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Lamb to the Slaughter

Lamb to the Slaughter. Terminology Review & Vocabulary. SUSPENSE. Suspense is the feeling of anxiety about what the outcome will be. NARRATOR.

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Lamb to the Slaughter

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  1. Lamb to the Slaughter Terminology Review & Vocabulary

  2. SUSPENSE • Suspense is the feeling of anxiety about what the outcome will be.

  3. NARRATOR • A narrator is simply the one telling the story. The narrator may be a character in the story (first person) or someone outside of the story (third person).

  4. IRONY • There are three types of irony: dramatic irony, verbal irony, and situational irony. When the term irony is used alone, it is most likely referring to situational irony. • Situational irony is when the opposite of what is expected occurs.

  5. Point of View • Stories are told from first person, third person limited, and third person omniscient point of view.

  6. Perspective • Whomever tells a story, is telling it from their perspective. If they are part of the story, we may consider them to be unreliable narrators.

  7. Omniscient • In third person point of view, a narrator who is able to share every characters thoughts and feelings is considered omniscient, which mean all-knowing.

  8. Detective • A person whose job is to solve crimes.

  9. Alibi • A legal term to show that a person was not present when a crime was committed.

  10. Corpse • A corpse is a dead body.

  11. Exasperated • When you are exasperated, you are fed up or tired of a situation.

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