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Nestled in the Western Ghats of India lies the stunning and picturesque hill station of Coorg, waiting to be explored. Coorg has glorious history along with its beauty to which everyone should explore. There are vaious places to visit in Coorg where you can go and feel the splendid history of coorg.<br><br>Read More : https://www.ibnisprings.com/history-of-coorg/
History of Coorg D iscover fascinating facts about the H ISTORY OF C OORG . E ver w onder how the beautiful region of C oorg (K odagu) cam e to be? D ive into its rich history and uncover the origins of the K odavas.
Coorg, a breathtaking destination nestled at the base of the w estern ghats in south India, is a true w onderland w ith m esm erizing m ountains, thick forests, and glistening stream s that are sure to leave you spellbound. The area receives up to 300 inches of rainfall annually during the m onsoon season, w hich adds to its beauty, creates an idyllic clim ate, and is the lifeblood for a diverse range of w ildlife, including w ild anim als, birds, and reptiles that roam freely in the lush forests. E nriched w ith fertile land, C oorg is prim arily an agricultural region, w here the m ost popular crops grow n are paddy and cadm ium . In addition to its captivating evergreen forests, iconic strips, and arom atic coffee plantations, Coorg is also a treasure trove of history, som e say as a piece of heaven that descended from the heavenly kingdom .
D espite the m ystery surrounding the K odavas' tribe origin, w hich has spaw ned over 11 intriguing theories about their roots and ancestry, one fascinating tale suggests that Coorgis are descendants of the G reeks w ho, during A lexander's invasion in India, w ere unable to return because of the daunting terrain that stood in their w ay. An Historical overview about the fusion of tradition and Culture of Coorg K odagu’s rich history is fascinating and has been shaped by a num ber of South Indian dynasties over
the centuries. You can delve into the intricacies of Coorg’s developm ent through the ages here. The Coorg region w as once under the rule of m any pow erful South Indian dynasties, including the K adam bas, G angas, Chalukyas, Cholas, Rastrakutas, H oyasalas and the Vijayanagara K ingdom . In the 9th and 10th centuries, the region’s history w as carefully docum ented. In the first few centuries of the Com m on E ra, K odagu w as governed by the form idable Chera dynasty. D uring that tim e, a w ar broke out betw een the Cheras and their neighbors to the north, nam ely Cholas. A s a result, the Thiru Jentham izhchirai, also know n as the Sivaganga Treaty, w as signed by both parties to delineate the boundaries of their territories.
A ccording to the treaty, K alaburgi becam e part of Chola territory and K odagu cam e under C hola dom inion. A t the daw n of the 16th century how ever, K odagu cam e under the sw ay of the Vijayanagar E m pire. In the 11th century, the Cholas overthrew the G anga dynasty and the Changalvas becam e tributaries of the Cholas. In K odagu, Changalvas and K ongalvas w ere aristocrats w ho shared a joint lineage. Raja Raja Chola w ielded considerable pow er in Tanjavur at that tim e, w hile the Changalvas continued to hold sw ay under Chola suzerainty. In the 12th century, local chieftains in the Chola kingdom revolted against their rulers, including the
A lupas of Tulunad and the Changalvas of K odagu them selves. It w as the H oysalas w ho ultim ately vanquished the Cholas from the K annada area of M ysore and the surrounding regions. A fter gaining independence, the Chengalvas rejected the H oysala rule. Pem m a Veerappa, the first king to engrave the w ord “K odagaru” (K odavas) on the stone asanas, christened the region K odagu. Coorg, also known as the Scotland of India, has undergone a significant evolution since gaining independence.
A fter India gained independence, K arnataka State w as form ed on linguistic grounds. A m ong the districts included in the southern region w as K odagu, w hich w as part of South K anara district. In 1956, m ost of the southern districts of M ysore State w ere m erged, and K odagu becam e part of M ysore State. The m odern state of K arnataka later em erged from this region, w ith K odagu as one of its districts. A s a result, K odagu is now the official nam e of the district, w hich is divided into three segm ents: M adikeri (M ercera), Som w arpet, and Virajpet. India's Coffee Capital has a rich history that dates back many years. Coorg's coffee industry boasts a rich history, w ith roots tracing back to the B ritish E ast India Com pany's first coffee estate established in 1801. Today, C oorg's coffee is revered w orldw ide for its
unique 'Coffea A rabica' bean variety that grow s exclusively in the area, producing a distinct flavor. This coffee is highly sought after, w ith exports to countries such as the U SA , Japan, Canada, and A ustralia. The beans are roasted tw ice, w hich enhances the flavor and arom a. It is said that Coorg's coffee is best served w ith equal parts of m ilk or cream and sw eetened sugar. Coffee connoisseurs and industry professionals alike highly praise the coffee from this region, such as L orali G old Coffee and M aura Tom kins, founder of L orali Coffee Com pany and international coffee buyer for Starbucks. A dditionally, a recent study has revealed the variety of coffees grow n in Coorg, w ith Robusta and A rabica standing as the m ost popular and highly esteem ed. Read More: https://www.ibnisprings.com/history-of- coorg/