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Chapter 27 Vocabulary

Chapter 27 Vocabulary. Becca Koenigsberg Latin 2 Honors Period 5. Verb. Vexo, vexare, vexavi = I worry, annoy. vex, vexation, vexatious, vexed. http://www.freeprintablecoloringpages.net/showcover/On_The_Farm/Pig_And_Annoying_Mosquito/. Verb. Augeo, augere, auxi = I increase.

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Chapter 27 Vocabulary

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  1. Chapter 27 Vocabulary Becca Koenigsberg Latin 2 Honors Period 5

  2. Verb Vexo, vexare, vexavi = I worry, annoy vex, vexation, vexatious, vexed http://www.freeprintablecoloringpages.net/showcover/On_The_Farm/Pig_And_Annoying_Mosquito/

  3. Verb Augeo, augere, auxi = I increase augustness, author, authoress, authoritarian http://www.dynastyfdn.com/english/images/about/increase_budget.jpg

  4. Verb Accendo, accendere, accendi = I set fire to candidate, candidates, candidature, candidly http://www.hellomarylu.com/?p=215

  5. Verb Colligo, colligere, collegi = I collect, gather College, electively, legislative, selective http://ab.mec.edu/pinehawk/nipmuckpics/pages/The-Gatherer.html

  6. Verb Ruio, ruere, rui = I rush ruin, ruination, ruinous, ruinate http://www.photospin.com/search/?page=results2&volume=132&pg=4

  7. Adjective Benignus, -a, -um = kind benefice, beneficence, beneficent, beneficently http://www.shrewsbury.gov.uk/public/lifeevents/healthandcare/

  8. Adjective Plenus, -a, -um + abl = Full (of) expletive, implement, implementation, plenary http://imagebase.davidniblack.com/main.php?g2_view=core.ShowItem&g2_itemId=3761

  9. Adjective Scelestus, -a, -um = wicked, criminal http://www.broadwayinchicago.com/images/wicked0606.jpg (or) http://www.worldnewsstand.net/history/BATF-IRS.htm

  10. Adjective MANY Ullus, -a, -um = Any - “M”

  11. Adjective Civilis, civile = of citizens, cival http://us.history.wisc.edu/hist102/photos/assets/photos/1013.jpg citizen, city, civic, civically http://www.historicaldocuments.com/CivilRightsActof1866.htm

  12. Adjective Prudens, prudentis = prudent, sensible, wise advise, provide, survey, invisible http://www.art.com/asp/sp-asp/_/pd--10219410/sp--A/Wise_Old_Man.htm

  13. Nouns Philosophia, -ae (f.) = philosophy http://www.stenudd.com/myth/greek/aristotle/aristotle-06-writing.htm

  14. Noun Exitium, -I (n.) = destructive adit, ambition, circuit, circuitous http://www.thewe.cc/weplanet/news/asia/japan/hiroshima_cover_up.htm

  15. Nouns Imperium Romanum (n.) = the Roman Empire imperative, imperial, imperialism, imperialist http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Roman_empire_395.jpg

  16. Nouns Otium, -i (n.) = Leisure otiose, negotiate, negotiator, negotiable http://www.bellefrance.co.uk/cycling-holiday.php?pid=39

  17. Nouns Orbis, orbis (m) = circle, globe orb, orbicular, orbicularis, orbiculate http://img.alibaba.com/photo/51004207/Globe.jpg

  18. Nouns Orbis terrrum = the globe, the world orb, orbicular, orbicularis, orbiculate http://www.harmsy.freeuk.com/images/earth2.jpeg

  19. Nouns Potestas , potestatis (f.) = power http://www.hickerphoto.com/data/media/7/wind_power_T0155.jpg impotence, linguipotence, magnipotent http://www.ecofriend.org/images/sun-power_72.jpg http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-US-Nuclear-Coal-Fired-Power-Plants-DVD_W0QQitemZ200104013195QQcmdZViewItem

  20. Nouns Portus, portus (m.) = port porter, opportune, opportunity, passport http://www.michigandnr.com/PUBLICATIONS/PDFS/Harbors/Presque_Isle_Harbor.jpg

  21. Adverb Cras = tomorrow procrastinate, procrastination http://www.emmawahl.com/tomorrow%20big%20finish.JPG

  22. Adverb & Ergo = and so http://www.top-sewing-machine.info/janome/Janome%201600P-DB%20High%20Speed%20Sewing.jpg

  23. Adverb Mane = early (in the morning) http://www.sarpysam.net/gallery/albums/sunrise/sunrise10152006.sized.jpg Spanish: mañana!

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