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Why am I the circle in a room full of squares? Why am I the face that gets all the stares? Why is the finger always poin

Why am I the circle in a room full of squares? Why am I the face that gets all the stares? Why is the finger always pointed at me? Why don’t they understand and why can’t they see, That the difference I have is what makes me, me. Covich , S. (Ed). A circle in a room full of squares.

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Why am I the circle in a room full of squares? Why am I the face that gets all the stares? Why is the finger always poin

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  1. Why am I the circle in a room full of squares? Why am I the face that gets all the stares? Why is the finger always pointed at me? Why don’t they understand and why can’t they see, That the difference I have is what makes me, me. Covich, S. (Ed). A circle in a room full of squares.

  2. ACT with young people Louise Hayes, PhD, University of Ballarat l.hayes@ballarat.edu.au

  3. Video and youtube • I have placed the video content on my web sharing file. • Please go to the links shown to get these files

  4. Artwork Young people’s artwork has been removed from this presentation Permission has been granted to show the work for training purposes but not to circulate electronically

  5. Introduction Purpose is to get in the same space as adolescents There may be some adolescent language …..when in Rome Informed consent there will be a number of experiential exercises – from your adolescent space

  6. intensity..… and adolescence http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOahUXl8asM&feature=fvst Protect my from what I want Placebo

  7. Brain development • http://www.loni.ucla.edu/SVG/index.php

  8. Blue represents maturing brain areas Gogtay, Giedd et al 2004

  9. Patton, G, 2007, RCH Murdoch Children’s Institute

  10. Patton, G, 2007, RCH Murdoch Children’s Institute

  11. and for psychological flexibilty and for psychological flexibility

  12. and for psychological flexibility • Verbal behaviour • For values shaping rules - motivative augmentals • The capacity engage with long term motivative reinforcers • For self as context • The ability to take others perspective

  13. Traditional developmental view of adolescent development has been of • Development of abstract, logical thinking • Identify formation and indivuation • Egocentric • Introspection - they are unique and NO ONE understands them

  14. Harris (2009). Act made simple. Present Moment Self as Context Acceptance Values Committed action Defusion

  15. remembering adolescence…… http://files.me.com/louisehayes/3o6c6s.mov

  16. Defusion http://files.me.com/louisehayes/vo9fbr.mov

  17. Source: Smith, K. Wreck this Journal

  18. Using visual images for the take home message

  19. Harris (2009). Act made simple. Present Moment Self as Context Acceptance Values Defusion Committed action

  20. adolescence……what matters http://files.me.com/louisehayes/3o6c6s.mov

  21. What mattersWho am I? How, where and do I belong?

  22. “if you don’t belong, you don’t exist” Zoe Barron (age 14 years)A circle full of squares

  23. belonging…. the subculture, emos, goths, scene kids…. • Things You'll Need • Mobile phone, skinny jeans, band shirts, hairspray, eye make-up, layered teased out hair, huge sunglasses, camera, shoes, fake eye lashes, • Devil-may-care attitude • Group of attractive, cool scene friends you can take pictures with in random places • Scene Warnings! • DO NOT take this "scene" thing seriously. • The first rule of being scene is not to talk about being scene. • The major sign of a poser is calling yourself a scene kid. • Don't change to scene in one day. You will be labeled as a poser or wannabe. • Be aware of things that used to be scene but aren't anymore • Don't copy other people. • Don't dye your hair too often. • Avoid stereotypes about the scene scene and the emo scene. • As soon as you decide to start acting scene, don't automatically label yourself as such. • If you buy every single bit of your clothing from Hot Topic people will be able to tell.

  24. Finding meaning and purpose • Socially, spiritually and morally • Developing a social conscious • Finding meaning from within, searching for meaning in the world • Examining thoughts and feelings • Seeking answers • Developing who they are in society

  25. what matters to me….. Source: St Luke’s Signposts

  26. See the ACDC file - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q80c0TeVOXI

  27. Harris (2009). Act made simple. Present Moment Self as Context Acceptance Values Defusion Committed action

  28. intensity……in the present http://files.me.com/louisehayes/nq6rrq.mov

  29. Context and content Writing with adolescents to help them understand content and context Haiku style poetry Using sky and the weather as metaphor for writing self-as-context Instructions:first - choose verbal contentsecond - juxtapose with context

  30. The Problem by Linnea Pierre (excerpt) Doctor Doctor Giver of meds giver of advice, giver of life Prescribe me a cure for this world in which I find myself trapped, Unable to break free, find peace. Write me a script That will make me understand The bodies of babies discarded on the streets of China Perverts harbouring mountains of kiddie-porn multimedia My friend’s innocence stolen at 9 years of age Tanks powering down the streets of Israel And children blown to shit when they throw rocks at them…. In this universe Where someone is paid To give me drugs to make me numb To diagnose me something new every other week To tell me how I probably will never get better Making money off my pain. Tell me oh Holiness How can the problem be with me?  From Covich, S. A circle in a room full of squares.

  31. unworthy – a journey through summers more than words alone Instructions:first – choose contentsecond - juxtapose with context

  32. Therapeutic Stance • I wont go away unless you tell me to • We have to stay with the function of their behaviour • Workability of their solutions • Shaping valued behaviours – without trying to put old heads on young shoulders

  33. Thank you • L.hayes@ballarat.edu.au

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