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WinRunner Softsmith Infotech

WinRunner Softsmith Infotech. Need For Automation. Speed - Automation scripts run very fast when compared to human users. Reliable - Tests perform precisely the same operations each time they are run, thereby eliminating human error.

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WinRunner Softsmith Infotech

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  1. WinRunnerSoftsmith Infotech

  2. Need For Automation • Speed - Automation scripts run very fast when compared to human users. • Reliable - Tests perform precisely the same operations each time they are run, thereby eliminating human error. • Repeatable - We can test how the application reacts after repeated execution of the same operations. • Programmable - We can program sophisticated tests that bring out hidden information. • Comprehensive - We can build a suite of tests that covers every feature in our application. • Reusable - We can reuse tests on different versions of an application, even if the user interface changes.

  3. WinRunner Overview What is WinRunner? • WinRunner is a test automation tool, designed to help customers save testing time and effort by automating the manual testing process • manual process: perform operations by hand, visually check results, and log results by hand • automated process: create a test script that will perform the same operations as a Human operator, check the same information, and create a summary report showing the test status

  4. Recording Recording Modes • Context-sensitive mode • Analog mode • Tests can combine both recording modes • Context-Sensitive is the default mode • Switch between modes using same record key (F2)

  5. Context-Sensitive Mode • Object-based • Unaffected by minor UI changes • Maintainable (readable/editable) • Generally used with GUI applications • Portable script

  6. Set focus to the window set_window ("Save As"); edit_set(“File Name”,“output14”); Set the edit field content button_press(“OK”); Buttonpress output14 Context-Sensitive Mode

  7. x y Analog Mode • Position-dependent • Works with any application • UI changes force test script changes • Usually drives tests with mouse, keyboard and other such manual user inputs • Less maintainable

  8. mouse drag • move_locator_track (1); mouse click mtype (" <T55> <kLeft>-<kLeft>+"); type (" <t3>output14" ); • move_locator_track (2); • mtype (" <T35><kLeft>-<kLeft>+ "); keyboard timing output14 Analog Mode

  9. Recording Modes • Context-Sensitive mode statements can be recorded or programmed • record: button_press, win_activate • program: list_get_num_items, edit_get_text • recommended for most situations due to greater robustness • Analog mode statements are rarely programmed, mostly recorded and edited • record: move_locator, type, mtype • program: move_locator_abs, move_locator_rel, click • Analog statements are useful for literally describing the keyboard, mouse, and mouse button input of the user

  10. Recording Tips • plan your work • decide exactly what actions / data to record • check initial conditions • test cases may have data dependency • test cases may have screen dependence • establish a common “initial state” for testing • walk through the test case manually • Verify that the test case is functional before recording script • “test” your test script • verify that the script will replay reliably by executing several times. • watch the script execute and verify that it performs its intended function

  11. Recording Tips • Use RapidTest Script Wizard to generate a comprehensive GUIMap for the tested application

  12. Recording Tips

  13. Run Modes • Debug • debug is good to use while the test script is being debugged • these test results are overwritten with each new run • Verify • Corresponds to actual results • Generally used when executing testing sessions where results need to be stored • Update • Corresponds to “expected” results. Expected results are the benchmarks used to verify test results • Test runs in “Update” mode generate the expected results for future runs to compare back against • These test results become the expected results for subsequent test runs in “Verify” mode

  14. Synchronization • Enhances a test script to ensure reliable replay • accounts for delays in order to prevent the automated script from running faster than the tested application • critical for successful test automation implementation • among the main reasons why record-n-playback is not reliable • In Context-Sensitive mode • Examples: (operations) • wait for a window to appear • wait for a bitmap to refresh • wait for an object property • wait for a specific amount of time • In Analog mode • Examples: (operations) • wait for a window bitmap to appear / refresh • wait for a specific amount of time

  15. Window Synchronization invoke_application(“Notepad”,””, “c:\\temp”, SW_SHOW); set_window (”Login”, 10); edit_set(“User ID:”, “guest”); edit_set(“Password:”, “mercury”); button_press(“OK”); set_window Waits for the specified window to appear onscreen. If the window appears before the timeout, the script immediately proceeds to the next line.

  16. Bitmap Synchronization button_press(“Submit”); obj_wait_bitmap (”Object”,”Img1”,10); button_press(“Confirm”); win_wait_bitmap (”Screen", "Img2", 10, 209, 170, 81, 20); win_wait_bitmap, obj_wait_bitmap Waits for a bitmap to be drawn onscreen. Bitmap may be complete window/object or partial area. Bitmap is captured and stored during recording.

  17. Object Synchronization win_wait_info(“Payment”, “enabled”, 0, 30); button_press(“Confirm Payment”); obj_wait_info (”StatusBar","label", “Complete...", 20); win_wait_info, obj_wait_info Waits for a window or object attribute to reach a specified value.

  18. Time Synchronization wait(10); wait Waits for the specified amount of time.

  19. Analog Synchronization win_wait_bitmap(”Win_1",“icon_editor", 4, 855, 802, 292, 88); type("<t6>ls \-l <kReturn>"); win_wait_bitmap(“”,“icon_editor", 4, 855, 802, 292, 88); win_wait_bitmap Waits for a window bitmap to appear onscreen. Bitmap may be full/partial window area. Optionally, bitmap filename may be omitted, thus synchronizing on window refresh/redraw. In analog mode, this is invoked using softkeys.

  20. Synchronization Controls

  21. GUI Map • The GUI Map is an ASCII file that stores a unique description for each application window/object • These unique descriptors act as a liaison between the tested application and the automated script ?

  22. GUI Map Basics • The GUI Map is created automatically through the recording process (RapidTest Script Wizard, GUI Spy “Learn” and script recording), but can also be built manually • WinRunner test scripts depend on this information to simplify maintenance • Each release of a tested application contains changes that however subtle may affect the object properties within that application. This can have the effect of breaking scripts that may or may not appear unchanged. The GUI Map helps to mitigate this situation by providing a centralized location where changes are made rather than modifying individual scripts accessing those object(s) that might have been changed by the latest release of the AUT.

  23. GUI Map Basics • Objects in the GUI Map are organized with each Window object encapsulating all the other object types within each specific window object • GUI Map files can either be test script specific or global in nature • Just as it is desirable to use a centralized source for data driven testing, so it is usually most desirable to have centralized GUI Map files serving more than 1 automated test script. This helps prevent duplication of GUI Map objects as well as simplifying maintenance when the GUI Map needs to be updated • Having script specific GUI Maps allow greater independence for each automated script which may be useful and make automation easier in some circumstances. • The tradeoff for using non-global GUI Map files is that when maintenance for an object is required, it would require changing every GUI Map file containing a physical description for that object. • Too many objects in a few GUI Map files may slow down performance

  24. GUI Map Basics(*) • Recording • object is stored in GUI map first • object is assigned a name • based on object class and name, statement is generated in WinRunner script

  25. GUI Map Basics • Replay • WinRunner searches the current window context in the GUI map (set_window) • WinRunner searches window for the object name • Physical description is used to locate object

  26. GUI Map Tips(*) • Learn GUI Map • use the “Learn” feature in the GUI map editor to store all the objects in a window all at once • Instead of recording individual objects piecemeal as a record session is progressing, every encapsulated object within another object can be recorded at one time, and ready to be accessed

  27. GUI Map Tips(*) • Use the GUI Spy • used to view object properties • useful for debugging purposes • Use regular expressions • increases robustness of the GUI Map • helps recognize transient object states • simplifies maintenance • Can be used in scripts and custom functions as well

  28. Regular Expressions • Regular Expressions are wildcards . any single character [0-9] any single numeral [A-Z] any single uppercase letter [a-z] any single lowercase letter [mf] a single letter either “m” or “f” ^ NOT boolean | OR boolean & AND boolean * any repetition of the previous character or expression .* any string of any character Eg. “practicefile.txt - Notepad” …which regular expression is equivalent to this string? a) “.*file.t.t - Notepad” b) “[p|t]racticefile. - notepad” c) “practi.txt – Notepa[de]” d) “[p&t]racticefile.txt …otepad” e) “[p|t]ractice…..txt.* [A-Z][g-t].*[darn]” Answer: The answer is given on the next page in the upper-right hand corner

  29. Regular Expressions [answer: a and d] • Regular Expressions are wildcards . any single character [0-9] any single numeral [A-Z] any single uppercase letter [a-z] any single lowercase letter [mf] a single letter either “m” or “f” ^ NOT boolean | OR boolean & AND boolean * any repetition of the previous character or expression .* any string of any character Eg. “WinRunner 101” …which regular expression is equivalent to this string? a) “[a-z]in[r]u.*01” b) “Wi..[a-s].*[1-9]” c) “.*[m-z]..[m-o][aklntv].*” d) “.*[azR]..[m-o][er ].*” Answer: The answer is given on the next page in the upper-right hand corner

  30. Regular Expressions [answer: c and d] • Regular Expressions are wildcards . any single character [0-9] any single numeral [A-Z] any single uppercase letter [a-z] any single lowercase letter [mf] a single letter either “m” or “f” ^ NOT boolean | OR boolean & AND boolean * any repetition of the previous character or expression .* any string of any character Eg. “$30,000,000 lottery pot” …which regular expression is equivalent to this number? a) “$[2-8].*0…^[a-z]” b) “$[2345].*0.*[a-z]” c) “..0.*[aeiou]ey.* pot” d) “.*lottery.” Answer: The answer is given on the next page in the upper-right hand corner

  31. GUI Map Tips [answer: b] • Save the GUI file • For reuse in future iterations of the automated test • To possibly be used in different automated tests

  32. GUI Map Tips • close any previously opened GUI files before loading • eliminates conflicts - GUI map files containing duplicate objects cannot be loaded • modify the script to automatically load and use the GUI Map file you’ve created

  33. TSL (Test Script Language) • TSL is a C-like language • High-level proprietary programming language designed for test automation • procedural language • Full programming support • variables, arrays, functions • regular expressions • control flow, decision logic, looping

  34. Built-in TSL Functions • TSL provides a comprehensive library of hundreds of built-in functions to simplify test creation • window/object functions • environment functions • reporting functions • database query functions • file/spreadsheet functions • Win32 functions • WinRunner provides a graphical function browser to assist you • Function Generator

  35. Function Generator

  36. Language Syntax *** Same syntax as in standard C ***

  37. Variables • Basic Rules • do not need to be declared / defined • specific data types are not explicitly defined • case sensitive • first letter must be a character or underscore • cannot be a reserved word • by default all variables are local (static) • can also be public and/or const • Arrays • single dimension: cust[1], cust[2], cust[3] • multi-dimension: address[1,1], address[1,2] • Can be indexed with number • address[1], address[2] • Can be indexed with strings (associative) • address[“John”], address[“Mary”]

  38. Operators • Math + - * / ^ % ++ -- • Logical && || ! • Relational == != >= <= > < • Assignment = += -= *= /= ^= %= • Concatenation &

  39. Test Verification • Enhancing a test script to verify data onscreen • check objects’ values / states • check images • check text • check the database • Context-Sensitive verification • Analog verification

  40. Checkpoints • GUI • single object / single property • single object or window / multiple properties • multiple objects / multiple properties • stores expected results in “checklists” • Bitmap • for object / window, screen area • dependant on screen resolution, color depth, font configuration • Text • uses text recognition • Fonts Expert (if text recognition does not work) • Database Definition: A checkpoint is a WinRunner statement which determines whether a particular object property is as expected. This is determined by either comparing previously captured results to current results or defining an expected result to compare to the actual result. Expected results are captured when running in “Update” mode.

  41. GUI Checkpoints(skim) set_window(“Insert Order”); button_press(“OK”); obj_check_gui (”ProgressBar",”list1.ckl”, “gui1”,25); set_window(“Reports”, 10); menu_select_item(“Analysis;Reports”); win_check_gui (“Reports”, “list2.ckl”, ”gui2”, 4); win_check_gui, obj_check_gui Verifies that object(s) properties match the expected results. Properties to verify are saved in a checklist. The checklist is used to capture the expected results during recording, and is also used to capture the actual results for comparison.

  42. Bitmap Checkpoints(skim) set_window(“Insert Order”); button_press(“OK”); obj_check_bitmap ( ”ProgressBar",”Img1",25); obj_check_bitmap ( ”StatusBar",”Img2",25, 0, 10, 50, 10); set_window(“Reports”, 10); win_check_bitmap( “Reports”, “Img3”, 4); win_check_bitmap, obj_check_bitmap Verifies a object/window bitmap matches its expected image. Bitmap may be full/partial window area. If a partial area is selected, the coordinates of the partial area are captured (relative to the object).

  43. Text Checkpoints(skim) obj_get_text( “Statusbar95”, text ); if ( text == “Insert Done…”) tl_step(“Check statusbar”, PASS, “Insert was completed”); else tl_step(“Check statusbar”, FAIL, “Insert failed”); obj_get_text retrieves the text within an area (absolute coordinates) tl_step logs message to the WinRunner report and changes test status

  44. Error Handling • addresses specific “predictable” errors • Using “error-handler” routines • error codes • most TSL statements have a return code • this is used as a basis for error-checking • running in Batch Mode • ignores all script errors, continues execution • also ignores breakpoints and pause statements • break when verification fails • halts the test if a verification fails in “Verify” mode • Initializing and closing subroutines • Prevents cascade errors • Allows test case independence during batch runs

  45. Error Handling

  46. Exception/Recovery Handling (*) • Unexpected errors during replay • unlike error-handling, these can appear at any time when running a script • WinRunner provides a mechanism to trap and handle exceptions • popup exceptions • popup windows • object exceptions • object property value changes • TSL exceptions • TSL error codes

  47. Functions and Libraries • simplifies building test frameworks • application-specific functions • general-purpose functions • greater modularity • can be stored in a script • compiled module (function library) • can be loaded as part of startup or initialization script and available globally • facilitates data-driven testing • data-driven testing is where data retrieved externally from the test being executed drives the test rather than using hard-coded data within each test case. Using application specific custom functions and scripts helps further the benefits of data-driven testing.

  48. Functions public function flight_login( in uid, in passwd ) { set_window( “Login”, 10); edit_set( “Agent Name:”, uid ); edit_set(“Password:”, passwd ); button_press(“OK”); } • function type • public (global) • static (local) • function name • first character cannot be numeric • parameters can be overloaded

  49. Functions public function flight_login( in uid, in passwd ) { set_window( “Login”, 10); edit_set( “Agent Name:”, uid ); edit_set(“Password:”, passwd ); button_press(“OK”); } • function parameters • in • out • inout • arrays must be indicated with []

  50. Functions public function flight_login( in uid, in passwd ) { auto x; set_window( “Login”, 10); edit_set( “Agent Name:”, uid ); edit_set(“Password:”, passwd ); button_get_info(“OK”, “state”, x ); if ( x == “ON”) button_press(“OK”); } • variables • unlike scripts, variables must be • declared before using • auto • static • extern

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