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Types of words – Woordsoorte. Byvoeglike naamwoord = the adjective How to use it in a sentence and trappe van vergelyking. What is a byvoeglike naamwoord ? . These words are called adjectives in English In other words they describe the things we see , feel and touch around us.
Types of words – Woordsoorte Byvoeglikenaamwoord = the adjective How to use it in a sentence and trappe van vergelyking
What is a byvoeglikenaamwoord? These words are called adjectives in English In other words they describe the things we see , feel and touch around us. E.g. it’s a pretty girl or a cool pair of takkies. A adjective is called a byvoeglikenaamwoord in Afrikaans They can ask you to – give the correct degree of comparison or to give the correct form of the word in brackets, or give the intensive form. For intensive form look for the word “baie
Degrees of comparision – Trappe van vergelyking . If you have to give the correct form of degrees of comparison – you can use the following clues: - is = the first Column word or the root of the word - as = the second column word or the root +er - die = the third column word or the root + ste When you look at a word to do the degrees of comparison always look at the vowels and the length of the word. Coloumn one = stellende trap - root of the word Coloumn two = vergrotende trap + er Colounm three = oortreffende trap + ste
Rule 1: when you have a word with a short vowel – one gangster – double the last letter +er/ste bv. dikdikkerdikste vet vettervetste dun dunnerdunste Rule 2: when you have twin vowels or long vowels two identical gangsters – one kills the other one and you add –er/ste Bv. skoonskonerskoonste laat later laatste geelgelergeelste
Rule 3: when you have double consonants or vowels just add –er/ste Bv. vuilvuilervuilste koelkoelerkoelste hard harder hardste Rule 4: words ending in – er or just –r you add –der/ste Bv. ververderverste swaarswaarderswaarste lekkerlekkerderlekkerste
Rule 5: words ending in –lik, ig, s, a long or mixed vowel, just add –er/ste Bv. maklikmaklikermaklikste liefliklieflikerlieflikste vinnigvinnigervinnigste besigbesigerbesigste bloublouerblouste mooimooiermooiste kwaaikwaaierkwaaiste los losserlosste fluksflukserflukste
6 Rule 6: word that has only one vowel and ends in a –g, you add – ter/ ste bv. sag sagtersagste ligligterligste slegslegterslegste Rule 7: words that has a long or twin vowel and ends on a –g, the g fall away and is replaced with ë. Bv. hooghoërhoogste laaglaerlaagste droogdroërdroogste moegmoërmoegste vroegvroërvroegste
If you have a f- remember f is a trouble maker like his name. If you have a –f it always changes into a –w. The gangster rule applies- one lonely gangster double the –w. if you have more than one gangster or two consonants- use only one -w Rule 8: when you have a word with a short vowel ending on – f and when you have a word with a long vowel or a consonant and –f. Bv. grofgrowwergrofste laflawwerlafste mufmuwwermufste Or liefliewerliefste doof dower doofste skurfskurwerskurfste
Rule 9: if you have a word that ends in a –u Bvslusluwersluuste ruruwerruuste skuskuwerskuuste Rule 10: if you have a word ending in a –d Bvkoudkouerkoudste kwaadkwaterkwaadste breed breërbreedste
How to give the correct form of the word in brackets If you have a sentence where the adjective is in brackets and they ask you – gee die korrektevorm van die woord in hakkies. • What is the position of the adjective and where is the noun that it is describing? • If the adjective is b4 the noun – you add an –e • If the adjective is after the noun – the adjective doesn’t change Bv. Die meisiedra ‘n (pragtig) rok– pragtig +e = pragtige Or Die meisie se rok is (pragtig) – pragtig + no change = pragtig