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SO/CHECK Well-being Preventive Platform for Detailed Health Analysis

SO/CHECK is a comprehensive well-being preventive platform that offers various analyses to evaluate mineral bioavailability, physiological functions, neuro-vegetative stress, and intestinal microbiota for optimal health assessment. Utilizing advanced technologies, the platform provides insights into heavy metals overload, vitamins bioavailability, and oxidative stress. With immediate and non-invasive testing, patients can undergo a fast evaluation in three simple steps, enabling a deeper understanding of their health status. Learn more about the innovative Oligoscan test and the significance of mineral balance in the body.

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SO/CHECK Well-being Preventive Platform for Detailed Health Analysis

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  1. Well-being Preventive Plateform 2018 • Sarl Physioquanta - Rue de la garrigue - ZA Lou du bosc - 34130 Mudaison - Tél : +33(0)4 67 65 75 18 - www.socheck -Siret : 48461331000016

  2. SO/CHECK is the new Well-beingPreventivePlateformincluding different analyzes: • OLIGOCHECK (old version of Oligoscan) • CARDICHECK • BIOMCHECK

  3. THE ESSENTIAL ALTERNATIVE FOR COMPLETE YOUR DIAGNOSIS The bioavailability of minerals, trace elements, vitamins and heavy metals overload Evaluation of the functions of the patient's physiology Evaluation of neuro-vegetative stress Analysis of the microbiota by DNA sequencing of intestinal bacteria

  4. OLIGO/CHECK Evaluates in real time the possible overloads of heavy metals, the bioavailability of minerals, trace elements, vitamins as well as oxidative stress. • Sarl Physioquanta - Rue de la garrigue - ZA Lou du bosc - 34130 Mudaison - Tél : +33(0)4 67 65 75 18 - www.socheck -Siret : 48461331000016

  5. CARDI/CHECK Evaluates acute and chronic stress through vital rhythmic balance using 5 indicators: Cardiflex, Cardistress, ANS, cardiaccoherence and IRT. • Sarl Physioquanta - Rue de la garrigue - ZA Lou du bosc - 34130 Mudaison - Tél : +33(0)4 67 65 75 18 - www.socheck -Siret : 48461331000016

  6. BIOM/CHECK Complete Analysis of the intestinal microbiota by DNA sequencing of intestinal bacteria, verus , fungi and food intolerance • Sarl Physioquanta - Rue de la garrigue - ZA Lou du bosc - 34130 Mudaison - Tél : +33(0)4 67 65 75 18 - www.socheck -Siret : 48461331000016

  7. Perform the Test using one of the technologies • The Test appears on your Computer* • PatientPatient informations • A SIMPLE AND FAST EVALUATION IN 3 STEPS • Sarl Physioquanta - Rue de la garrigue - ZA Lou du bosc - 34130 Mudaison - Tél : +33(0)4 67 65 75 18 - www.socheck -Siret : 48461331000016

  8. OLIGO/CHECK: • AN INNOVATIVE DEVICE • Non-invasive Immediate Test • Sarl Physioquanta - Rue de la garrigue - ZA Lou du bosc - 34130 Mudaison - Tél : +33(0)4 67 65 75 18 - www.socheck -Siret : 48461331000016

  9. Spectrophotometry • Usedsince 1930 in variousfields: industrialaerospace, chemistry, pharmacy, environment, agro-food, biology, medicalanalyzes ...

  10. Spectrophotometry • It is a quantitative method , measuring the absorption or the opticaldensity of a chemicalsubstance • Each chemical compound absorbs, emits or reflects an electromagneticspectrum over a certain wavelength range "Beer-Lambert law »

  11. minerals • Deficiencies and excesses in minerals and trace elements • Heavy metals • Evaluation of heavy metal overloads • vitamins • Evaluation of tissue bioavailability in vitamins • Oxidative stress • Responsible for aging and many pathologies • Sarl Physioquanta - Rue de la garrigue - ZA Lou du bosc - 34130 Mudaison - Tél : +33(0)4 67 65 75 18 - www.socheck -Siret : 48461331000016

  12. Understand The Oligoscan Test • Toxic metals are enzymaticinhibitors, which compromise vital reactions. Theytake the place of minerals: • Cadmium Copper, zinc, iron and calcium • Lead Iron& calcium • Aluminium Silicone • Mercury Phosphorus, Magnésium, silicium, etc… • Fluorine Iodine

  13. What else to know about minerals? • Emotionnelstress : Calcium, Magnésium, Zinc & Chromiumlow. • Low Magnésium: (Potassium will not be appropriately stored in the cell) • Intestinal absorption of copper and iron is reduced in the presence of large quantities of Zinc. • Anemia:Zinc, Copper or Manganese Low, decreases iron absorption. The iron level may appear normal, whereas the person may be anemic • Low Iodine: May becorrelatedalso with hyperthyroidism. • Tachycardia, hypertension, depression: Magnesium below 10 ppm in the Mineralogram (cardiacrisk). • Low Phosphorus: A correlation with the tendency of weight control problems. • Physiologically : There are subjectswho "consume" either magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc, or Iodine

  14. It can be seen that: • An excess of iron can lead to a reduction in the absorption of Cu, Mn, K, Mg and Zn • A deficit in Mg leads to an increase in Ca levels (and vice versa) • An increased Ca presence leads to Zn deficiency • A deficit in Zn causes a proportionalincreasein Cu • A low K induces an accumulation of Na • An excess of Na (in the diet) leads to lowlevels of K • Cd pollution leads to a decrease in Zinc & Cu

  15. A Deficiency of a Nutrientneverpresentsitselfalone. Manganese: • an excess hinders the use and storage of iron Phosphorus: • an excess increases the urinary loss of calcium Sodium: • an excess promotes the urinary loss of calcium, magnesium and potassium Zinc: • an excess blocks the absorption of copper

  16. A Deficiency of a Nutrientneverpresentsitselfalone. • CALCIUM • promotes the absorption ofvitaminD • facilitatesthe use of vitamins A, C, B5, B12, phosphorus, silicon and zinc • CUPPER • is betterabsorbed in the presence of aminoacidssuch as arginine, histidine and lysine • improves the bioavailability of cobalt and zinc • is necessary for the absorption of iron

  17. MAGNESIUM • - potentiatesthe action of vitamin B6 and vitaminE • is necessary in the conversion of thiamine (B1) to its active form • facilitatesthe use of vitamin C, silicon, calcium • improvesthe bioavailability of potassium • PHOSPHORUS • influences the metabolism of vitamin D • - promotes the use of vitamin A, manganese and zinc • improvesthe bioavailability of magnesium • ZINC • -Its absorption is favored by the concomitant intake of Vit B2, organicacids (citricacid, picolicacid (product of tryptophanmetabolism)), histidine and sulfuraminoacids (cysteine, methionine) • - is necessary for the metabolism of vitamin A • - improves the bioavailability of nickel, cobalt

  18. CARDI/CHECK • Evaluation of arteries flexibility • Assessment of stress and the physiological capacity to remedy it • Cardiac coherence •   IRT Tissue Oxygenation • Evaluation of ANS • SarlPhysioquanta - Rue de la garrigue - ZA Lou du bosc - 34130 Mudaison - Tél : +33(0)4 67 65 75 18 - www.socheck -Siret : 48461331000016

  19. CardiFlex : Evaluation of the arteries flexibility The algorithmsof CardiFlex are mainlybased on tworemarkable points: the Systolic peak and the Reflection peak. CardiFlex is calculated from the following markers: a- The type of pulse wave b- The increase index c- The stiffness index d- The type of the second derivative of the pulse wave « MORE THE SPEED OF THE BLOOD IS GREAT, MORE THE ARTERY WILL BE RIGID »

  20. Settings: CardiStress, ANS and Cardiac Coherence CardiStress : Assessmentof stress and the physiologicalcapacity to remedy it

  21. Settings: CardiStress, ANS and Cardiac Coherence • The algorithmsof these different parameters are mainlybased on the study of variations in the heart beat during a given period of time, usually 3 minutes. • The results obtained are calculated from the following markers: • The stress index • Tachogramand cardiaccoherence • Frequencyanalysis of the tachogram and ANS

  22. Tissue Respiratory Index The good oxygenation of the blood is important for the tissues and provides the energy necessary for the functioning of the muscles

  23. BIOM/CHECK The first complete intestinal flora analysiswithindividual recommendations for improving the quality of life.  • Sarl Physioquanta - Rue de la garrigue - ZA Lou du bosc - 34130 Mudaison - Tél : +33(0)4 67 65 75 18 - www.socheck -Siret : 48461331000016

  24. BIOM/CHECK • balance of intestinal flora • well-being = vitamins & immune system • foodintolerances • nutrition & digestion  • intestinal flora types • body weight & calorie utilization A simple test kit for taking a stool sample at home

  25. Astoolsample at home Into 2 weeks, your Dr. Receive results on his « SOCHECK Plateform » A simple letter to your Distributor or PHYSIOQUANTA

  26. WORKING PROCESS Already > 20.000 Data Records 6000 Scientific Studies • Preparation of microbial DNA using the company'sownlaboratoryprocess • Analysis by means of High ThroughputSequencing (HTS) • Quality testing of DNA sequences in proprietary software pipeline  • Comparing the DNA with all knownmicrobialgenomes • Intermediateresult: Custom microbiota profile • Analysis of profile in the BIOMCHECK knowledge data base for physiological properties • Comparing the microbiota profile with all microbiota profiles in BIOMCHECK • Result: Customer-specificmicrobiota profile enriched with individual recommendations

  27. Intestinal flora & proteobacteria balanced intestinal flora The quantity of proteobacteria is high You are advised to maintain the amount of proteobacteria in your gutat the lowest possible level. The quantity of bacterialspecies in your gut is very high, whichmeans that your intestinal flora is balanced.

  28. Microbiota balance Report microbiota is balanced High diversitymeans a lot of bacteria in your microbiota, which is correlated with a healthy intestinal flora. The diversity of your microbiota is calculated by our Biomcheck Diversity Index. A value above 5 means a normal diversity. Higher the diversity, better is the health. Children have a lowerdiversity than adults. Your Biomcheck Diversity Index is 8.05.

  29. Proteobacteria The quantity of proteobacteria is High 7.72% of bacteria in your intestinal flora are proteobacteria. Proteobacteria other bacteria A healthymicrobiota of an adultpersoncontains only a small amount of proteobacteria, which is between 0 and 7% of the intestinal microbial population.

  30. Digestion & Immunity Digestion is good Immunity to optimize Proteins and lipidsRegulation of the immune system Carbohydrates Production of vitamin B12 Vegetables Production of Vitamin K Fibers

  31. Food & digestion • Proteins& lipids • Carbohydrates • Vegetables • Fibers Results of your sampleanalysis

  32. Food & digestion • Proteins e& lipids • Carbohydrate • Vegetables • Fibers Results of your sampleanalysis

  33. Immunity • Regulation of the immune system • Vit B12 Production • Vit K Production Regulation of the immune system and anti-inflammatory properties

  34. Calorie use & type of microbiota Microbiota of type 1 Your calorie use is the levelaverage The bacteria in your gut have an impact on your use of calories. Your microbialconsistencymeans a low assimilation of calories. Microbiota Type 1 is the mostcommon type in the western world. It is characterized by highconsumption of animal protein and saturated fat.

  35. Calorie use « balance of body weight » Your calorie usage isaverage Firmicutes and bacteriodetes are the mostcommon groups of bacteria in the intestinal flora. Their ratio has an impact on your use of calories. for an adult the ratio shouldbebetween 3/1 your ratio is5/1

  36. Bacteria Phylogenetic Tree Schematic representation of the phylogenetic tree of bacteria residing in the colon. The groups, genera, bacterial species and the proportion how are specified that may be important for human health are indicated. (study: de Cheng et al., 2013)

  37. Microbiota& balance of body weight Gohir, W., Ratcliffe, EM, et Sloboda, DM (2014). Parmi les insectes qui nous façonnent: l'obésité maternelle, le microbiome intestinal et le risque de maladie à long terme. Recherche pédiatrique , 77 (1-2), 196-204.

  38. Calorie use « balance of body weight » Ratio de firmicutes et bacteriodetes BACTEROIDETES 5% BACTEROIDETES 30% FIRMICUTES 95% Bäckhed F, Ding H,Wang T, Hooper LV, Koh GY,Nagy A, Semenkovich CF, Gordon JI. The gutmicrobiota as an environmental factor that regulates fat storage.

  39. Impact of intestinal microbiota on our health Equipe Probihôte, MICALIS, INRA - Cherbuy C. 1, Thomas M. 1, Langella P. 1 Innovations Agronomiques 33 (2013), 37-46

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