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D T Workshop: Food

Unit 1C - Eat more fruit and vegetables . Children investigate and taste different foods and develop vocabulary to describe the appearance, taste, smell and texture. This activity provides opportunities for children to apply hygienic practices and to use basic tools and equipment effectively and sa

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D T Workshop: Food

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    1. D & T Workshop: Food David Boyle Adviser - QLS Staffordshire LEA

    2. Unit 1C - Eat more fruit and vegetables Children investigate and taste different foods and develop vocabulary to describe the appearance, taste, smell and texture. This activity provides opportunities for children to apply hygienic practices and to use basic tools and equipment effectively and safely.

    3. Unit 3B - Sandwich snacks Children learn basic food preparation techniques and ways of combining components to create simple food products for a particular purpose. They develop their designing skills by using their own experiences and evaluating existing products to develop ideas.

    4. Unit 5B - Bread - Update The children gain knowledge and understanding from investigating existing products and exploring the functions and properties of ingredients. They use a range of skills and techniques using basic food tools and equipment and taking account of appropriate safety and hygiene issues.

    5. Unit 5D - Biscuits This unit develops children's skills, knowledge and understanding of food, building on the previous units in which children prepared food products using simple processes. The children learn how to adapt a basic recipe to develop a product with specified criteria. Investigation of existing products from all cultures will inform design ideas.

    6. Preparing for food activities: Send out a parental consent letter Consider how the food resources will be provided Consider when and how the food will be purchased and stored Teach the children how to prepare themselves and their work area before the activity

    9. Healthy Eating - The Balanced Plate

    10. Investigating Existing Products Set up surveys and questionnaires Record findings in a database Collect and examine food packaging Investigate food products / ingredients Exploded diagrams Word banks of sensory descriptors Hedonic panels Taste testing - rinsing, disposing Fair testing

    12. Skill and techniques The children will need to be shown and practise certain skills i.e. Preparation of themselves and their work area Techniques for working hygienically Cutting, slicing, grating, peeling, blending, mixing Techniques to reduce risks Use of new tools and equipment.

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