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Klinikai vizsgálatok PF-ban különös tekintettel a néma PF-ra

Discover the natural time course of atrial fibrillation and its connection to silent strokes. Learn about diagnosis, management, and detection methods for AF patients, including insights from clinical studies.

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Klinikai vizsgálatok PF-ban különös tekintettel a néma PF-ra

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  1. Klinikai vizsgálatok PF-bankülönös tekintettel a néma PF-ra Zámolyi Károly Szent Ferenc Kórház, Budapest

  2. Natural time course of AF Első kivizsgálás, ok keresés alapbetegség – lone? AF = atrial fibrillation

  3. Diagnosis and initial management of AF aClass of recommendation. bLevel of evidence. AF = atrial fibrillation; ECG = electrocardiogram; EHRA = European Heart Rhythm Association.

  4. EHRA score of AF-related symptoms AF = atrial fibrillation; EHRA = European Heart Rhythm Association

  5. Diagnosis and initial management of AF aClass of recommendation. bLevel of evidence. AF = atrial fibrillation; ECG = electrocardiogram.

  6. Diagnosis and initial management of AF aClass of recommendation. bLevel of evidence. AF = atrial fibrillation; ECG = electrocardiogram.

  7. AF is a risk factor for silent stroke • The Framingham Offspring Study • 2,040 asymptomatic subjects (free of clinical stroke) underwent MRI • At least 1 silent cerebral infarct was present in 10.7% of participants • Prevalent silent cerebral infarct was associated with AF ODS ratio (95% CI) for silent cerebral infarct was 2.3 Das RR, et al. Stroke. 2008;39:2929-35.

  8. Cryptogenic Stroke

  9. AHA/ASA Guideline - 2014 Guidelines for the Prevention of Stroke in Patients With Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack

  10. Feedback Loop for Care Team

  11. Evaluation for Cryptogenic Stroke

  12. How AF Is Detected in Cryptogenic Stroke Patients

  13. Monitoring Continuum

  14. Prevalence of Unknown Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With Risk Factors Europace. 2013;15(5):657-662. 

  15. ASSERT StudyThe Asymptomatic Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke Evaluation in Pacemaker Patients and the Atrial Fibrillation Reduction Atrial Pacing Trial • 2580 pacemakeres és ICD-s beteg > 65 év, hypertonia – PF nélkül • Szubklinikus PF (SCAF > 6 perc) vizsgálata • 51 betegnek stroke vagy szisztémás embolizáció – 51% szubklinikus PF • 35%-nak volt a stroke előtt detektálható SCAF (8% <30 nap) • 8 beteg (16%) a SCAF csak a stroke után detektálódott, a folyamatos • monitorozás ellenére (medián idő: 228 nap) • Konklúzió: Kevés betegnél jelentkezik SCAF az esemény előtt egy • hónapon belül Brambatti M et al: Circulation 2014;129:2094

  16. SURPRISE TRIAL Stroke Prior to Diagnosis of Atrial Fibrillation Using Long-Term Observation with Implantable Cardiac Monitoring Apparatus Reveal

  17. Atrial Fibrillation Duration in ICM Arm at 12 Months (N = 29)

  18. DISCERN AFProspective Multicenter Study

  19. Sic itur ad astra Köszönöm a figyelmet

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