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SQL (CSCE 330). Team Members Bushira Kiyemba La’Trice Johnson Curtis Merriweather. SQL Origins. Relational Model formally defined by Dr. E.F. Codd in 1970’s, reflects SQL’s conceptual core A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks. SQL Origins .
SQL (CSCE 330) • Team Members • Bushira Kiyemba • La’Trice Johnson • Curtis Merriweather
SQL Origins • Relational Model formally defined by Dr. E.F. Codd in 1970’s, reflects SQL’s conceptual core • A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks
SQL Origins • Designed by IBM research center in 1974-1975 • System/R project, prototype of a relational database • Originated as SEQUEL, structured English Query Language, hence the pronunciation of SQL
SQL Origins • 1979, commercial relational database management system – Oracle, used SQL as its query language • ANSI approved SQL as official standard in 1986, ISO standardized in 1987
Database Concepts • A database is a software program which allows for storage and retrieval of information on a computer hard drive’s file system or other device. A relational database is a database that allows for queries which typically use Structured Query Language (SQL) to store and retrieve data.
Database Concepts • Relational databases allow for more efficient queries which use less CPU power and memory allocation, as they are optimized for efficiency. However, connecting to a database is significantly slower than just reading a simple file off of your computer’s hard drive. The added features of a relational database make this speed decrease worthwhile in many situations.
Database Concepts • One of the most popular databases used for dynamic web database applications is called mySQL. It is commonly installed on popular web hosting provider’s Unix and Linux servers.
Database Concepts • Data in relational databases is stored in four primary areas: databases, tables, rows, and columns. A database is an area within the database software that contains all the tables that make up this particular set of data.
SQL Column Data Types • Auto Increment ID Fields • Varchar • Char • Integer • Blob • Bit
Additional SQL Commands • Show - Show can be used to show all database tables in a particular database, or all databases in a particular server. • Describe - Describe lets you see the structure of an existing database table • Insert - Insert is how you input information into the database. • Update - Update lets us update values inside an existing row inside a table.
Additional SQL Commands • Delete - Delete lets us delete rows inside a table. • Select - Does queries on the database to extract data from it.
Table Population • INSERT INTO STATION VALUES (13, 'Phoenix', 'AZ', 33, 112); INSERT INTO STATION VALUES (44, 'Denver', 'CO', 40, 105); INSERT INTO STATION VALUES (66, 'Caribou', 'ME', 47, 68);
Selection Statement SELECT * FROM STATION;
SQL and other Languages There are three main means for integrating SQL into a language: • Direct • Embedded support like Powerbuilder • Indirect embedded support through a pre-processor • Database API support Examples: • SQL and Python • SQL and Perl
Embedding SQL in Python SELECT name INTO :my_name FROM segments WHERE segment = :my_segment;
Embedding SQL in Perl <?PERL> my @data; <?SQL SQL="select name, address, from people where name like '%' || ? || '%'" PARAMS="$search_name" MY VAR="$n, $a, $p"> push @data, { name => $n, address => $a, phone => $p, }; <?/SQL> use Data::Dumper; print Dumper (\@data); <?/PERL>
Conclusion The Structured Query Language (SQL) forms the backbone of most modern database systems. It operates on sets of data rather than one data element at a time. With a single statement, you can get just exactly the answer you wanted from gigabytes of data in a millisecond. SQL is not particularly expressive and hence the need for procedural languages and other proprietary extensions
Sources http://www.itworld.com/nl/db_mgr/05142001/ http://networking.webopedia.com/TERM/S/SQL.html http://www.opengroup.org/public/tech/datam/sql.htm http://databases.about.com/cs/sql/?once=true& http://www.paragoncorporation.com/ArticleDetail.aspx?ArticleID=6 http://www.geocrawler.com/archives/3/184/2000/12/0/4789047 http://www.python.org/search/hypermail/python-recent/0551.html http://www.itl.nist.gov/div897/ctg/dm/sql_examples.html#create%20table http://www.expertwebinstalls.com/cgi_tutorial/basic_relational_database_concept.html http://developer.mimer.com/documentation/html_82/Mimer_SQL_Reference_Manual l