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Today’s Goals / Objectives. Content Objectives I can make class content comprehensible to all students (idioms, cognates, Google Translate , etc.) I can select and teach learning strategies to help all students succeed in my classes. I can scaffold learning for students.
Today’s Goals / Objectives Content Objectives • I can make class content comprehensible to all students (idioms, cognates, Google Translate, etc.) • I can select and teach learning strategies to help all students succeed in my classes. • I can scaffold learning for students. • I can select higher level thinking questions for all students. Language Objectives: • Translate idioms into “literal English.” • Read and discuss “Tips for Teaching English Learners”
SIOP Component 3 Comprehensible Input Feature 10: Use speech appropriate for student proficiency levels Feature 11: Provideclear explanations of academic tasks Feature 12: Use a variety of techniques to make content concepts clear
Cognates A word with similar pronunciation and meaning in multiple languages.
False Cognates • A word with similar pronunciation but different meaning in multiple languages.
Strategies SIOP Component 4
Multisyllabic Words pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis: [noun] An obscure term allegedly referring to a lung disease caused by silica dust.
Multisyllabic Words • Review the document, Basic Instructional Sequences,and underline all words that are three syllable or more. • Categorize selected words.
Basic Instructional Sequences Vocabulary for Evening the Playing Field: Multisyllabic Words
SIOP Component 4 Strategies Feature 13: Teach learning strategies Feature 14: Use scaffolding techniques Feature 15: Use higher order questioning
Read the following passage and discuss what you think is happening. “He put down $10 at the window. The woman behind the window gave him back $4.00. The person next to him gave him $3.00, but he gave it back to her. So, when they went inside, she bought him a large bag of popcorn.”
Step Inside a Classroom • Teacher: What can you tell me about this passage? • S1: This doesn’t make any sense. • S2: It sort of does, down here, with the popcorn. Maybe it’s about a movie. • S3: It doesn’t say anything about a movie. • S1: I don’t get it. • S3: This is stupid.
What’s Happening? • “These students don’t understand that learning requires action on their part…. They expect the text to provide everything. Their job, they believe, is at most to decode the print. After that, well, if the meaning isn’t immediately apparent, they stop reading or ask us to explain.” (Beers, 2003, pg. 69)
Begin at the Beginning Narrative Expository Underlying Structures Description Compare/Contrast Time Order Problem/Solution Cause/Effect Persuasive Story Elements • Plot, characters, setting, problem, important events, outcome, theme, conflict, rising action, climax, resolution, etc. Beginning Middle End Big Topic / Thesis / Position Main Ideas Details Conclusion
Lose All Your Friends How To By Nancy Carlson
Two Types of Strategies The process of purposefully monitoring our thinking is referred to as metacognition. Cognitive strategies help students organize the information they are expected to learn through the process of self-regulated learning.
Learning Strategy Examples • Colorful Writing • ACCESS: Weekly Record • Reading Strategies for Content Areas • Say Something • Graphic Organizers http://www.worksheetworks.com/miscellanea/graphic-organizers.html
Other Scaffolding techniques Increasing Independence Teach Model Practice Apply Small Group Whole Class Partners Independent Work Teacher Centered Teacher Assisted Peer Assisted Student Centered
The Equalizer An academic equalizer identifies a variety of instructional elements that can be scaffolded or adjusted to challenge or support students at different levels of readiness. A graphic equalizer is a high-fidelity audio control that allows the user to see graphically and control individually a number of different frequency bands in a stereophonic system.
Use Higher Order Questioning Conversational Proficiency - BICS Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Academic Proficiency - CALP Dr. J. Cummins
Use Higher Order Questioning • 80% of questions teachers ask are at the literal or knowledge level • Higher level questions require learners to elaborate and help improve their ability to speak and use the vocabulary they’ve learned
Questions about questioning • How many questions do teachers ask on average, per teacher per year? • 80,000 • How many questions related to academics do students ask on average, per student, per year? • 10
BONUS: What does Harvard expect readers to do? “Interrogating” a Text: • Previewing • Annotating • Outline, summarize, analyze • Look for repetitions and patterns • Contextualize • Compare and Contrast http://hcl.harvard.edu/research/guides/lamont_handouts/interrogatingtexts.html
Each E-log should clearly reflect the last class session. Points may be earned for the following: • Details about *Case Study Student – BLUE font (2 pts). • Successes / Aha Moments – GREEN font (2 pts). • Reading, Writing, & Talking Activities in class– PINK font (2 pts). • Use of Differentiation Strategies – ORANGE font (2 pts). • Use of Cooperative Learning / Interaction – PURPLE font (2 pts). • Academic Vocabulary Instruction – BROWN font (2 pts). • Strategic Efforts to build community among your students – BLACK font (2 pts). • Obstacles/Questions for Instructor – RED font (0 pts). Select cognates that you can use in your classes. Be aware of idiom usage. Preview multisyllabic words with students before reading.