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LIP’s interest in SHiP. P. Fonte. LIP-Laboratory of Instrumentation and high-energy Particle physics. (www.lip.pt). Congregates the bulk of the HEP activities in Portugal (Lisbon, Coimbra, Braga). LIP-Laboratory of Instrumentation and high-energy Particle physics. (www.lip.pt).
LIP’s interest in SHiP P. Fonte
LIP-Laboratory of Instrumentation and high-energy Particle physics (www.lip.pt) Congregates the bulk of the HEP activities in Portugal (Lisbon, Coimbra, Braga)
LIP-Laboratory of Instrumentation and high-energy Particle physics (www.lip.pt) Past and present activities High-energy physics: ATLAS, CMS, COMPASS, CPLEAR, DELPHI, HADES, Hera-b, n-TOF, NA38, NA50, NA51 Astroparticles: AMS, AUGER, ESA, GAW, SNO, LUX, air scintillation studies Computation: ATLAS Grid, ATLAS TDAQ, e-IRGSP2, EELA, GEE, int.eu.grid, LCG Medical Physics: PET-mammography, RPC-PET, SPECT, simulation, dosimetry Detector development: active gaseous scintillators, tRPCs, liquefied noble gases, detector physics • in Coimbra: • Detector lab: 1 physicist, 1 electrical engin., 2 techn. • Well equipped mechanical workshop: 2 engin., 2 techn. • 4 staff researchers,1 in RPC group 5-axis milling machine CNC lathe with off-axis motorized tools
First 50ps timing RPCs (9 cm2) -HV 3 4 x 0.3 mm gaps [ Fonte 2000] Aluminum Glass Resolution of thereference counter • = 99.5 % for MIPs (75%/gap) (optimum operating point 1% of discharges)
Large area counter 1,6 m HV 4 timing channels Ordinary 3 mm “window glass” 5 cm Copper strips Active area = 10 cm160 cm = 0.16 m2(400 cm2/electronic channel) Top view Cross section [Blanco 2001]
Large area counter 100% = 95 to 98 % 99% 98% 97% Time efficiency 96% Strip A 95% Strip B 94% Strips A+B 93% -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Center of the trigger region along the strips (cm) 100 = 50 to 75 ps 90 80 Time resolution (ps ) 70 60 50 40 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Center of the trigger region along the strips (cm) Efficiency and time resolution [Blanco 2001] No degradation when the area/channel was doubled (800 cm2/channel)
HADES cells • 0.27 mm 4 gaps • minimum for good efficiency • Aluminum and glass 2mm electrods • minimize amount of glass for maximum rate capability • try to keep good mechanics • Heat-tolerant materials Fully shielded Spring-loaded pressure plate Aluminium Glass HV & readout in the center
HADES PID plot Sub-threshold produced K- clearly visible: robust multihit performance
Auger observatory telescope building “Los Leones” Area ~3000 km2 LIDAR station communication tower Cerenkov tank (1/1600) 11
Field experience@Malargüe – 1st MARTA station 2 RPC units
RPC & gas volume 1550 mm 1250 mm
La carrosserie en place Cost estimate in mass production (3200m2): 1k€/m2 with slow electronics (MAROC chip)
The NEULAND RPC neutron TOF detector prototype Symmetric MRPCs with 4 or 10 gaps 3 mm thick glass (for neutrons to have something to interact with) Not optimal for timing [J.Mahado 2013] Still in use today as a cosmic ray telescope
The NEULAND RPC neutron TOF detector prototype [J.Mahado 2013]
Collaborators The HADES RPC Group GSI • D.Gonzalez • W.Koenig • M.Traxler • G. Kornakov LIP A.Blanco N.Carolino O.Cunha P.Fonte L.Lopes A.Pereira C.Silva C.C.Sousa USC • D.Belver • P.Cabanelas E.Castro J.A.GarzónM.Zapata IFIC-Valencia • J.Diaz • A.Gil The NEULAND RPC team • LIP • A.Blanco • N.Carolino • P.Fonte • L.Lopes • A.Pereira Univ. Lisboa • D.Galaviz • A. Henriques • P. Teubig • P. Velho
Collaborators The MARTA team @ AUGER CBPF - Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas, Brazil FZU - Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic IFSC / USP - Instituto de Física de S. Carlos, Universidade de S. Paulo, Brazil LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Partículas, Portugal UNICAMP - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil UFRJ - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Universitá di Roma II, “Tor Vergata”, Italy USC - Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Summary Timing RPCs were, are and will be used in many HEP experiments: the modern high-performance, large area TOF technology. Many such implementations are ALICE-TOF derived. The low-cost environmentally friendly (low gas flow) RPC construction technology developed for remote standalone stations may be applied to the SHiP timing detector. 80 ps resolution already proven in large area prototypes, however not optimized for MIPs. This may revolutionize costwise the construction of large, low-rate, low-multiplicity, TOF detectors, opening way for even larger TOF detectors.