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Access to National Resources IDF Foundation 17 May 2008 Brussels Jill Cousins

Learn about accessing national libraries through The European Library, a project funded by the EU and operated by CENL, with 360 collections from 32 national libraries digitized. Discover current status and recommendations on persistent identifiers and resolver services.

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Access to National Resources IDF Foundation 17 May 2008 Brussels Jill Cousins

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  1. Access to National ResourcesIDF Foundation 17 May 2008BrusselsJill Cousins

  2. Access to National Libraries through The European Library The European Library started as an EU funded project, led by The British Library – now fully operational service Owned by CENL, funded solely by the National Libraries, The European Library has been live since 17 March 2005 Digital Collections from 32National Libraries - Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy-Florence, Italy-Rome, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia-Moscow, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK 2008 – Adds the remaining Eastern European countries through Swiss Development Agency money and Bulgaria and Romania via TELplus and Russia St Petersburg and Turkey = 46 of 47 national libraries in CENL by end of 2008.

  3. 360 collections • 5,000,000 digitised ‘items’ i.e.: pages, articles, audio and video records, books, web pages, etc . • 100,000,000 plus metadata records – catalogues, union catalogues etc.

  4. Library X server (SRU) http://SRU Case 1: Central IndexTEL server (SRU) Case 3: local SRU/Z39.50 gatewayLibrary Y server (Z39.50) Library Z server(Z39.50) TEL server Case 4:Central SRU/Z39.50 gateway Water search

  5. 20% 20% 60% T&S

  6. 22% 52% 26%

  7. Access to National Libraries Resources & the need for Persistent Identifiers • Little digitised – no clamour • Most was under the z39:50 protocol and held in proprietary library systems using internal reference linking But • Over next 2-5 years 100 million plus works to be digitised • Born digital • OAI-PMH for harvesting

  8. Access to National Libraries Resources & Current Status of Persistent Identifiers • CENL recommendations • NBN’s • Appropriate Copy • SURFnet • IDF Foundation

  9. Access to National Libraries Resources & Current Status of Persistent Identifiers • CENL recommendations • As guarantors of durable independent access to digital collections a resolution service has to be put in place • This resolution service to be based on URN’s primarily from the NBN namespace • Each National Library has or will set up own resolver service to provide persistent access to its own collections. • By agreeing and deploying standards and coordination for the local set up of such services automatically achieve the National Libraries Resolver Discovery Service • URN service to also take into account other existing persistent identifier schemes • To guarantee long term resolutions of DOI’s, beyond commercial interest the requesters, under specified conditions, to be redirected by the DOI system to the National Libraries Resolver Service and therefore to digital deposit collections.

  10. Access to National Libraries Resources & Current Status of Persistent Identifiers • NBN’s • Because these were already in use • ‘Item’ not ‘Work’ • Appropriate Copy • Resolver to possibly support enforcement of authorisation with additional identity management in place • SURFnet • Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Netherlands proposal for a Global Resolver of Persistent Identifiers. In cooperation with representatives of the Hopkins and Berkley Universities (US) a working proof of concept has been developed. (https://www.surfgroepen.nl/sites/surfshare/public/software/pihandler • IDF Foundation • Costs of belonging perceived to be not worth the return • Would like to resolve the issue of ‘copy of last resort’

  11. Access to National Libraries Resources Barriers to using DOI’s • Lack of real or perceived need • Not invented here • Not in hock to someone else • No centralised will • Competition for Appropriate Copy • Cost But these are also opportunities

  12. EU Vision for a European digital library “A common multilingual access point would make it possible to search Europe’s distributed – that is to say, held in different places by different organisations – digital cultural heritage online. Such an access point would increase its visibility and underline common features. The access point should build on existing initiatives such as The European Library (TEL), in which Europe’s libraries already cooperate. It should where possible closely associate private holders of rights in cultural material and all interested stakeholders. A strong commitment by the Member states and cultural institutions to arrive at such an access point should be encouraged.” European Union Communiqué August 2006

  13. For the users it is not important whether the sources ofknowledge and experience are kept by archives, libraries or museums, but to get access to the sources they want, and to be able to use these sources across types of sources and sectors of institutions.

  14. Archives • Austrian State Archives • European Archive • European Branch of ICA Direcção-Geral de Arquivos • Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg • National Archives of Finland • Federal Archives of Germany • National Archives of Sweden • National Archives of the Netherlands • National Archive of France • International Institute for Social History • Audio-visual collections • International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives • Association des Cinémathèques Européennes • International Federation of Television Archives • European Broadcasting Union • Institut national de l'audiovisuel • Cross-domain associations • Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, UK • Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg • ABM-utvikling, Norway • RUNAS, the Danish Archives, Libraries and Museums • MICHAEL AISBL • Arbeitsgruppe europäischen Angelegenheiten Bibliotheken,Archive Museen • ABM-Centrum, Sweden • Institute for Cultural Memory, Romania • Heritage Malta • Istituto per i beni artistici, culturali e naturali – Regione Emilia-Romagna Erfgoed Nederland • Museums • Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza • Rijksmuseum • Institute for Museum Research, Berlin • International Council of Museums Europe • Natural History Museum • Network of European Museum Organisations • European Museums Forum • Museum of London Group • Science Museum • Libraries • Danish State Library Aarhus • Catholic University of Leuven • European Bureau of Library, Information & Documentation Associations • Ligues des bibliothèques européenes de recherches • Consortium of European Research Libraries • State and University Library Göttingen • Conference of European National Librarians • Cervantes Library • Biblioteca de Catalunya • National Authorities on Public Libraries in Europe • Project Contributors • Bernstein • CITER • DELOS • DIGMAP • DISMARC • DRIVER • EPsIplus • Video Active • MultiMatch • Cross Czech a.s. • TrebleCLEF • Knowledge Management in Museums Project • Research institutions • Arts and Humanities Data Service • Digitaal Erfgoed Nederland • Digital Lifecycle Management Forum • Ethnological Museum, Berlin, Music Archive • European Commission on Preservation & Access • German Social Science Infrastructure Sciences • Heriot-Watt University • Institute of Communication and Computer Systems - National Technical University of Athens • Institute of Mathematics and Informatics • Kennisland / Knowledgeland • TOPP Consulting GmbH • Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam • National representatives • Austria, National Library • Belgium, Royal Library • Bulgaria, New Bulgarian University Library • Cyprus, Ministry of Education and Culture • Czech Republic, National Library • Denmark, Royal Library • Estonia, National Library • Finland, National Library • France, National Library • Germany, National Library • Greece, Veria Central Public Library • Hungary, National Library • Iceland, National and University Library • Ireland, University College Cork • Latvia, National Library • Liechtenstein, National Library • Lithuania, Vilnius University • Luxembourg, National Library • Norway, National Library • Poland, National Library • Portugal, National Library • Slovakia, National Library • Slovenia, National Library • Spain, National Library • Sweden, National Library • United Kingdom, British Libraryall domains • Brings together the digitised & digital items from Museums, • Archives, Audio Visual Collections & Libraries across Europe • Solves the issues of interoperability in data • Works on usability – finding paths, presenting items, appealing • Finds sustainable governance & organisational models • Builds on previous initiatives / BRICKS, ANNOculture, Qviz, Michael EuropeanaNet at Europeana.eu • 3 major Work packages • Network of nearly 100 cultural institutions

  15. Mediatheque Cite de la Musique, Paris Music instruments and sound recording Concerts Cite de la Musique and Salle Pleyel http://mediatheque.cite-musique.fr/masc/?URL=play.asp?ID=0240474 Claudio Abbado, XXe anniversaire du Chamber orchestra of Europe. Lieder de Franz Schubert orchestrés par Johannes Brahms, Max Reger, Arnold Schoenberg et Anton Webern : concert enregistré à la Cité de la musique le 28 mai 2002 / Andy Sommer, réal. ; Thomas Quasthoff,baryton basse . Paris : Cité de la musique ; Bel Air Média ; Mezzo ; Arte, 2002 . 58 min   • EDLnet – Europeana: the European digital library • Thematic Network Partner Group across Museums, Archives, Audio-Visual Archives & Libraries started July 07 • Primary aims: • Bringing together cultural institutions across Europe • Creatng a user defined prototype by November 08 • Making recommendations for a sustainable service • Results so far: • 6 million digitised works, items, objects • No standards for unique identification

  16. Metadata-Catalogue XML+XSLT PDF PDF PDF Document Objects Metadata and ObjectsIn (digital) library catalogues • Author • Title • Subject • URL • Author • Title • Subject • URL • Author • Title • Subject • URL • Author • Title • Subject • URL • Author • Title • Subject • URL • Author • Title • Subject • URL

  17. HasAnnotations HasMetadata Annotations HasSemantics Metadata HasComponents Components Semantic Nodes A potential (simple) object model Current discussion in EDLnet HasContext HasRelations Object 'Landing Page'

  18. A complementary and more granular modelObject Reuse and Exchange (ORE)‏

  19. Europeana.eu and Persistent Identifiers • Huge amount of digitised material • Need Persistent Identifiers to: • prevent broken links, • ensure appropriate copy

  20. Europeana.eu – whither Persistent Identifiers? • Each domain needs to be convinced • A standard should be promoted • A simple registry or ? • How shall we do this?

  21. Cutting the road………. Thank you

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