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Pertumbuhan Kognitif (5). Cognitive: growth of brain power ( Sprinthall , 1974). Intelligence: ability to learn, understand, and think ( Sprinthall , 1974).
Cognitive: growth of brain power (Sprinthall, 1974). • Intelligence: ability to learn, understand, and think (Sprinthall, 1974). • Intelligence: 1) kekuatan mental berpikir, 2) suaturumpunnamauntukproseskognitif, terutamaaktivitasberpikir, 3) kecakapanberpikir (English&EnglishdalamSunarto, 2002). • Perbedaanintelegensiakanmembawaperbedaandalamkecepatanberpikir, slow or fast learner (kuantitatif). The differences in learning were seen as differences in degree, as quantitative differences. Berpengaruhterhadap program pendidikan (kurikulumatau material); kurikulumstandar, akselerasi. Cognitive Vs Intelligence
Cognitive development is a product of the interaction of the environment with intellectual potential and activities of the individual (Longstreet, 1993; 134) • Cognitive development or intellectual development are term used to indicate the processes whereby children gain an understanding of their physical, social and psychological worlds (Tilstone & Layton, 2004). • ….how children are thought to develop their abilities to acquire and process information and how to identify the stage that define this growth (Esler&Esler, 1996); Levels of intellectual activity = levels of the cognitive domain (knowledge, comprehension, aplication, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation) Cognitive Vs Intelligence
Apa yang dapatkitaperoleh? • Cognitive development depends on interaction between the child and the learning environment, so we will examine the problems of matching the child to the most appropriate learning task (Sprinthall&Sprinthall, 1974) • By understanding how and when cognitive systems develop, we can avoid; 1) teaching children something before they are ready to learn it and, 2) missing a golden opportunity by waiting to well past the most sensitive moment (Sprinthall&Sprinthall, 1974). • Memilihmateri, bagaimana , dankapandiajarkan. • Dapatmemprediksikapansiswasiapbelajar.
Pikirkan ! • Dapatkahkitamempercepatcoqnitive growth ? • Apahubunganactivitydenganintelligence?