SECN II (IFR light, VFR, Gliding/Hanggliding/Paragliding, Ballooning) Upper Wind and Upper-Air Temperature / Freezing-Level: issue 11-12 lct: 17 charts „barbs“ for 48hr in advance 17 charts „tabular“ for 48hr in advance • issue 23-24 lct: • 17 charts „barbs“ for 48hr in advance • 17 charts „tabular“ for 48hr in advance
MODULAR CONCEPT GAMET SECN II (IFR light, VFR, Gliding/Hanggliding/Paragliding, Ballooning) Forecast QNH („FOEHN-Potential“): issue 11-12 lct / 23-24 lct: 17 charts „barbs“ for 48hr in advance 17 charts „tabular“ for 48hr in advance
MODULAR CONCEPT GAFOR (VFR) Content: • Forecasts of visibility / cloud base categories O, D, M, X for well-defined route segments (published in the AIP) • routes are „adverse weather routes“ • cloud base information refers to reference heights (mountain passes) Times of Issue / Validity Periods: • 3 to 4 times per day, every 3 hours • issue 0730 lct: validity period 08/14 lct • issue 1030 lct: validity period 11/17 lct • issue 1330 lct: validity period 14/20 lct • issue 1630 lct: validity period 17/23 lct (only during spring and summer)
MODULAR CONCEPT GAFOR (VFR) Content: • 3 time-segments of 2 hours additional information: weather phenomena, which are expected to cause the adverse visibility / cloud base conditions • TS • SN • RA (mod or hvy) • SHSN • SHRA (mod or hvy) • LC • FG • BR
MODULAR CONCEPT GAFOR (VFR) Examples: • mountainous effects: • windward side snowing • leeward side flying
MODULAR CONCEPT ALPTHERM (Gliding/Hanggliding/Paragliding) „a model for atmospheric convection over complex topography“ • mountainous characteristics: valley volume effect, area/height-distributions, elevated convection, various albedo, mountain-valley wind systems • initialization with model profiles and local surface observations • coupled with high-resolution mesoscale modell • 31 regions (climatological aspects) • 2-day-forecasts • 3 updates in the morning • 1 update in the late afternoon
MODULAR CONCEPT ALPTHERM (Gliding/Hanggliding/Paragliding) Content: • quality of thermals (based on forecast PFD) • strength of thermals (mean climb rates) • onset of thermals • height of the thermal updraughts • possible updraughts for ridge soaring
MODULAR CONCEPT ALPTHERM (Gliding/Hanggliding/Paragliding) Content: • time-altitude cross sections of • predicted climb rates • depth of the CBL • possible ridge soaring updraughts • diurnal evolution of • cumulus clouds (base and tops) • stratiform clouds (low, middle, high levels cloud amount) • hazards (thunderstorms, rain/snow, turbulences)
MODULAR CONCEPT BALLONMET (Ballooning) Content: • clouds, moisture • surface wind and detailled upper wind • turbulences, inversion layer • precipitation • surface temperature common ballooning sites
MODULAR CONCEPT BALLONMET (Ballooning) Content: hazards: • thunderstorms, convective showers • thermals • strong surface gusts • fog common ballooning sites
MODULAR CONCEPT ADDITIONAL MATERIAL (IFR light, VFR, Gliding/Hanggliding/Paragliding, Ballooning)
AUSTRO CONTROLiFLYING IN THE ALPSPRODUCTS FOR GENERAL AVIATIONTHANKYOUALLFORLISTENING!! Erstellt durch: Andreas Pfoser Version: 1.0 Datum: 18. März 2010 Datei: schoenhagen.ppt andreas.pfoser@austrocontrol.at