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Verse 1. 主我们来到祢宝座前 Zhu wo men lai dao Ni bao zuo qian Lord we come before Your throne of mercy 卸下我们一切重担 xie xia wo men yi qie zhong dan We lay down all our burdens. 爱我们到底 ai wo men dao di 1/8. Verse 1. 因祢是我们最坚固的膀臂 yin Ni shi wo men zui jian gu de bang bi
Verse1 主我们来到祢宝座前 Zhu wo men lai dao Ni bao zuo qian Lord we come before Your throne of mercy 卸下我们一切重担 xie xia wo men yi qie zhong dan We lay down all our burdens 爱我们到底 ai wo men dao di 1/8
Verse1 因祢是我们最坚固的膀臂 yin Ni shi wo men zui jian gu de bang bi For You are our refuge and our hiding place 走过死荫的幽谷也不惧怕 zuo guo si yin de you gu ye bu ju pa Walking through the valley of death without fear 爱我们到底 ai wo men dao di 2/8
Verse2 主耶稣俯伏在祢面前 Zhu Ye Su fu fu zai Ni mian qian Lord Jesus we bow down before You 拥抱我们爱我们到底 yong bao wo men ai wo men dao di Hold us Lord love us to the end 爱我们到底 ai wo men dao di 3/8
Verse2 祢倒空自己 Ni dao kong zi ji Made Yourself nothing 取了奴仆的形像 qu le nu pu de xing xiang Taking the very nature of a servant 爱我们到底 ai wo men dao di 4/8
Verse2 自甘卑微 顺服至死 zi gan bei wei shun fu zhi si You humble yourselfObedient to death 而且死在十架上 er qie si zai shi jia shang Even death on the cross 爱我们到底 ai wo men dao di 5/8
Chorus 祢的名超过万名之上 Ni de ming chao guo wan ming zhi shang Lord Your name is above every name 天地上下都因祢名屈膝 tian di shang xia dou yin Ni ming qu xi In heaven and on earth every knee should bow 爱我们到底 ai wo men dao di 6/8
Chorus 都要承认主耶稣为主 dou yao cheng ren Zhu Ye Su wei Zhu Confess that Jesus Christ is Lord 一切尊贵荣耀都归给父 yi qie zun gui rong yao dou gui gei Fu To the glory of God the Father 爱我们到底 ai wo men dao di 7/8
Ending 我们宣告 wo men xuan gao We proclaim that 祢永远是主 Ni yong yuan shi Zhu You’re Lord forever 爱我们到底 ai wo men dao di 8/8