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Table of Contents. OVERVIEW OF SERVICES TO YOUTH FACET Services to Youth Goals NATIONAL INITIATIVES & SIGNATURE PROGRAMS AT-A-GLANCE –Target Audience, Program Descriptions, Materials & Contact Information
Table of Contents • OVERVIEW OF SERVICES TO YOUTH FACET • Services to Youth Goals • NATIONAL INITIATIVES & SIGNATURE PROGRAMS • AT-A-GLANCE –Target Audience, Program Descriptions, Materials & Contact Information • SERVICE DELIVERY MODEL • The Links, Incorporated - Program Service Delivery Model • PARTNERSHIPS • Services to Youth National Partnerships • APPENDIX • Service Delivery Model for Services to Youth • Memorandum of Understanding Template • Chapter Program Report Form • Best Practice Program Summaries (Extracts of National Winners 2008-2010) • Services to Youth – National Committee Members
Overview of Services to Youth The Services to Youth programming is aligned with delivering and sustaining transformational programsfor youth in kindergarten through college. Through the 274 chapters that comprise The Links, Incorporated, weaim to design and conduct programs that are community relevant and have a positive, long-term impact. We arecommitted to engaging the community in the design, implementation and delivery of programs that close theacademic achievement gap and that prepare African American youth for the 21st Century Workforce. We willaccomplish these efforts by Leading with Excellence ~ Serving with Grace. To assist chapters to develop programs aligned with Services to Youth goals, this toolkit offers an overview of current National Initiatives and Signature programs along with their corresponding goals and outcomes as listed in the Service Delivery Model. Information is also included to guide the development and enhancement of chapters’ programs and goals and to assess effectiveness and impact. The Links, Incorporated is proud of the many innovative and impactful programs offered through our chapters.We encourage chapters to take advantage of these resources and to integrate your efforts with the initiativesoutlined. When we summarize the impact of our programming in this facet, we are sure that the results willportray a positive and long-term transformation of the lives of children and youth whom we have touched. Link Argentina M. James Director Link Jacqueline Hrabowski Co-Director
Services to Youth Facet Committee Margot James Copeland National President Barbara Ruffin-BostonDirector National Programs Delores Bolden Stamps Co-Director National Programs Argentina M. James Director Services to Youth Jacqueline Hrabowski Co-Director Services to Youth
Services to Youth Program Goals • The primary goals of this facet are to • Promote early literacy • Close the K –16 academic achievement gaps • Increase high school and college graduation rates • Implement local mentoring programs from kindergarten through college • Introduce and support S.T.E.M. education and career readiness programs • Implement college readiness programs • Award college scholarships and endowments • Promote and support Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)
National Initiatives & Signature Programs • Services to Youth National Initiatives • The Services to Youth Facet has five national initiatives deemed by The Links, Incorporated’s Leadership as top-of-mind issues of importance and are in support of and/or advocate for the betterment of African American youth. • National Mentoring Initiative • Define how chapters can establish successful mentoring relationships (one-on-one, group mentoring, etc.) • Develop more mentoring relationships with youths K-16, through local chapters and community partners • Identify and recruitment more local African American mentors • Stress competence and character building as core values in a mentoring relationship • Encourage mentoring relationships to focus on closing the academic achievement gap and workforce readiness • Advocate for stronger mentoring relationships with measureable impact • Continue to align with national and local mentoring partners to support mentoring initiative objectives
National Initiatives & Signature Programs • Young Achievers Initiative – 9th-12th Grade – “Developing the Whole Child” • Implement male and female mentoring programs for youth • Emphasized closing the high school academic achievement gap • Implement S.T.E.M-related career awareness programs • Introduce college readiness • Promote HBCUs as viable options • Introduce financial literacy • Award college scholarships • S.T.E.M. Education and Career Readiness Initiative • Close the S.T.E.M education gap • Integrate S.T.E.M educational programming K-16 • Facilitate mentoring opportunities • Prepare and encourage students to attend community college and /or a 4-year college S.T.E.M related program • Prepare minorities to compete in the global workforce • Enhance S.T.E.M related career opportunities for minorities
National Initiatives & Signature Programs • Education Linkage – “The Equation for Excellence” Program • Improve consistency and quality of volunteer/mentoring interventions • Improve student learning outcomes and matriculation into higher education institutions • Improve student learning outcomes and graduation rates from ATD community colleges among students of minority and low-income students • Increase student and family financial literacy at the feeder schools and ATD community colleges • Replicate best practices from feeder school and Equation for Excellence community college volunteer interventions at HBCUs close to ATD community colleges • National Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) Initiative • Partner with other national organizations • Host HBCU college fairs and other events in each geographic region • Promote and encourage connection with an HBCU and its S.T.E.M programs • Mentor and recruit students to attend and complete HBCU • Identify opportunities to support faculty research and/or professional development • Contribute to the sustainability of HBCU institutions • Establish and brand “The Links Scholars” and “The Links HBCU Endowment” names and programs
Signature Programs • A signature program is one which is designed and implemented by The Links, Incorporated. The programs outline how chapters intend to address emerging or current issues, concerns and needs that impact the lives of a target population within the global African American community. There are currently two such programs supported by the Services to Youth Facet — Link to Success: Children Achieving Excellence and Project L.E.A.D High expectations • Links-to-Success: Children Achieving Excellence • Partner with national organization to promote early childhood literacy • Emphasize closing the elementary achievement gap • Teach critical thinking tactics • Introduce S.T.E.M. Education and Career Readiness Programs • Prevent early childhood obesity and promote healthy lifestyle • Expand education and career awareness • Project L.E.A.D. – High Expectations • Emphasize closing the middle school academic achievement gap • Eradicate childhood obesity • Support the S.T.E.M. Education and Career Readiness Initiative • Involve and empower youth to become Leaders in violence prevention • Introduce and promote financial literacy at an early age • Prepare and promote college readiness • Develop effective mentoring relationships between children and positive adult role models
Services to Youth Program At a Glance Education Linkage – “The Equation for Excellence” Program Target Audience: Community Colleges & University students Program Description: The Education Linkage Initiative is aimed at creating partnerships and alliances to educate and prepare youth for the 21 Century Workforce. The Equation for Excellence collaboration focuses on the personal and realistic accessibility of higher education. The program aims to increase significantly students’ attitudinal and intellectual college readiness at middle and high school grade levels, thus eventually lessening the need for developmental education at the college level. The Links, Incorporated has forged a national alliance with Achieving the Dream, Incorporated to launch the Equation for Excellence Program with community colleges and HBCUs. Achieving the Dream, (ATD) Incorporated is a multi-year national initiative designed to ensure the success of students who attend community colleges. ATD is particularly concerned with student groups that traditionally have faced significant barriers to success, i.e., students of color and those from low-income families. More than 130 community colleges and four-year institutions participate in ATD programs across the United States. The ATD community colleges and The Links, Incorporated will bring focus and passion to student success by implementing the Equation for Excellence Program. Program Materials and Costs: Varies according to the scope and content of each program Program Contact Information: Link Erma Hadley Johnson, Chair E:mail erma.johnson-hadley@tccd.eduPhone: 817. 534.8228 Link Connie Cosby, Co-Chair E:mail conniecosby@insightbb.com Phone: 502.426.2590
National Service Delivery Model* *Listed below is a description of The Links, Incorporated Service Delivery Model, developed by Alma Dodd, Director, National Strategic Partnerships. What is Service Model? The National Program Team adopted a Service Delivery Model in order to build a common language for accountability and evaluation across the organization. A Service Model is a tool that may be useful in planning and evaluating programs, committee work and other collaborative projects. Our model was adapted from University of Wisconsin-Extension and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model. The Logic Model process is a tool that has been used for more than 20 years by program managers and evaluators to describe the effectiveness of their programs. Logic models represent a visual way of expressing the rationale or thought behind a program. Planning Process Our planning process revolves around our basic definition of programming. We define programs as a comprehensive approach to solving a problem or addressing a need or issue within a community. A program is not a onetime event or single activity. A program should include a series of related activities focused on achieving a predetermined set of goals and objectives. Our Service Model contains six components with Inputs-Outputs-Outcomes being central to the common basis of the model. Planning Elements Situation: Service models are built in response to an existing situation. We identify the problem or priority the program is responding to and the expected benefit to specific audiences. Inputs: The inputs are the resources available to make your program work. Resources could include the people, the money or the community resources that are necessary to operate the program. Inputs lead to outputs.
National Service Delivery Model* • Outputs:The activities, products, methods, and services you use represent your outputs. Examples of program activities include research, training, technical assistance and other services. Outputs lead to outcomes. • Outcomes: The results and benefits for groups, individuals or communities represent outcomes. They may include direct products, services or events delivered through planned activities. • External Factors: These are the outside forces that affect the implementation and success of the program. • Assumptions: Assumptions are the beliefs we have about why our program will work. • Evaluation Planning • An evaluation plan to assess the program can be superimposed using the Service Model format. Evaluation involves asking key questions. • Were inputs made as planned? Were activities conducted as planned? Was the desired level of participation achieved? Did clients express or show that they were satisfied with the program? • Outcomes should be measurable and should answer questions such as: • Did the participants show an increased level of knowledge, awareness, or motivation? Were behaviors of the clients modified or were policies changed? To what extent did the program affect social, economic, political, or environmental conditions? Developing appropriate and measurable indicators during the planning phase is key to a sound evaluation. Link your activities and results in order to insure success.
National Service Delivery Model* Key Questions for Developing Your Service Model What is the community –level impact (change) that our chapter would like to create as a result of our program? What are the long-term outcomes or behaviors we would like our clients to achieve? What are the short-term outcomes we would like our clients to achieve? What programs, strategies or services do we need to achieve the short and long term outcomes? What resources or inputs do we need to support strategy or service implementation? What is going on in our community or in our client’s lives that we have no control over but will affect the quality of the success of our program? In Conclusion: What is a Service Model? A graphic that shows the relationship between inputs, outputs, and outcomes relative to a problem we are trying to solve. Why use a Service Model? Connects activities with impact ; Provides continuity; Continued improvement
Program Action Delivery Model“Leading with Excellence ~ Serving with Grace”"Signature Service Provides Substantive Solutions" Situation: (The Problem) Priorities: Mission-Vision: What drives the outcome? Outputs: Outcomes: Inputs/Resources: Impact/Long-Term: Activities: Participation: Short-Term: Medium-Term: In order to address our problem or asset, we will accomplish the following activities: We expect that if accomplished, these activities will lead to the following changes in 1-2 years: We expect that if accomplished, these activities will lead to the following changes in 3-4 years: We expect that if accomplished these activities will lead to long term societal changes. In order to accomplish our set of activities we will need the following: We must clearly identify the clients who we are serving. Statements of desired change at beginning EXAMPLES: - Staff Trainers - Facility - Funding Midpoint desired change statements Long-term Behavior Change EXAMPLES: - Classes - Mentoring - Meals - Workshops EVALUATION
Services To Youth National Service Delivery Model* The Links, Incorporated Service Delivery Model “Leading with Excellence ~ Serving with Grace” Services to Youth Facet: National Programs An integrated approach to preparing a welleducated and skilled workforce (The following section includes the preliminary Service Delivery Model as it applies to the Services to Youth Facet National Initiatives and Signature Programs. It is designed to give chapters guidance on program planning and implementation. A finalized version is forthcoming. ) * A special thanks to Link Adrienne Bailey, Windy City (IL) Chapter, for facilitating the development of this National Service Delivery Model for Services to Youth.
Services to Youth Service Delivery Model Situation: (The Problem) Priorities: Mission-Vision: What drives the outcome?
Links to Success Situation: (The Problem) Priorities: Mission-Vision: What drives the outcome?
Project L.E.A.D. Situation: (The Problem) Priorities: Mission-Vision: What drives the outcome?
Mentoring Initiative Situation: (The Problem) Priorities: Mission-Vision: What drives the outcome?
Young Achievers Initiative Situation: (The Problem) Priorities: Mission-Vision: What drives the outcome?
Education Linkage Situation: (The Problem) Priorities: Mission-Vision: What drives the outcome?
National HBCU Initiative Situation: (The Problem) Priorities: Mission-Vision: What drives the outcome?
S.T.E.M. Integration and Partnership Situation: (The Problem) Priorities:Mission-Vision: What drives the outcome? *A S.T.E.M. related approach can be applied across all Services to Youth initiatives and signature programs as well as integrated within the four other program facets.
MOU TEMPLATE (Memorandum of Understanding) • To ensure mutual understanding, chapters are encouraged to develop a MOU with all local partners who support the work of the chapter. It should include the following: • Goals & Objectives: What is to be accomplished by the project / program? • By what date? • Partner Agreement: What will each entity do and /or be accountable for? • Deliverables: What are the expected outcomes/results for each entity? • Approvals: What approvals are required and by whom? (i.e. use of photos, grade release authorizations, field trip permissions, contact information, background checks) • Financial Agreements: (i.e. Scholarships, Awards, Gifts, Proposals)
Chapter Report Template The Links, Incorporated Chapter Program Report Print This Page We would like this program to be considered for an award: Facet: Sub-facet: PROGRAM INFORMATION PROBLEM/SITUATION ADDRESSED
Chapter Report Template • Please check all that apply: • [ ] Women • [ ] Children • [ ] Senior Citizens • [ ] Family • [ ] Others GOAL(S)/OBJECTIVE (S) of PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM PROJECT LIST OF ACTIVITIES (OUTPUT) IMPLEMENTED TARGETED GROUPS
Chapter Report Template • METHODS USED TO DETERMINE THE GROUP(S) (e.g. Needs Assessment) • Number of members in chapter • Number of members who participated in program • Number of People Served • Did you collaborate with other community groups to plan and/or implement the program? • If yes, give name s of the groups and describe their involvement. • Projected Costs: Actual Costs: • Was a grant or underwriting obtained? COST OF PROGRAM/PROJECT
Chapter Report Template • If yes, give amount and funding source(s) name (s) and address(es) • $____________Total Amount Underwritten • Were any in-kind donations/services provided? • Most outstanding qualities of this program (up to three) • How will this program be sustained and/or institutionalized? • Methods of Evaluation OPERATION AND SUSTAINABILITY MARKETING AND EVALUATION PROGRAM SUMMARY/IMPACT STATEMENT
Best Practice Program Summaries Chapter Name: Tampa Area: Southern Location: Tampa, FL Title of Program: Jewels of Tampa Number of Members in Chapter: 37 Number of Members who Participated in the Program: 25 Number of People Served: 360 Names of Collaborators/Partners and Sponsorship Activity: John F. Germany Public Library, Henry B. Plant, Candy Lowe Tea Time, Mr. Fred Hearns (local historian), Mr. Hearns (tour narrator), National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Program Budget: $3,000 Program Summary/Impact Statement: On the third Friday afternoon of each month, The Tampa Chapter, along with invited presenters, meet the “Jewels of Tampa” for dialogues on various topics including cultural, educational, social, health/wellness, and self-development issues. Further exposure and impact are provided through field trips to the Victorian Christmas Stroll at the H.B. Plant Museum, University tour and campus lunch, tour of historical Black Tampa and Mother/Daughter International Tea. Each dynamic event contributes significantly to the ongoing personal growth and development of each Jewel. The Jewels mentoring program was initiated in 2004 at Sheehy Elementary School (Royal Jewels) and expanded to Van Buren Middle School in 2008 (Radiant Jewels). Hundreds of girls have participated in the program since 2004, with 71 current fifth and eighth grade Jewels who pledge to pursue key values, beliefs and attitudes of friendship, respect for self and others, healthy lifestyles, scholarship and good citizenship. One of the more impressive and affirming reactions to the Jewels program was a published article of interviews following a field trip; student responses demonstrated an appreciation for the cultural exposures and exhibited an increase in self-confidence. The Tampa Chapter is very pleased with the program and progress of its participants. The Jewels are Tampa’s leaders of tomorrow, and the responsibility to contribute toward their best preparation is this Chapter’s commitment. Building strong youth and stronger communities ensures a brighter future for them and all of us.
Best Practice Program Summaries Chapter Name: Chattanooga Area: Central Location: Chattanooga, TN Title of Program: Linking Students to ACT Preparation Number of Members in Chapter: 38 Number of Members who Participated in the Program: 28 Number of People Served: 250 Names of Collaborators/Partners and Sponsorship Activity: Hamilton County Schools, Kastle Instructional Recovery, Kastle Transportation, GEAR-UP (University of Tennessee), HSAT staff, 100 Black Men and Phi Beta Sigma Program Budget: $72,000 Program Summary/Impact Statement: The Links Academy in Chattanooga, Tennessee is designed to serve high school students and is featured at one of the oldest high schools in Tennessee. The school serves a 93% minority, 97% economically disadvantaged population, and takes students from “wanting” to go to college to being academically and socially prepared to succeed in college. Students participate four days per week for 2-3 hour sessions in intensive academic preparation in mathematics, language, writing, speaking, and listening. Social and debate skills, based on student research, serve to build confidence and enable students to demonstrate leadership skills by proposing solutions to long-standing Chattanooga problems first to the school, then to The Links, Incorporated, and ultimately to the Chattanooga City Council. Larger problems are debated at the state capitol and/or Washington, D.C. This project gives the school credibility by allowing the students to be recognized across the district. When city and county leaders listen to the students debate the issues and present a solution to a problem, they are impressed and have more respect for the school and the academic environment.
Best Practice Program Summaries Chapter Name: Fairfield County Area: Eastern Location: Bridgeport, CT Title of Program: Children Achieving Excellence: Healthy Minds Number of Members in Chapter: 44 Number of Members who Participated in the Program: 14 Number of People Served: 193 Names of Collaborators/Partners and Sponsorship Activity: Bridgeport Unified School District, Learning Through Art: Books Alive! Program Budget: $500 (Actual in excess of $3,700) Program Summary/Impact Statement: In 3 years, we’ve successfully grown this program from 16 students to 95 students per year – a six fold increase, thereby uplifting an entire grade. To that end, we’ve helped to improve the literacy levels of more than 200 Bridgeport children over 3 consecutive years. Test results for the first year of the program resulted in a 4% increase in CMT reading and comprehension scores. Although a majority of these students come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, our goal is to help them develop fundamental and critical reading skills through the use of “tried and true” foundational tools needed for a sustainable, productive, successful and well purposed life. Our GW Johnson students embraced reading and became empowered. As noted by their parents and teachers, a visible difference and self esteem improvement are evident. The students enthusiastically accept the challenge to push themselves beyond the limited expectations of a society and a social structure that, in many cases, have failed them. For every child that we assist in improving their reading and critical thinking skills, we also succeed in improving their opportunity to escape the cycle of poverty and establish a firm roadmap toward high school graduation. Lastly, by early intervention, we increase the chances for long term success and optimize their personal contributions to society.
Best Practice Program Summaries Chapter Name: Missouri City Area: Western Location: Texas Title of Program: STEM-ULATION: LEFT BRAIN/RIGHT BRAIN Number of Members in Chapter: 60 Number of Members who Participated in the Program: 60 Number of People Served: 475 Names of Collaborators/Partners and Sponsorship Activity: Aspiring Youth Houston, ,E-STEM Academy, James Ryan Middle School, The Ensemble Theatre, Texas Southern University, Black Pilots of America, Inc., Texas Children’s Hospital, Alzheimier’s Association of Houston, American Heart Association, Bronze Eagle Flying Club, BP America, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas - Houston Branch, Global Youth Services, Houston Arts Alliance, National Cares Mentoring Movement, Port of Houston Authority, Society for the Performing Arts, NASA, and Ellington Air Field. Program Budget: $352,400 Program Summary/Impact Statement: In July of 2008, MCCL formed a community collaborative partnership with the Choice Foundation, E-STEM Academy, Ryan Middle School, Texas Southern University and the Ensemble Theatre to address the increasing under-representation of minorities and women in STEM careers. The MCCL called upon the leadership, knowledge and positioning of its members at major corporations, institutions, medical facilities and TSU to propel the STEM charter school to the next level. The resulting program is a true testament to the breadth and depth of the women and resources within The Links organization. The partnership resulted in the development of the STEM-ULATION: Left Brain/Right Brain Program. The full brain approach (left brain/right brain) reinforces the broad scope of STEM competencies in the 21st century. The STEM-ULATION Program seeks to prepare minorities and women to assume the role of problem-solver in the STEM-related disciplines and careers. The impact of the STEM-ULATION program will be far-reaching although right now it is still in its infancy stage. However, there are some early commendations which show very promising results. Recently, the E-STEM Academies participated in a state-wide robotics competition and won 4th place among the 87 public and private schools that competed. We believe this level of success speaks to the consummate program design and the commitment of each partner to expose the students to the best and the brightest STEM professionals in the city, coupled with rigorous study. The 97.9% performance rating on the TAKS scores, almost 3 percentage points higher than the national average, is another early indicator that we're on the right track and closely aligned with the goals and objectives of the program. The program curriculum is designed so that graduating students will have earned 24 college credits upon graduation, therefore graduating high school with a diploma and a 2-year college associate’s degree. This is an incredible achievement and a huge financial boost to families who do not have the means to pay for college. This is an intentional program design to support the goal of making the transition from high school to college not only possible but attainable. STEM-ULATION: Right Brain/Left Brain is a powerful tool for producing high school graduates with a deep knowledge and strong passion for science, technology, engineering and math that translates into much higher rates of college attendance and graduation in scientific fields. This is the ultimate goal we strive to achieve.
The Links, Incorporated 1200 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20005 202-842-8686 www.linksinc.org