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Public Key Crypto RSA. RSA. CSCI284 Spring 2004 GWU. Advanced Cryptography CSCI 297/later 381. Theory of secrecy: hard problems and crypto Elliptic curves Electronic Cash and Anonymous Credentials PRNGs Not much Cryptanalysis, Shannon secrecy. Advanced Crypto: Grading.
Public Key Crypto • RSA RSA CSCI284 Spring 2004 GWU
Advanced CryptographyCSCI 297/later 381 • Theory of secrecy: hard problems and crypto • Elliptic curves • Electronic Cash and Anonymous Credentials • PRNGs • Not much Cryptanalysis, Shannon secrecy CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Advanced Crypto: Grading • HWs, presentations, class participation, project • Half lecture, half seminar style course. Each student reads and presents about 3 papers during the course. CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
CS297: Electronic Voting • Crypto, Security, Systems, Political requirements of e-voting • Part lecture, part seminar, with project and participation through volunteering in 2004 election. • Students can register only through instructor permission: instructor is Jonathan Stanton. CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Projects? • Presentations on: • 27th April, Tuesday, 6:10-7:40 (make-up day) and • 28th April, Wednesday, 6:10-7:40 (another make-up day) • Presentations consist of 10 mins demos/presentations + 5 mins. questions • Schedule will be given next week • Make sure you have tested the PC in the room and loaded your software before class starts. CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Project evaluations: 25% • 5%: proposal (those who have not submitted should do so asap, their marks will be multiplied by 0.6, i.e. maximum mark will be 3%) • 5% presentation • 5% questions • 5% if working demo (this goes for questions for theory projects) • 5% how interesting/difficult it is CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
How does Alice send Bob the decryption key in private key crypto? • If Alice wants it such that anyone can decrypt her messages, but know that they came from her • Suppose she could make the decryption key available in a public place • This would require that the decryption key should not give any information on the encryption key, in particular it should not be equal to it CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
How does Alice send Bob the decryption key in private key crypto? contd • If she wants it so that only Bob can read her messages, and Bob is ok with anyone sending him messages in this way • Suppose Bob makes his encryption key available publicly • No one should be able to compute the decryption key from the encryption key • This is the dual of the previous case CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Public Key Cryptography Two injective functions f and g such that fg=I i.e. messages encrypted with one can be decrypted with the other; functions include association with key f cannot be used to find g and vice versa One is made public, the other kept private Encryption with public function provides confidential transmission, decryption with public function provides authentication CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Consider: given c = f(m), f public. Should be decrypted only by owner of this “public key” Is the secrecy of this encryption perfect? i.e. given infinite computing power, can someone find m? CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
PKC from another pov • f(m) is a one-way function, because f(m) is computationally easy, but finding m from f(m) should be difficult without the key • However, finding m with the key, or on knowing g, should be easy too. • f(m) is a one-way function with a trapdoor – the private key CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Aside: Computational Complexity • NP problems are those in which one can check a given solution in polynomial time • An NP-complete problem is one which, if solved in polynomial time, can be used to solve all other NP problems in polynomial time. • Thus, if an NP-complete problem is solved in polynomial-time, P (set of all problems solvable in polynomial time) = NP (set of all problems for which solutions can be checked in polynomial time) CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Aside: Computational Complexity There are problems not known to have polynomial-time solutions which are also not known to be NP-complete: i.e. they are difficult, but perhaps not among the most difficult CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Aside: different grades of difficulty • If m can be found from f(m) in polynomial time, i.e. the number of operations required are a polynomial in the size of the input (the number of bits in the keys), f(m) is not one-way in the most popular computational model: probabilistic polynomial-time. • If an algorithm for finding f(m) in polynomial time is not known to the public, f(m) might be one-way, and might be usable for crypto CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Aside: different grades of difficulty contd • If other very difficult problems (NP-complete problems) in computer science can be solved if m can be found from f(m), i.e. the problem is NP-hard, f(m) is most likely to be one-way. • It is not known if one-way functions exist. They exist only if P ≠ NP CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
RSACocks (’73), Rivest, Shamir, Adleman (’76) n = pq, p and q (large) primes P = C = Zn K = {(n, p, q, a, b}: ab 1 mod (n)} fK(m) = ma mod n gK(m) = mb mod n Show that fK and gK are inverses CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Need: Some group theory What is a group? • A set of elements G with • An additive operation such that • G is closed under the operation, i.e. if a, b G, so does a b • The operation is associative, i.e. (a b) c = a (b c) • An identity exists and is in G, i.e. • e G, s.t. e g = g e = g • Every element has an inverse in G, i.e. g G g-1 G s.t g g-1 = e CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Multiplicative and additive groups • The group operation can be addition or multiplication • Consider Zn • Is it a multiplicative group? Additive? Fact: Zp* for prime p is cyclic, generated by a primitive element {1, , 2, … p-1} Examples of Zn - multiplicative and additive groups, prime and composite n, primitive elements CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Lagrange’s theorem on the order of a group element Theorem: Suppose G is a multiplicative group of order n (i.e. the group operation is multiplication) and g G. Then the order of g divides n. Example: multiplicative group. True also of additive groups. Example: additive group. CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Lagrange’s theorem on the order of a group element - II Proof: Consider the following relation: a b iff axi = b for some i • is an equivalence relation because: • axo(x) = a • If a bthen b = axi and a = bx-I and b a • If a b and b c, then b = axi and c = bxj = axi+j and a c Hence, the cosets of this relation partition the group and are of equal size. Example: the relation for some x and composite n CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Lagrange’s theorem on the order of a group element - III Hence, the size of any coset divides the size of the group if it is finite {e, x1, x2, …xo(x)} is a coset of size o(x) Because any coset that contains x = {a s.t axi = x i} = {a = x1-i i} = {xj j } Hence o(x) | n Example, composite n CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Back to RSA f(g(x)) = xba mod n = xt(n)+1 mod n = x xt (n) mod n = x mod n if x Zn* What if x Zn\Zn*? Need much more math. CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
xt (n) mod n = ? Write Zn = ZpX Zq True by Chinese Remainder Theorem: There is exactly one number modulo xy which is bmodx and Bmody if x and y are relatively prime. x (x mod p, x mod q) = wlog (0, d) = (0, j) x(n) = (0, (n)j) = (0, 1) x. x(n) = (0, 1) (0, j) = x CRT isomorphism examples, by hand, small composite n CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Back to RSA: Key generation Find p and q (two large random primes) n pq (n) (p-1)(q-1) Choose random a invertible mod (n) s.t 1 < a < (n) i.e. a s.t gcd(a, (n)) = 1 Use Euclidean algorithm to find a-1mod (n) Without p and q cannot determine (n) One key: (n, a) other key (n, b); Example CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Security of RSAIs it based on hardness of factoring n? • It is not known if: • factoring a product of two primes into its prime components is • solvable in polynomial time • NP-complete • there are other trapdoors to RSA, i.e. other ways of breaking it in general • Factoring is an easy problem in the quantum computing model. CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Computational Complexity Computational complexity of the following operations on x (k bit) and y (l bit), k l: • x + y • x – y • xy • Floor(x/y) O(l(k-l)) • gcd(x, y) O(k3) CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Euclidean Algorithm gcd(m, n) /* m > n */ (a, b) := (m, n) /* Initialize */ while (b0) (a, b) := (b, a – b*q) /*Where q = a/b */ return(a) Complexity? CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Computational Complexity mod n Computational complexity of the following operations on mod n, where n is a k-bit integer: • x + y • x – y • xy • x-1 • xc c< n O(k2log c) = O(k3) CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Efficient exponentiation(from Memon notes) Usual approach to computing xc mod n is inefficient when c is large. Example: 551 involves 51 multiplications mod n Instead, represent c as bit string bk-1 … b0 and use the following algorithm: z = 1 For i = k-1 downto 0 do z = z2 mod n if bi = 1 then z = z x mod n How many multiplications? k = 2ceiling(log2c) CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Example Calculate 551 mod 7 efficiently 51 = 110011 = 25 + 24 + 21 + 20 551 = ((((52)2)2)2)2 (((52)2)2)2 52 51 How many multiplications did you need? CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
551 mod 7 CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
RSA: Computational complexity • 512 bit primes, n 1024 bits • Encryption: b3 where a plaintext character is b-bits • Decryption by brute force: 2bb3 • Key generation: Primes? O(b2), O(b3) CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
PRIME • The book presents probabilistic algorithms for determining if a number is prime. • Two years ago, undergraduate students and their adviser showed that determining if a number is prime can be done in deterministic polynomial time • We will not discuss any of these in class. CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
A simple inefficient algorithm • Generate a b-bit random number • It is prime with probability 1/ln 2b = 1/(ln2 b) = O(1/b) • Generate enough and will be done, in O(b) complexity. CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Factoring: Pollard p-1 algorithm • Suppose we know that: • for p a prime dividing n • every prime power that divides p-1 is B • (p-1) | B! • Further: 2p-1 1 (mod p) (Why?) • Hence 2B! (mod n) 2B! (mod p) 1 (mod p) • And p | 2B! -1 • Hence p | gcd(2B! -1, n), which divides n • gcd(2B! -1, n) non-trivial factor of n CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Pollard p-1 contd. POLLARD p-1 FACTORING (n, B) a 2 for j 2 to B a aj mod n d gcd(a-1, n) if 1 < d < n return(d) else return(failure) CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Example CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA
Complexity: Pollard p-1 • B-1 modular exponentiations, each requiring (logn)2logB operations • (logn)3 for Euclidean • If B of O(log n), polynomial, but probbaility of success low. • For good RSA security, p-1 should not have small factors. CS284/Spring04/GWU/Vora/RSA