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ENERGY TRANSITION HYDROGEN AND FUEL CELLS RESEARCH ACTIVITY IN ROMANIA. Vasile Stanciu – ICSI Ramnicu Valcea, ROMANIA Elena Enescu - INCDIE ICPE-CA, ROMANIA Roxana Elena Lazar – ICSI Ramnicu Valcea, ROMANIA. March 16, 2005. Outline of presentation. Energy trends in Romania
Outline of presentation • Energy trends in Romania • Energy administration and institutions • Research administration and institutions • Important projects in the field of H2-FC • Events
Energy Sources from ROMANIA • Production of Electricity according to energy sources in Romania, as compared to other countries in Central and Eastern Europe and the European Union.
The structure of gross primary resources consumption Year 2001
Primary energy sources in Romania Projection - Year 2015 • Renewable sources of energy will have a major role to the energy balance in upcoming years. Romania has also an important energy potential in solar, wind energy and biomass and offers utilization availabilities at the local and national level. • The “Strategy of capitalizing renewable energy sources”, drawn up by the Ministry of Economy and Commerce in 2003, proposes as a 2015 target that the share of renewable sources reach about 10% of the overall demand.
Renewable energy in Romania • Today, the renewable energy in the amount of primary energy sources is 5%; • Although, Romania has a grate potential for hydroelectric power, the current generation capacity represent a small part of gross primary resources consumption; • The overall hydroelectric potential is about 40 TWh/year, 12 TWh being already developed; • The Romanian wind resources are good, especially to the mountain and Black Sea coast area. The available potential realistic assessed was estimate to 2000MW.
Challenges • Romania ratified the framework Convention on Climate Changes. By signing the Kyoto protocol, Romania committed itself to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions with 8% versus 1989. Consequently, environmental impact mitigation was a particularly important objective of energy policies, considering the perspective of Romania’s integration to European Union. • Renewable sources of energy play a particularly important role; Energy production on renewable is expected to grow in the nearby future.
Energy policy • National Strategy for Energy Development on Medium term The National Energy Strategy on Medium Term aims at the creation of efficient energy markets, whose development could be ensured in a durable way, in high quality and security conditions of the energy supply, observing the EU energy efficiency and environment protection standards. The Strategy establishes three main directions of activity: • financial unblocking of the energy sector; • starting the privatization process in the distribution and then in the electricity production sector; • ensuring a functional and sustainable development on medium term by stimulating new investments for the energy sector. An essential objective of the National Strategy for Energy Development is the increase of energy efficiency on the whole chain of natural resources, production, transport, distribution, consumption, by an optimum use of market economy mechanisms. The main directions of the national policy in the field of energy efficiency are: • increasing the energy efficiency in all sectors of the economy, • promoting the new financing mechanisms in order to stimulate investments in the field of energy conservation, • promoting private initiative and development of energy services, promoting new technologies with high-energy efficiency and international co-operation in the field of energy efficiency.
Energy Administration and Institutions, Funds and Programs • Public administration • Ministry of Economy and Commerce (MEC) is responsible for drawing up the national energy strategy regarding to the energy sector evolution, such as power and thermal energy, hydroelectric and nuclear power, oil, natural gas, mineral resources, mine-geology fields. • Romanian Agency for Energy Conservation (ARCE) is in charge of promoting energy efficiency at the national level. • The National Electricity and Heat Regulatory create and implement fair and independent regulations to ensure an efficient, transparent and stable functioning of the electricity and heat sector and market while protecting the interests of consumers and investors. • National Regulatory Authority in Natural Gas Sector (ANRGN) • Romanian’s National Agency for Mineral Resources • Ministry of Agriculture, Forests, Water and Environment (MAPAM)
Energy related organizations • Romanian Energy Policy Association • The Romanian Association for Energy Efficiency • ALGEPEM Iasi (Local Agency for Efficient Management of Energy & Environment Problems) • ENERO – Centre for Promotion of Clean and Efficient Energy in Romania • The Romanian “Energy Cities” Network • Institute for Studies and Power Engineering (ISPE) • ASA Holding SA • ISCE – Institute of Electric Power Studies & Consulting • INCDIE ICPE-CA – National R&D Institute for Electrical Engineering • ICPE – Research Institute for Electrical Engineering – New Energy Sources Laboratory • ICSI Ramnicu Valcea - National R&D Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies • IPA SA – R&D Institute for Automation • Intertermo Concept Ltd.
Research administration and institutions • Ministry of Education and Research • Entities involved in research area: • Universities • Institutes - Romania Academia - Ministry of Education and Research - Ministry of Commerce and Industry - Ministry of Environment • Commercial societies
Programs after year 2000 • National Research & Development & Innovation Plan, coordinated by Ministry of Education and Research has 12 programs Projects with topics referring hydrogen storage and fuel cells are developed in the following programs: • Grants are funding projects for young researchers or researchers from Universities field. The aim of grants is the training. • MENER Program – National R&D&I Program in the field of Environment, Energy and Resources by the raising of the economical competitiveness and of sustainable economical development Subprogram C – Renewable, New and Conventional Energies • MATNANTECH Program – National R&D&I Program in the field of New Materials, Micro and Nanotechnologies Subprogram 5 – Materials for process engineering, chemical and environment applications, with thematic target: Materials for storage, conversion and generation of energy • CERES Program – National R&D&I Program in the field of fundamental research of social, economical and cultural interest • Sectorial Plan of Research & Development which has as aims the economical raising at national level and the preparing of integrating in the European research space and the adhesion of our country at EU
The evaluation procedure of the projects • the projects are obtained by competition at national level and are monitoring from technical and economical point of view, by the monitors specialized on the specific of the projects • evaluation of the projects • contracting of the projects The stages of monitoring, evaluating are make according to the instructions of Romanian Ministry of Education and Research in concordance with EU projects (FP5, FP6, EUREKA) and NATO projects. The projects are working in consortium among the research entities, universities and end-users. The types of the projects are: • EDP – experimental-demonstrative project • AP – project with transfer at economical agents • VP – project with economical exploitation at economical agents For AP and VP the co financing varies between 10 up to 50% from the budget of the project (from end-users).
Funding of research activity in Romania • Special attention was given to the R&D and innovation activity • Research Co-ordination: Ministry of Education and Research - National Research - Development and Innovation Plan (2001-2005) - Nucleus Program (2003-2005) - R&D Sectorial Plan (2004-2005)
Organizations involved in research of hydrogen and fuel cells from Romania • ICSI Ramnicu Valcea – H2-FC (PEMFC) RD&D • INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest - H2-FC (SOFC and PEM FC) RD&D • IFTM Bucharest – H2 RD • ITIM Cluj Napoca - H2 RD • “Petru Poni” R&D Institute of Iasi - FC RD • ICEMENERG Bucharest – FC (SOFC) RD • “Ilie Murgulescu” Chemistry-Physics Institute of Bucharest – FC R • Universities: • University of Bucharest – FC R • “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest – FC R • “OVIDIUS” University of Constanta – FC R • University of Craiova – FC R
National MATNANTECH Program THE IMPORTANT PROJECTS IN H2-FC FIELD • “Ceramic electrodes used in SOFC for medium temperature” / 2001 – 2004 – 27,000 EURO Main Objective: obtaining of ceramic materials for anode (cermets from Ni and ZrO2 stabilized with Y2O3 (Ni-YSZ)) and for cathode (La1-x(Sr, Ca)MnO3) where x = 0,2 – 0,6. Partners: INCDIE ICPE-CA, ICEMENERG, University of Bucharest • “Selective Ceramic Membranes For Oxygen Used In Chemical Processes at High Temperatures”/2004 – 33,000 Euro Main objective: processing and characterization of ceramic membranes for syn-gas obtaining Partners: INCDIE ICPE-CA, ICEMENERG, University of Bucharest • “Ceramic Composite Materials for SOFC-IT”/2000 – 47,000 Euro Main objective: processing and characterization of oxide materials for medium temperature SOFC (7000C –8000C) Partners: INCDIE ICPE-CA, ICEMENERG, University of Bucharest
National Nucleus Program - Ematadur project • “Materials and techniques for H2 storage”/2004-2005 – 43,000 Euro Main objective: designing of some alloys systems on the base of transition metal (Ti, Zr) and/or alkaline metal (specially Mg with additives from the Fe group); the perfection of method of obtaining powdery materials micro and nano-crystalline; kinetics studies of H2 absorption. Partners: INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest • “Studies on the H2 storage methods in soft metallic alloys”/2004-2006 – 43,000 Euro Main objective: the establishment of the laboratory method for obtaining the alloys on the base of Mg and of hydrides. Partners: INCDTCI-ICSI Ramnicu Valcea, INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest, Pitesti University • “Hydrogen isotopes storage in metals and metallic compounds”/2001 – 69,444 Euro Main objective: Study and characterization of the metals and metallic alloys used in hydrogen isotopes storage. Partners: INCDTCI-ICSI Ramnicu Valcea, INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest National CERES Program
National MENER Program • “Design and characterization study of MEA for PEM fuel cells”/2004 – 30,000 Euro Main objective: Synthesis and experimental characterization of membrane electrode ensemble for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Partners: INCDTCI-ICSI Ramnicu Valcea • “Geometrical and Thermodynamically optimization of a PEM fuel cells stack”/2004 – 91,667 Euro Main objective: Design, modeling and experimental study of a H2/Air PEM fuel cell stack. Partners: INCDTCI-ICSI Ramnicu Valcea, INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest • “Integrated system for power production using hydrogen and proton exchange membrane fuel cells”/2001 – 155,556 Euro Main objective: The achievement of an integrated conversion energy system based on proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Partners: INCDTCI-ICSI Ramnicu Valcea, INCDIE ICPE-CA, University of Pitesti, POLITEHNICA University of Cluj • “Energy conversion and storage technology using fuel cells for telecommunications”/ 2002 – 88,889 Euro Main objective: Development of a coupled system, hydrogen storage unit-fuel cells used in stationary applications. Partners:INCDTCI-ICSI Rm.Valcea, ITIM Cluj, INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest
R&D Sectorial Plan • The R&D Sectorial Plan was launched on 1st November 2004 by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research • The total budget is 5,8 mil. Euro • Project “Developing a Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Integrated R&D Platform in Romania” 2004 -2005 • The project financial support, of 325,000 €, is provided by the Ministry of Education and Research – 250,000 €, and by the partners themselves – 75,000 €. • Objectives: • to ascertain the scientific and technological capabilities of the partners involved in the H2&FC field; • to determine the directions of the future development in this field, in connection with the European strategy; • to increase the national H2&FC platform scientific and technological capabilities in hydrogen and fuel cells technology
Romanian Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Platform • The project is networking nine R&D organizations acting in the area of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in Romania, in order to develop the Romanian capabilities in this domain. • Partners: • Leader of the Consortium: • National R&D Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies – ICIT Rm. Valcea • Members: • National R&D Institutes: • National R-D Institute for Electrical Engineering-Advanced Research, ICPE-CA, Bucharest • National R-D Institute for Materials Physics, Bucharest-Magurele • National R-D Institute for Isotopic and Molecular Technologies - ITIM, Cluj-Napoca • National R-D Institute of Technical Physics - IFT, Iasi • Universities: • Petroleum and Gas University, Ploiesti • University „Politehnica” Bucharest • Private Companies: • ZECASIN SA Bucharest, • ICEMENERG SA Bucharest
Romanian Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Platform • The project is evolving a period of one year, from December 2004 to December 2005, and its scope is to support the R&D lines in the H&FC field, which were already started by the partners: • Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell; • Solid Oxide Fuel Cell • Hydrogen production via reforming; • Hydrogen storage on metal hydrides; • Hydrogen purification; • Bio-fuels
Relevant projects on PECO - 93 • "The Feasibility of Electricity Production from Biomass by Pressurized Gasification Systems“/1995-1997; 85,000 ECU - Coordinator ENEL - CTR, Pisa, Italy Main objective: Evaluate the potential of biomass feedstock in Romanian conditions; Techno-economic assessment and evaluation the feasibility of gasification based electricity production; Evaluation of selected process concepts in Romanian conditions • "Decentralized Production of Electricity from Biomass“/1994-1997; 55,000 ECU - coordinator NRI, Chatham, United Kingdom Main objective: Evaluation of biomass fuel potential from forestry waste, wood industry waste and agricultural waste; Technical and economical evaluation for the generation of electricity and heat from biomass • "Development of a Clean and High Efficiency Prototype Plant for Biomass Cogeneration by Combustion in an Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Combustor and Heat Conversion into Electricity by a Stirling Engine V-160"/1995-1997; 125,000 ECU - coordinator CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain Main objective: evaluate technical feasibility of using fluidized bed combustion to burn biomass refuses. Experiments at one pilot plant with capacity of 1 MWth
Alliance on Hydrogen andFuel Cells (H2FC-RO) • Non-governmental organization • Objectives: • Strengthening of Romanian researchers relations with the European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform; • Strengthening of the non-governmental and non-profit organizations role in adoption and information of Romanian scientific and technological Community in the field of hydrogen and fuel cell economy; • Supporting the research and production of fuel cells and hydrogen in Romania, of technical creation in the field of materials necessary for the obtaining the fuel cells and hydrogen storage, by financing and sponsoring, publication, dissemination and application in production; • Logistic supporting of all actions for research, production and using of hydrogen and fuel cells, technology transfer in this field; • Promoting of efficient technologies and standardizing in the field of hydrogen and fuel cells; • Information of decision factors on targets at European level for implementation of hydrogen and fuel cells using in economical and houses activities.
Events • July 15th – 24th , 2005, Neptun-Olimp, Romania – 1st International Summer School & Conference on FUEL CELLS – FC 2005 - ELECTROCHEMISTRY, POROUS MEDIA & MULTI SCALE THERMOFLUID DESIGN - This event will provide a comprehensive assessment of current analytical, numerical and experimental methods for the study of electrochemical transport processes, multiphase reacting flows, heat and mass transfer and fluid flow through porous structures. • October 12th – 14th, 2005, Calimesti-Caciulata, Romania The 11th International Conference on Cryogenics and Isotopes Separation This traditional event is a challenge for young and senior researchers involved in hydrogen and fuel cells, isotopes separation, isotopes analysis, cryogenics technologies and environmental protection to disseminate their research results and to exchange ideas in order to a better cooperation between Romanian and foreigner researchers. contact person: Ph.D. Vasile Stanciu, e-mail: vstanciu@icsi.ro http://www.icsi.ro/conference.html