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Arbitral tribunal jurisdiction. Mariana F rança Gouveia. The problem. If the source of jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal is the arbitral agreement inserted in the contract , can the tribunal assess its validity ?.
Arbitral tribunal jurisdiction Mariana França Gouveia
Theproblem Ifthesource of jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal isthearbitral agreementinserted in thecontract, can the tribunal assessitsvalidity?
The arbitral tribunal hasjurisdiction to assessitsownjurisdiction • Kompetenz-kompetenzprinciple • Article 18.º LAV Positive effect
Theinterlocutorydecisionoverjurisdiction can beimmediatelyappealed • Article 18.º n.º 9 Positive effect
Whatiftheplaintiffstartsproceedingsfirst in a judicial court? Negative effect
1. The judicial court hasfullpowers to adjudicatejurisdictionissues; Lack of jurisdiction as ground of dismissal
2. Priority of the arbitral tribunal : – judicial court must dismissimmediately; - Jurisdiction can onlybeassessedafter arbitral tribunal ruling Lack of jurisdiction as ground of dismissal
3. Priority of the arbitral tribunal, butthe judicial court can rule ifagreementisobviouslyvoid. Lack of jurisdiction as ground of dismissal
Rule: priority of arbitral tribunal Exception: obviousnullity Article 5.º LAV Negative effect
Obviousnullidity? No more evidenceisneeded Certaintyaboutoutcome of the legal provision Negative effect
jurisdiction Mariana França Gouveia