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The PATH segmentation and profiling system in healthcare

The PATH segmentation and profiling system in healthcare. What are some attitude & behavioral dimensions you would consider for profiling users of healthcare?. PATH Segmentation and Profiling System is a method of segmenting adult populations based upon their health care values and priorities .

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The PATH segmentation and profiling system in healthcare

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  1. The PATH segmentation and profiling system in healthcare

  2. What are some attitude & behavioral dimensions you would consider for profiling users of healthcare?

  3. PATH Segmentation and Profiling System is a method of segmenting adult populations based upon their health care values and priorities Family Centered- 9% Loyalist- 12% Naturalist - 9% Clinic Cynic- 7% 90% of patients fall into one of nine different PATH groups based on their pattern of health care values and priorities Avoider- 10% Generic- 9% Ready User- 12% Traditionalist- 10% Independent Health- 12% http://media.haymarketmedia.com/documents/1/survey_572.pdf

  4. The PATH Segments

  5. How similar are groups who access information?

  6. When we don’t make distinctions among patient segments and treat them all with the same service type and level, resources may be wasted (see Fig. 1). Figure 1 Figure 2 However, when we can segment based on user characteristics, we can customize type and level of services to each group thereby preserving resources (see Fig. 2).

  7. Some Links for the PATH Model • Navarro, F. H., & Wilkins, S. T. (2001). A new perspective on consumer health web use: “Valuegraphic” health profiles of information health seekers. Managed Care Quarterly 9(2), 35-43. (CSS Library) • Institute for Healthcare Improvement (2013). One size does not fit all: Think segmentation. Retrieved from http://www.ihi.org/knowledge/Pages/ImprovementStories/OneSizeDoesNotFitAllThinkSegmentation.aspx • Shaller, D. (2005). Consumers in healthcare: The burden of choice. California Healthcare Foundation. Retrieved from http://www.chcf.org/~/media/MEDIA%20LIBRARY%20Files/PDF/C/PDF%20ConsumersInHealthCareBurdenChoice.pdf • Wilkins, S. T., & Navarro, F. H. (nd). Has the web really empowered healthcare consumers? Marketing Health Services. Retrieved from http://www.marketingpower.com/ResourceLibrary/Publications/MarketingHealthServices/2001/21/3/5497160.pdf

  8. END

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