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Please find and fill out your FAL pre-assessment. If you don’t know the answer, leave it blank.

Please find and fill out your FAL pre-assessment. If you don’t know the answer, leave it blank. Let’s get started…. Sir Ken Robinson: Teachers as Gardeners. Twitter Hashtag : # GACISMath. Why FAL?. Georgia Department of Education Curriculum and Instruction Mathematics Team

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Please find and fill out your FAL pre-assessment. If you don’t know the answer, leave it blank.

  2. Let’s get started…

  3. Sir Ken Robinson: Teachers as Gardeners

  4. Twitter Hashtag: #GACISMath Why FAL? Georgia Department of Education Curriculum and Instruction Mathematics Team Brooke Kline, Lead Program Specialist James Pratt, Secondary Mathematics Specialist Turtle Toms, Elementary Mathematics Specialist

  5. True or False? • Basic facts come before deep learning. • Rigorous education means teacher lecture. • Covering a topic means it has been taught.

  6. True or False? • Teaching to student interests entails a compromise of teacher standards. • Acceleration creates a more rigorous class.

  7. True or False? • A quiet classroom signifies good learning. • Traditional schooling prepares students for life.

  8. True or False? • Formative assessment is a special kind of test, or series of tests that teachers learn to use to find out what their students know. • Formative assessment is a program that districts adopt and teachers add to what they already do. • Any practice that gathers information for the purpose of improving programs or improving teaching is a part of formative assessment.

  9. Keep your pre-assessment near, and use it for note-taking, if you wish.

  10. 2011-2012- Cohort 1: Six districts piloted FALs • 2012-2013- Cohort 2: 52 districts training in FALs • 60 FALs currently aligned to CCGPS • (MS & HS) • Some frameworks now have FALs embedded

  11. Formative Assessment Lessons (FAL) are currently in use in several districts. • The use of FAL by districts is growing. • Why?

  12. Convince a bored 15 year old that math is vital to her survival.

  13. Bad Math? • Imitative

  14. Bad Math? • Passive/receptive

  15. Bad Math? • Minimal student explanations, comparisons

  16. ?

  17. What am I supposed to do?

  18. PassiveActive

  19. TransmissionChallenging

  20. Let’s do a little math…

  21. Put your meta-goggles on… Effective questioning? Cooperative small groups?

  22. Put your meta-goggles on… Building on prior knowledge? Exposing and discussing misconceptions?

  23. Put your meta-goggles on… Methods vs. answer-getting? Connections? Collaboration?

  24. True or False? • Basic facts come before deep learning. • Rigorous education means teacher lecture. • Covering a topic means it has been taught.

  25. True or False? • Teaching to student interests means a compromise of teacher standards. • Acceleration creates a more rigorous class.

  26. True or False? • A quiet classroom means good learning. • Traditional schooling prepares students for life .

  27. True or False? • Formative assessment is a special kind of test, or series of tests that teachers learn to use to find out what their students know. • Formative assessment is a program that districts adopt and teachers add to what they already do. • Any practice that gathers information for the purpose of improving programs or improving teaching is a part of formative assessment.

  28. Ask yourself, ask your colleagues… How do you support this change?

  29. Feel like this?

  30. Feel like this!

  31. “ It ain’t what people don’t know that hurts them. It’s what they do know that ain’t so.” Will Rogers

  32. Call to Action • Keep learning about Formative Assessment Lessons. • Visit grade level wikis: http://ccgpsmathematicsk-5.wikispaces.com/http://ccgpsmathematics6-8.wikispaces.com/ http://ccgpsmathematics9-10.wikispaces.com/ • View current grade level webinars and archived recordings of introductory webinars and video broadcasts: https://www.georgiastandards.org/Common-Core/Pages/Math-PL-Sessions.aspx

  33. Thank You! Brooke Kline Lead Program Specialist bkline@doe.k12.ga.us James Pratt Program Specialist (6-12) jpratt@doe.k12.ga.us Turtle Toms Program Specialist (K-5) tgunn@doe.k12.ga.us Follow us on Twitter @GaDOEMath

  34. FAL Resources • McREL: What We Know About Mathematics Teaching and Learning • Mathematics Assessment Project: http://map.mathshell.org • Inside Mathematics: http://www.insidemathematics.org/ • http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/2010/08/22/the-best-resources-for-learning-about-formative-assessment/

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