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ADaPT: An Event-Passing Protocol for Reducing Delivery Costs in Scatter-Gather Parallel Processes

ADaPT: An Event-Passing Protocol for Reducing Delivery Costs in Scatter-Gather Parallel Processes. Outline. ADaPT: An Event-Passing Protocol For Reducing Delivery Costs in Scatter-Gather Parallel Processes.  Motivation.  Motivation.  Established Techniques.  ADaPT.

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ADaPT: An Event-Passing Protocol for Reducing Delivery Costs in Scatter-Gather Parallel Processes

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  1. ADaPT: An Event-Passing Protocol for Reducing Delivery Costs in Scatter-Gather Parallel Processes

  2. Outline ADaPT: An Event-Passing Protocol For Reducing Delivery Costs in Scatter-Gather Parallel Processes  Motivation  Motivation  Established Techniques  ADaPT  Performance Comparison  Conclusions

  3. Motivation What is the Laboratory for Neural Dynamics? • A computational-science section of the Center for Neural Engineering • Part of a National Science Foundation engineering research center dedicated to biomimetic microelectronic systems • Combines computational electrophysiology, engineering, pharmacology, and other disciplines • Integrates empirically-measured, realistic, and biologically-inspired synaptic models for the purposeof temporal signals processing

  4. Motivation The Dynamic Synapse • Biologically-inspired rather than realistic • Computationally-complex and non-linear • Signals processing application was originally a proof of concept • Now a synergistic field for the Center Postsynapse Neuron Presynapse Na+ Figure 1: Electro-chemical synaptic transmission Ca2+ Ca2+ Feedback threshold threshold Action Potential input Glutamate release Synaptic Potential Summation Action Potential output

  5. A AP AP AP EPSP EPSP EPSP EPSP EPSP EPSP EPSP EPSP EPSP EPSP EPSP EPSP Motivation Dynamic Synapse Neural Networks LAYER 1 • Classical NN structure • Increased synaptic functionality • Parameter trainingvia genetic algorithms Array of K input neurons LAYER 2 3xK Pre-synaptic Matrix 3xK Post-synaptic Matrix K Output Neurons 3 2 1 AP AP A AP AP Feedback Modulation Captured Sound K length filter bank Microphone Array Figure 2: 3xK 2-Layer DSNN Single Word Classifier.

  6. Outline ADaPT: An Event-Passing Protocol For Reducing Delivery Costs in Scatter-Gather Parallel Processes  Motivation  Motivation Established Techniques  ADaPT  Performance Comparison  Conclusions

  7. Established Techniques Master Scatter-Gather Computation Time • Naïve Approach • Multiple SequentialScatter-Gathers • With uniform computation time, exhibits decent parallelism • With variable computation times,significant idle time Worker n -2 Worker n -1 Worker 1 Worker 2 Worker 3 Worker 4 Worker 5 Worker 6 Worker n Master Worker n -2 Worker n -1 Worker 1 Worker 2 Worker 3 Worker 4 Worker 5 Worker 6 Worker n Master Worker n -2 Worker n -1 Worker 1 Worker 2 Worker 3 Worker 4 Worker 5 Worker 6 Worker n Master Figure 3: Multi-phase evaluation of 3n genomes by n workers using naïve scatter-gathering.

  8. Established Techniques A More Efficient Mapping Master Computation Time • Asynchronous scattering • Reduced idle time for workers • Closer to optimal time to solution • Dynamic allocation of resources • More difficult Worker n -2 Worker n -1 Worker 1 Worker 2 Worker 3 Worker 4 Worker 5 Worker 6 Worker n Master Figure 4: Multi-phase evaluation of 3n genomes by n workers using a more efficient mapping.

  9. Outline ADaPT: An Event-Passing Protocol For Reducing Delivery Costs in Scatter-Gather Parallel Processes  Motivation  Motivation  Established Techniques  ADaPT  Performance Comparison  Conclusions

  10. ADaPT Adaptive Data-parallel Publish/Subscribe Transport Protocol • Publish/Subscribe • Worker-centric, i.e. processes subscribe to the master • Data is transported (published) to workers as events • Unsubscription is possible • Two-phase adaptive protocol • Learning phase: request-reply, monitoring of time between requests • Aggressive phase: events are pushed to workers at regular intervals

  11. Outline ADaPT: An Event-Passing Protocol For Reducing Delivery Costs in Scatter-Gather Parallel Processes  Motivation  Motivation  Established Techniques  ADaPT  Performance Comparison  Conclusions

  12. Performance Comparison Message-passing costs for MPI scatters • Two protocols • Aggressive & Conservative • Scatter/Gathers in most implementations use conservative protocols • Analysis due to Gropp, et. al. C(MPI Scatter) = (# pop.)[3s + r(n+3e)] Where n = event payload e = envelope r = network bandwidth s = latency Equation 1: Computation time cost in of scatters In MPI.

  13. Performance Comparison Computational Costs for Multiple scatters in MPI • Our assumption is a normally distributed population of compute times • An ideal ordering of computations would be sortedby compute time • How much idle time is present? C(Computation) = (# pop.)(avg. compute time) + (# workers)(avg. compute time) Equation 2: Computation time of a normally-distributed population using scatters in MPI. Figure 5: Graph of sorted compute times of anormal distribution illustrating idle time.

  14. Performance Comparison Message-Passing costs for ADaPT • Three different costs of event-passing in ADaPT: • Subscription • Learning Phase • Aggressive Phase C(subscription) = (# workers) x [s + re] C(learning) = (# samples) x [2s + r(n+2e)] C(aggressive) = (# pop - # samples) x [s + r(n+e)] Note: we assume control events to be of size e Equation 3: Event-passing costs of ADaPT.

  15. Performance Comparison Unsubscribe Costs for ADaPT • An unsubscribe occurs when a worker’s event buffer is in danger of overflowing • With ADaPT, an overflowoccurs when a worker receivesm-1 events triggering computetimes greater than the estimatedaverage (assuming a worker buffers m events) • Conservatively, we have decidedthat workers should clear theirbuffers before resubscribing - We used a Monte Carlo simulation (details in paper) to determine E,the % pop with compute times > than the estimated mean given error as a function of % pop. sampled P(unsubscribe) = E*Pop C m-1 Pop C m-1 C(unsubscribe) = P(unsubscribe) x [2(s+re) + (m-1)(avg. compute+ Δ)] Equation 4: Costs of worker unsubscription in ADaPT.

  16. Performance Comparison Analysis (# pop - # samples)2re + (# samples)(avg. compute time) >(# pop / m) x P(unsubscribe) x [2re + (m-1)(avg. compute time)] • Which protocol is more appropriate? • For simplicity of comparisonwe will drop the latency termand assume the number of samples to be equal to thenumber of workers • i.e. each worker’s firstcomputation is monitored Equation 5: Cost comparison of MPI vs. ADaPT. Figure 6: Graph of inequality in Equation 5.

  17. Outline ADaPT: An Event-Passing Protocol For Reducing Delivery Costs in Scatter-Gather Parallel Processes  Motivation  Motivation  Established Techniques  ADaPT  Performance Comparison  Conclusions

  18. Conclusions What have we shown? • ADaPT is useful when multiple scattering of data must occur due to natural aggregation • An example is the training of the DSNN using genetic algorithms • Worker-centric approach for reduced processor idle time • Unsubscription is expensive but can be avoided withgreater event-buffering capabilities • ADaPT exploits an event pattern which emerges fromthe application of a well-known architectural pattern

  19. Thank You

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