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Long- Term results of intravesical Hyaluronan therapy in BPS/IC. Engelhardt et al., 2010. Hyaluronan Long- Term results. 70 pat. With BPS and HA therapy between 2001 and 2003 received a questionnaire (VAS) to evaluate the present status (at 2008)
Long-Termresults of intravesicalHyaluronantherapy in BPS/IC Engelhardt et al., 2010
Hyaluronan Long-Termresults 70 pat. With BPS and HA therapybetween 2001 and 2003 received a questionnaire (VAS) toevaluatethepresent status (at 2008) Patientshadpreviously a highsymptomremisionrate at short-term (>80%)
Hyaluronan Long-Termresults Results: 48/70 responded tothequestionnaire Mean follow-up of 4.9 years 8.15 beforetherapy VAS 2.71 aftertherapy (Short –term) 2.14 Long-term (after 5 years)
Hyaluronan Long-Termresults 1) Patientsevaluation: 50% of patients (24/48) werestill free of bladdersymptoms at 5 y. follow-up, withoutanyadditionaltherapyaftertheinitialinstillation series
Hyaluronan Long-Termresults 2) Patientsevaluation: 41.7% of patients (20/48) symptomsrecurredwithinthefirstyearafterinstillationtherapy. 25% were free of symptomsafterreceiving HA maintenancealone (12/48) 16.7% were free afterreceiving HA in combinationwith oral PPS (8/48)
Hyaluronan Long-Termresults 3) Patientsevaluation: 8.3% of patients (4/48) no change of symptoms
Hyaluronan Long-Termresults Conclusion: Besides a highrate of acutesymptomremision, Hyaluronanalso shows long-termefficacy in a considerable number of BPS patients, whatsuggeststhatsomepatientsmaybecuredbythistherapy
Hyaluronan Long-Termresults VAS reduction: > 2 in 85.4% of patients (41/48) < 2 in 6.25% of patients (3/48) No improvement in 8.3% (4/48)
Hyaluronan Long-Termresults Hyaluronanreinforcestheurine-tissuebarrierbyintegration in the GAG-layerontheluminalsurface and the base of urothelialcells, a part of otheractions, likethe anti-inflammatoryeffect Hyaluronanlong-termtherapy has no adverse effects and can beadministeredoveryearswithoutdisadvantageforthepatients
Hyaluronan Long-Termresults Thehigh response rate in thepresentstudymaybe a consequence of patientselection and standardization of instillationtherapy ModifiedPotassium Test Easierapplicablecriteriafacilitates diagnosis, withearlierinitiation of therapy and betteroutcomes
Hyaluronan Long-Termresults ThepatientsreceivedweeklyHyaluronaninstillationsuntilsymptoms resolved as topatientsjudgementorifinstillationtherapyturnedouttobeineffectiveafter a maximum of 10 instillations Instillationtherapywasonlyperformed in patientswhowereabletoretaintheinstillationfor 2 hours
Hyaluronan Long-Termresults Thequestionnairewasidenticalbefore and afterthetherapy Averagenumber of instillations: 12
Hyaluronan Long-Termresults Response rateafterinitialinstillationtherapywithother GAG substituents: 56% Heparin 45% Chondroitin sulfate 44% PPS Long-termresults do notexistforthesesubstances