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Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR). Status of FAIR / News from ISC J. Eschke, FAIR Joint Core Team, GSI Darmstadt. News from International Steering Committee meeting on July 4, 2008 - Status legal documents and international contributions
Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) Status of FAIR / News from ISC J. Eschke, FAIR Joint Core Team, GSI Darmstadt • News from International Steering Committee meeting on July 4, 2008 - Status legal documents and international contributions - Expression of Interests (EoI) procedure for Phase A and B - Managerial appointments - FAIR EU FP7 contract
Governance structure of FAIR ISC International Steering Committee J. Gierlinski STI Working Group Scientific + Technical Issues H. Wenninger AFI Working Group Administrative + Funding Issues Ö. Skeppstedt FAIR Project Joint Core Team PAC QCDE. Chiavassa LFI Legal Framework Issues U.B. Jahn PAC NUSTARR. Casten PAC APPAD. Schwalm FCI Full Cost Issues B. Brandt TAC Y. Cho • MiniTACs • Cryogenics • Warm and Cold magnets • Power Supplies • Beam Instrumentation • p-Linac CORE Cost Review Groups D. Plane, W. Bartel Observers: Hungary, Slovakia, Georgia
17th Meeting of the FAIR-Steering Committee Draft Agenda 1. Welcome 2. Adoption of the agenda 3. Adoption of the minutes of the 16th ISC-FAIR meeting (May 14, 2008) 4. Chairman's Report: Key issues(J.T. Gierlinski) 5. International negotiations: Report and discussion (B. Vierkorn-Rudolph) 6. Financial issues: Proposal concerning cash contributions (B. Vierkorn-Rudolph) 7. Status of preparation for signing: General discussion 8. Organisation of the Signing Conference: Information(B. Vierkorn-Rudolph) 9. Status of preparations for FAIR GmbH: General discussion 10. Managerial appointments: Information 11. Lecture by Professor K.-H. Langanke, Head of Research at GSI 12. Procedure for Start / Full version of FAIR facility: Proposal by STI (H. Wenninger) 13. In-kind contributions: Information and further procedure(H. Wenninger) 14. New item (proposed by German Delegation) 15. Next steps 16. Any other business / date of the next meetings
Resolution on the readiness for signing the founding documents of the 16th FAIR International Steering Committee Meeting, held on 14th May, 2008 in Darmstadt, Germany Considering the state of completion of the founding documents (the Convention with its five Annexes and the Final Act), ready for signature and subsequent formation of the FAIR GmbH, the FAIR ISC would like to express its appreciation of the achieved progress. Based on the above, the FAIR ISC recommends now the second half of September 2008 for the Conference of the Delegates of the Governments of the participating Countries and asks the German Delegation to suggest a date. It is expected that a significant number of the signatories of the FAIR Memorandum of Understanding will be ready to sign the founding documents at the above date. The prospective Contracting Parties are invited to confirm their contribution to the construction costs and to designate as soon as possible their Shareholders in order to establish the FAIR GmbH.
Change of Convention approved at 17th FAIR-ISC meeting 6. Financial issues: Proposal concerning cash contributions Resolution: Article 6 paragraph 2 of the convention is modified to the following wording: "At the time of signing this Convention, the Contracting Parties shall ensure that the Shareholders contribute to construction costsin principle in-kind and in cash,the following amounts (all amounts referring to 2005 prices):" ... (instead: "in cash and/or in-kind") opposed by India and China But negotiations with Russian Ministries regarding some formulations in the Articles of Association of FAIR GmbH are not yet completed. Conference of the Delegates of the Governments of the participating Countries planned for November 2008 now.
Procedure of the Formation of the FAIR Company • Convention (intergovernmental agreement) and Final Act will be signed by the • Contracting parties (Governments of participating countries) • These appoint the Shareholders of the FAIR GmbH • Procedure of the Formation of the FAIR Company with limited Liability (GmbH) • under German Law is a Notary Act (registration at local court in Darmstadt) • The Articles of Association are the "rules" how this company is governed. 31.07.2014 31.07.2014 6 6
FAIR-ISC meeting 14.5.2008confirmed international contributions
Definition of Start Version / Phase B Start Version: 940 M€ Phase B starts a.s.a. funds available. ISC Task to H. Wenninger to suggest a procedure for including of WPs of full version Minutes 17th meeting: ISC agreed to go on with the collection of EoIs and to start prototype production of in-kind contributions to Phase B of the FAIR project.
6. Financial issues: Proposal concerning cash contributions • Proposal for resolution: • The FAIR ISC would like to confirm the following interpretation of the term "2005 prices": • in the case of in-kind contribution it means that the amount to be taken into account when accepting a Shareholder's contribution to the construction costs, associated with an item to be delivered under the contract with the Shareholder, shall be based on the year 2005 price of such item as established in the latest version of the cost book. Any price variations are the joint risk of the Shareholder and the contracting party, subject to the conditions specified in the Annex 5 to the Convention. • in the case of cash contribution it means that the amount to be taken into account when accepting a Shareholder's contribution to the construction costs shall be subject to indexation with reference to the year 2005, using the annual EU inflation index for industrial manufactured goods (EUROSTAT). resolution prepared for ISC meeting on September 3, 2008
The FAIR Costbook 5.0 939945 244266 CB5: only new structure compared to CB4 – all costs in 2005 prices
12. Procedure for Start / Full version of FAIR facility: Proposal by STI (H. Wenninger) and 13. In-kind contributions: Information and further procedure(H. Wenninger) Resolution: ISC mandates STI ad interim to set-up the evaluation procedure for Technical Design Reports submitted by Experiment Collaborations with the appointment of referees for each TDR. This will allow the future Scientific Council to submit in due time well documented TDRs to the FAIR Council for final approval. ISC encourages the creation of „ pre-consortia/collaborations“ on the dedicated FAIR accelerators in-kind work-packages. This will allow the future In-kind Review Board to be ready in due time to submit well documented In-kind work package proposals to the FAIR Council for approval. ISC took note of the Costbook 5.0 on Accelerators and associated manpower for the Start Version and Phase B as a reference for further negotiations. ISC asks to make Costbook 5 available to the delegates of ISC, STI and IKAB. ISC took note of the Technical Design Reports on the dedicated FAIR accelerators and mandates the STI Chairman, Horst Wenninger, and the LHC project leader Dr. Lyn Evans (CERN) to form a FAIR Machine Advisory Committee (MAC) to review the accelerator TDRs and to follow up the project realization. ISC asks to be presented with a list of names of potential candidates for the MAC.
Search Committees for FAIR managerial appointments Search Committees have been established Job description for FAIR Scientific Director published: Composition: Search Committee for FAIR Scientific Director: J.T Gierlinski (chair), B. Vierkorn-Rudolph (BMBF), O. Patarakin (ROSATOM, Russia) V.S. Ramamurthy (DST, India), W. Nazarewicz, Univ. Tennessee and H. Wenninger as guest first meeting on July 3rd / active search for candidates started Search Committee for FAIR Administrative Director: J.T. Gierlinski (chair), J. Womersley (STFC,UK), U. Mattig (Hessen), Ö. Skeppstedt, S. Lettow (CERN) and Horst Stöcker as guest search postponed until FAIR Scientific Director selected
International Steering Committee External Committees: PACs, TACs, IKAB AFI STI FAIR project management team I. Augustin T. Beier H. Bokemeyer J. Eschke M. Hinkelmann S. Hofmann F. Weißbach A. Zimbelius V. Varentsov (RUS) Team Leader Hans H. Gutbrod Research Z. Maika (PL) Accelerator Dieter Krämer Integration N.N. Finance & Admin A. Lambert NUSTAR C. Scheidenberger I. Sagrado (E) CBM H. Pentillä (FIN) D. Cozma (RO,1/2) W. Korten(F) D. Dutta (IND, 1/2) Borcea (RO) R. Karabowic (PL) NN (IND, 1/2) PANDAW. Müller G. Boca (I)M. Petris (RO, 1/2) K. Peters J. Stroth L. Schmitt S. Tomassini (I) APPA T. Stöhlker M. Czarnota (PL) A. Hirtl (A) B. O'Rourke (UK) B. Azzara B. Galander (S, HESR) H. Beyer W. Jacoby M. Lautenschläger P. Karampougiouki A. Lehrach (HESR) D. Prasuhn (HESR) S. Richter M. Steck B. Becker-de Mos NN FAIR Joint Core Team: Good News: EC signed EU contract / 4.9 M€ for the personnel of FJCT and FAIR GmbH EU money has arrived (1st pre-financing) at GSI! Total EC financing: ~ 2.95 M€ for GSI and 1.95 for 12 other institutions Funding of personnel from EU money for 2 years: 18 FTE GSI 2 FTE FZJ 14 FTE international JCT members
Summary • legal documents soon ready for signature • signing conference of ministers planned in November 2008 • incorporation of FAIR GmbH before end 2008 • declared contribution now 1040 M€ allows to go with WPs beyond start version (940 M€) • Call for EoI very successful process for In-Kind contribution underway • Invitation to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to become Oberserver in ISC • FAIR managerial appointments started • FAIR FP7 pp EU contract signed
in 2015 Thank you for you attention! Austria China Finland France Germany Greece India Italy Poland Spain Sweden Romania Russia UK