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Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program (EHEAP)

Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program (EHEAP). February 24, 2009. WCFAAA Webinar. Introductions and Roll Call. Please mute your phone. Topics of Discussion. Program Review  BIG NEWS! - changes in the program Eligibility Verifying a crisis Filling out the Application

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Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program (EHEAP)

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  1. Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program (EHEAP) February 24, 2009 WCFAAA Webinar

  2. Introductions and Roll Call

  3. Please mute your phone

  4. Topics of Discussion • Program Review  • BIG NEWS! - changes in the program • Eligibility • Verifying a crisis • Filling out the Application • Documenting Eligibility • Calculating Income • Corrections • File documentation • Questions?

  5. References • EHEAP Technical Assistance 2009 • 2009/10 EHEAP Contract

  6. EHEAPProgramReview

  7. Eligibility • At least one member of house is 60+ • Household income under 150% of Poverty Level • Applicant is resident of county • Has verifiable energy crisis • Household has not received LIHEAP or EHEAP benefits during application period *#22, EHEAP TA 2009

  8. Definitions of Crisis • Heat or cooling system has been cut off • Household has been notified that energy source will be cut off • Household received a delinquent or past due notice • Unable to get fuel, out of fuel, or in imminent danger of being out of heating fuel • Other problem causing lack of access to energy source *#23 and #24, EHEAP TA 2009

  9. EHEAP Benefits can Pay for: • Continuance of heating or cooling • Repair of heating or cooling system *approval to repair must be given prior to repairs. No reimbursements. • Pay deposits to turn on utilities for heating or cooling • Purchase of space heater, blanket, wood, fuel, fan, A/C, etc.

  10. Eligibility Benefit Periods • Heating- October 1st to March 31st • Cooling- April 1st to Sept. 30th • Eligible for 1 benefit each season


  12. How times have changed! 1950’s 2009

  13. EHEAP Changes !

  14. New Contract Begins as Soon as Contract is Signed Ends March 31, 2010

  15. Maximum Benefit Amount Increased- • Now $600 per season- Up from $400 *Attachment I, (4), EHEAP Contract 2009-10

  16. Definition of Energy Crisis Expanded • Now includes when a household has received a delinquent or past due notice Past Due PAST DUE #23 + #24, EHEAP TA 2009

  17. Client Income Less than 50% Poverty Level • Question #3, page 2 of application • Explain how basic living expenses are met if income is below 50% of Poverty Level.

  18. HUH???

  19. How do I find 50% Poverty Level? • “Home Energy Benefits and Poverty Level” reference Sheet OR • Divide the annual income limit on page 2 of application by 3 Example: For 1 person, 150% Annual Income Limit is $16,245 / 3 = $5415

  20. Eligibility

  21. Automatic Qualification Consumer has a home energy emergency and one of the following: • Receives Food Stamps • Receives SSI • Applied for WAP and is currently eligible • Applied for Community Services Block Grant and is currently eligible

  22. Automatic Qualification continued Computation of income is not necessary if consumer automatically qualifies. Documentation must be attached. (We’ll go into this further in a bit.)

  23. Eligibility of Illegal Aliens • Cannot serve an illegal alien • If a legal citizen resides in the household, the household is eligible for EHEAP screening • Ineligible aliens are not counted in the household size *#36a, EHEAP TA 2009

  24. Verifying the Crisis

  25. How is Energy Crisis Verified? Cut off, delinquent, or past-due notice : AND • Contact with energy supplier and documentation of cut off date or • Acceptance of applicant’s statement of need for heating or cooling supplies ( blankets, fan repairs, wood, gas, fuel oil, etc.) *#25, EHEAP TA 2009

  26. Bills Over $600 ? • Obtain proof that excess was paid prior to approval • If excess amount can not be met and the crisis resolved, application must be denied

  27. Filling Out the Application

  28. Documenting Eligibility • SSNs are not required • SS card should not be copied • Pseudo IDs can be made, must provide some form of ID and income • All household members & income must be listed • Verification of ID can be documented by viewing SS card as last resort

  29. Documenting Eligibilitycontinued • Birth certificates can be used for children • Copied forms of ID such as driver’s license for each resident should be kept in the file Note: All applicants must receive SSN confidentiality disclosure forms and a copy must be kept in the file *#2, EHEAP TA 2009

  30. Documenting Automatic Eligibility • Food Stamps- approval letter for anyone in household • Proof of age 60+ for one member • Verifiable crisis • Print Food stamp eligibility in ACCESS • SSI- approval notice • WAP and CSBG- Call WAP or CSGB provider to confirm eligibility, document date, agency, and name of person confirming eligibility.

  31. Calculating Income

  32. Calculating Income for those automatically eligible • Household annual income entered in CIRTS DATA portion of application • All other income references can be omitted Don’t need to fill in #1 of Income info on front of application or #1,2, or 3 on the back *#33, EHEAP TA 2009

  33. IF Auto-eligible, no need to fill in highlighted section below.

  34. IF Auto-eligible, no need to fill in #1, 2, or 3 below.

  35. Calculating Incomefor those without automatic qualification Use the most current economic situation to calculate annual income *Standard: Multiply monthly paycheck by 12 = annual income

  36. Current Economic Situation Example: A client was recently laid off from a job where he made $700 monthly for the past year. What is his current annual income? $0

  37. Current Economic Situationcontinued Example #2: A household member just started a job making $800/month after being unemployed for 11 months. What is his annual income? • $800 • However, “use whichever method will provide the most accurate representation of the applicant’s current economic situation when calculating annual income.” #37, EHEAP TA, 2 2009

  38. Documentation of Income • The name of the employer should be on the pay stub (if not, note employer’s name on app.) • Info for each adult household member should be listed • Self-declaration form is completed by adult applicants attesting to “0” income #38 + #39, EHEAP TA 2009

  39. Medicare Premium • Add in $96.40 Medicare Premium only if not included in SSA • Add in Medicare Part D, if applicable

  40. Common Mistakes and Corrections • SSA/SSI often put in earned income • These are unearned sources of income

  41. Legal corrections • Cross out the error • Correct the error • Date the correction • Initial the correction

  42. Corrections NOwhite out or correction tape

  43. File Documentation

  44. Client Files • Separate files for each applicant • CIRTS info is also kept under this applicants name

  45. EHEAP Client File Contents: • Application • Names, ages, and id docs of all household members • Income amount and method of verification for all household members • Age and income docs to support eligibility • Statement of self-declaration of income when applicable *#60, EHEAP TA 2009

  46. Client File Contents continued • Statement of how living expenses are being provided if at less than 50% of current Federal Poverty rate • Documentation of consumer’s obligation to pay energy bill • Copies of bills of services provided • Copies of approval or denial letters to applicant • If preference given for disability, documentation including disability income or physician’s statement *#60, EHEAP TA 2009

  47. Client file contents continued • Documentation of referrals to LIHEAP, CSBG, and WAP • Documentation of payments to vendors • Documentation of calculation for subsidized housing • If applicant approved, the info for one elderly member of the household must be entered into CIRTS • SSN disclosure form NOTE: Grievance Policy must be posted in office but statement of receipt no longer required in the file. *#60, EHEAP TA 2009

  48. Prioritization

  49. Prioritization • “Make payments on behalf of those consumers with the highest home energy needs and the lowest household income, which will be determined by taking into account both the energy burden and the unique situation of households that result from having members of vulnerable population, including very young children, the disabled and frail older individuals.” #50 & #51, EHEAP TA 2009

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