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What do You Stand For?. A PDE is a Partial Differential Equation This is an equation with derivatives of at least two variables in it. In general, partial differential equations are much more difficult to solve analytically than are ordinary differential equations. What Does a PDE Look Like. Let
1. Partial Differential Equations Introduction, Adam
Discretizations and Iterative Solvers, Chenfang
Parallelization, Danny
2. What do You Stand For? A PDE is a Partial Differential Equation
This is an equation with derivatives of at least two variables in it.
In general, partial differential equations are much more difficult to solve analytically than are ordinary differential equations
3. What Does a PDE Look Like Let u be a function of x and y. There are several ways to write a PDE, e.g.,
ux + uy = 0
du/dx + du/dy = 0
4. The Baskin Robin’s esq Characterization of PDE’s The order is determined by the maximum number of derivatives of any term.
A nonlinear PDE has the solution times a partial derivative or a partial derivative raised to some power in it
5. Six One Way Say we have the following:
Look at b2 - ac
< 0 elliptic
= 0 parabolic
> 0 hyperbolic
6. Or Half a Dozen Another A general linear PDE of order 2:
Assume symmetry in coefficients so that A = [aij] is symmetric. Eig(A) are real. Let P and Z denote the number of positive and zero eigenvalues of A.
Elliptic: Z = 0 and P = n or Z = 0 and P = 0..
Parabolic: Z > 0 (det(A) = 0).
Hyperbolic: Z=0 and P = 1 or Z = 0 and P = n-1.
Ultra hyperbolic: Z = 0 and 1 < P < n-1.
7. Elliptic, Not Just For Exercise Anymore Elliptic partial differential equations have applications in almost all areas of mathematics, from harmonic analysis to geometry to Lie theory, as well as numerous applications in physics.
The basic example of an elliptic partial differential equation is Laplace’s Equation
uxx - uyy = 0
8. The Others The heat equation is the basic Hyperbolic
ut - uxx - uyy = 0
The wave equations are the basic Parabolic
ut - ux - uy = 0
utt - uxx - uyy = 0
Theoretically, all problems can be mapped to one of these
9. What Happens Where You Can’t Tell What Will Happen Types of boundary conditions
Dirichlet: specify the value of the function on a surface
Neumann: specify the normal derivative of the function on a surface
Robin: a linear combination of both
Initial Conditions
10. Is It Worth the Effort? Basically, is it well-posed
A solution to the problem exists.
The solution is unique.
The solution depends continuously on the problem data.
In practice, this usually involves correctly specifying the boundary conditions
11. So Why Should You Stay Awake for the Remainder of the Talk? Enormous application to computational science, reaching into almost every nook and cranny of the field including, but not limited to: physics, chemistry, etc.
12. Example Laplace’s equation involves a steady state in systems of electric or magnetic fields in a vacuum or the steady flow of incompressible non-viscous fluids
Poisson’s equation is a variation of Laplace when an outside force is applied to the system
13. Poisson Equation in 2D
14. Example: CDF
15. Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD can be defined narrowly as confined to aerodynamic flow around vehicles but it can be generalized to include as well such areas as weather and climate simulation, flow of pollutants in the earth, and flow of liquids in oil fields (reservoir modelling).
Involve Huge PDE’s
Computational Science only Realistic Solution
16. Links http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/gcf/cps713overI94/
17. Discretization and Iterative Method for PDEs Chunfang Chen
Danny Thorne
Adam Zornes
April 9, 2002
18. Classification of PDEs Different mathematical and physical
Elliptic Type
Parabolic Type
Hyperbolic Type
System of coupled equations for several
Time : first-derivative (second-derivative for wave equation)
Space: first- and second-derivatives
19. Classification of PDEs (cont.) General form of second-order PDEs ( 2 variables)
20. PDE Model Problems Hyperbolic (Propagation)
Advection equation (First-order linear)
Wave equation (Second-order linear )
21. PDE Model Problems (cont.) Parabolic (Time- or space-marching)
Burger’s equation(Second-order nonlinear)
Fourier equation (Second-order linear )
22. PDE Model Problems (cont.) Elliptic (Diffusion, equilibrium problems)
Laplace/Poisson (second-order linear)
Helmholtz equation (second-order linear)
23. PDE Model Problems (cont.) System of Coupled PDEs
Navier-Stokes Equations
24. Well-Posed Problem Numerically well-posed
Discretization equations
Auxiliary conditions (discretized approximated)
the computational solution exists (existence)
the computational solution is unique (uniqueness)
the computational solution depends continuously on the approximate auxiliary data
the algorithm should be well-posed (stable) also
25. Boundary and InitialConditions
26. Numerical Methods Complex geometry
Complex equations (nonlinear, coupled)
Complex initial / boundary conditions
No analytic solutions
Numerical methods needed !!
27. Numerical Methods Objective: Speed, Accuracy at minimum cost
Numerical Accuracy (error analysis)
Numerical Stability (stability analysis)
Numerical Efficiency (minimize cost)
Validation (model/prototype data, field data, analytic solution, theory, asymptotic solution)
Reliability and Flexibility (reduce preparation and debugging time)
Flow Visualization (graphics and animations)
28. computational solution procedures
29. Discretization Time derivatives
almost exclusively by finite-difference methods
Spatial derivatives
- Finite-difference: Taylor-series expansion
- Finite-element: low-order shape function and
interpolation function, continuous within each
- Finite-volume: integral form of PDE in each
control volume
- There are also other methods, e.g. collocation,
spectral method, spectral element, panel
method, boundary element method
30. Finite Difference
31. Finite Difference Scheme Forward difference
Backward difference
Central difference
32. Example : Poisson Equation
33. Example (cont.)
34. Rectangular Grid After we discretize the Poisson equation on a
rectangular domain, we are left with a finite
number of gird points. The boundary values
of the equation are
the only known grid
35. What to solve? Discretization produces a linear system of
The A matrix is a
tridiagonal banded
matrix of a standard
A solution method is to be performed for
36. Matrix Storage We could try and take advantage of the banded nature of the system, but a more general solution is the adoption of a sparse matrix storage strategy.
37. Limitations of Finite Differences Unfortunately, it is not easy to use finite differences in complex geometries.
While it is possible to formulate curvilinear finite difference methods, the resulting equations are usually pretty nasty.
38. Finite Element Method The finite element method, while more complicated than finite difference methods, easily extends to complex geometries.
A simple (and short) description of the finite element method is not easy to give.
39. Finite Element Method (Variational Formulations) Find u in test space H such that a(u,v) = f(v) for all v in H, where a is a bilinear form and f is a linear functional.
The coefficients Vj are computed and the function V(x,y) is evaluated anyplace that a value is needed.
The basis functions should have local support (i.e., have a limited area where they are nonzero).
40. Time Stepping Methods Standard methods are common:
Forward Euler (explicit)
Backward Euler (implicit)
Crank-Nicolson (implicit)
41. Time Stepping Methods (cont.) Variable length time stepping
Most common in Method of Lines (MOL) codes or Differential Algebraic Equation (DAE) solvers
42. Solving the System The system may be solved using simple iterative methods - Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, SOR, etc.
Some advantages:
- No explicit storage of the matrix is required
- The methods are fairly robust and reliable
Some disadvantages
- Really slow (Gauss-Seidel)
- Really slow (Jacobi)
43. Solving the System Advanced iterative methods (CG, GMRES)
CG is a much more powerful way to solve the problem.
Some advantages:
Easy to program (compared to other advanced methods)
Fast (theoretical convergence in N steps for an N by N system)
Some disadvantages:
Explicit representation of the matrix is probably necessary
Applies only to SPD matrices
44. Multigrid Algorithm: Components Residual
compute the error of the approximation
Iterative method/Smoothing Operator
Gauss-Seidel iteration
obtain a ‘coarse grid’
from the ‘coarse grid’ back to the original grid
45. Residual Vector
46. Multigrid Algorithm: Components Residual
compute the error of your approximation
Iterative method/Smoothing Operator
Gauss-Seidel iteration
obtain a ‘coarse grid’
from the ‘coarse grid’ back to the original grid
47. Multigrid Algorithm: Components Residual
compute the error of your approximation
Iterative method/Smoothing Operator
Gauss-Seidel iteration
obtain a ‘coarse grid’
from the ‘coarse grid’ back to the original grid
48. The Restriction Operator
49. Multigrid Algorithm: Components Residual
compute the error of your approximation
Iterative method/Smoothing Operator
Gauss-Seidel iteration
obtain a ‘coarse grid’
from the ‘coarse grid’ back to the original grid
50. The Prolongation Operator The grid change is exactly the opposite of restriction
51. Prolongation vs. Restriction The most efficient multigrid algorithms use prolongation and restriction operators that are directly related to each other. In the one dimensional case, the relation between prolongation and restriction is as follows:
52. Full Multigrid Algorithm
53. Reference http://csep1.phy.ornl.gov/CSEP/PDE/PDE.html
54. Parallelization HPC Issues in PDEs, Part 3
55. Parallel Computation Serious calculations today are mostly done on a parallel computer.
The domain is partitioned into subdomains that may or may not overlap slightly.
Goal is to calculate as many things in parallel as possible even if some things have to be calculated on several processors in order to avoid communication.
”Communication is the Darth Vader of parallel computing.”
56. Example: Original Mesh
57. Example: Mesh on Two Processors
58. Mesh Decomposition
59. Graph Partitioning Software CHACO Bruce Hendrickson and Robert Leland Sandia National Laboratories.
JOSTLE Chris Walshaw University of Greenwich.
METIS George Karypis and Vipin Kumar University of Minnesota.
ParMETIS George Karypis, Kirk Schloegel, and Vipin Kumar University of Minnesota.
PARTY Robert Preis and Ralf Diekmann University of Paderborn
SCOTCH François Pellegrini Université Bordeaux
TOP/DOMDEC Horst D. Simon and Charbel Farhat NAS at NASA Ames Research Center
60. Mesh Decomposition
61. Decomposition Goals
62. Static Mesh versus Dynamic Mesh
63. Piston
64. Rod Impact
65. Frisbee
66. Dynamic Decomposition
67. Dual Graphs
68. 2D Example
69. Graph Partitioning
70. Graph Partitioning
71. Mesh Decomposition
72. Generalization
73. Decomposition Algorithms
74. Examples
75. Examples
76. Space Filling Curves
77. Space Filling Curves
78. Space Filling Curves
79. Parallel PDE Tools
80. Links