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Please find and fill out your FAL pre-assessment. If you don’t know the answer, leave it blank. Let’s get started…. Sir Ken Robinson: Teachers as Gardeners. Twitter Hashtag : # GACISMath. Why FAL?. Georgia Department of Education Curriculum and Instruction Mathematics Team
Please find and fill out your FAL pre-assessment. If you don’t know the answer, leave it blank.
Twitter Hashtag: #GACISMath Why FAL? Georgia Department of Education Curriculum and Instruction Mathematics Team Brooke Kline, Lead Program Specialist James Pratt, Secondary Mathematics Specialist Turtle Toms, Elementary Mathematics Specialist
True or False? • Basic facts come before deep learning. • Rigorous education means teacher lecture. • Covering a topic means it has been taught.
True or False? • Teaching to student interests entails a compromise of teacher standards. • Acceleration creates a more rigorous class.
True or False? • A quiet classroom signifies good learning. • Traditional schooling prepares students for life.
True or False? • Formative assessment is a special kind of test, or series of tests that teachers learn to use to find out what their students know. • Formative assessment is a program that districts adopt and teachers add to what they already do. • Any practice that gathers information for the purpose of improving programs or improving teaching is a part of formative assessment.
Keep your pre-assessment near, and use it for note-taking, if you wish.
2011-2012- Cohort 1: Six districts piloted FALs • 2012-2013- Cohort 2: 52 districts training in FALs • 60 FALs currently aligned to CCGPS • (MS & HS) • Some frameworks now have FALs embedded
Formative Assessment Lessons (FAL) are currently in use in several districts. • The use of FAL by districts is growing. • Why?
Convince a bored 15 year old that math is vital to her survival.
Bad Math? • Imitative
Bad Math? • Passive/receptive
Bad Math? • Minimal student explanations, comparisons
Put your meta-goggles on… Effective questioning? Cooperative small groups?
Put your meta-goggles on… Building on prior knowledge? Exposing and discussing misconceptions?
Put your meta-goggles on… Methods vs. answer-getting? Connections? Collaboration?
True or False? • Basic facts come before deep learning. • Rigorous education means teacher lecture. • Covering a topic means it has been taught.
True or False? • Teaching to student interests means a compromise of teacher standards. • Acceleration creates a more rigorous class.
True or False? • A quiet classroom means good learning. • Traditional schooling prepares students for life .
True or False? • Formative assessment is a special kind of test, or series of tests that teachers learn to use to find out what their students know. • Formative assessment is a program that districts adopt and teachers add to what they already do. • Any practice that gathers information for the purpose of improving programs or improving teaching is a part of formative assessment.
Ask yourself, ask your colleagues… How do you support this change?
“ It ain’t what people don’t know that hurts them. It’s what they do know that ain’t so.” Will Rogers
Call to Action • Keep learning about Formative Assessment Lessons. • Visit grade level wikis: http://ccgpsmathematicsk-5.wikispaces.com/http://ccgpsmathematics6-8.wikispaces.com/ http://ccgpsmathematics9-10.wikispaces.com/ • View current grade level webinars and archived recordings of introductory webinars and video broadcasts: https://www.georgiastandards.org/Common-Core/Pages/Math-PL-Sessions.aspx
Thank You! Brooke Kline Lead Program Specialist bkline@doe.k12.ga.us James Pratt Program Specialist (6-12) jpratt@doe.k12.ga.us Turtle Toms Program Specialist (K-5) tgunn@doe.k12.ga.us Follow us on Twitter @GaDOEMath
FAL Resources • McREL: What We Know About Mathematics Teaching and Learning • Mathematics Assessment Project: http://map.mathshell.org • Inside Mathematics: http://www.insidemathematics.org/ • http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/2010/08/22/the-best-resources-for-learning-about-formative-assessment/