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<br><br>http://www.pestcontrol4london.co.uk/moth-pest-control-london-moths-fumigation.html<br><br>We here at Catch-It Pest Control have just made you this amazing new infographic all about the 12 moth prevention and eradication tips you need to know! Even doing one of our top 12 prevention tips could drastically decrease the chances of a moth infestation in your home. It’s a really great list to read and work through. If you keep up a regular cleaning routine in your home, you can destroy any moth eggs hiding in your carpet. It will also disturb any moths that may already be living there. Vacuuming the bottom of your wardrobe is also another a great moth prevention and eradication tip you may not have heard of before. This infographic will give you some really great pointers that you can use in the future if you ever experience a problem with moths in your London home. If you want to know some more information on our services, visit our website. Have a read through our blogs, all about the most interesting areas of pest control. Our infographic is eye-catching, engaging and just a brilliant read. Add it to your favourites and save it to read again the future. It’s always best to refresh yourself on moth prevention tips!
Top 12 Moth Prevention and Eradication Tips TheProblemsMothsCanCause... ◆Damageto clothingand fabrics ◆Infestationandwastingoffoodstocks ◆Staining andmarkstoupholstery ◆Worsenedbreathingproblemsfromdust ◆ Apersistent, difficulttogetridof problem ◆ Eatenawaycarpets, rugsandfurnishings SomeGreatPreventionTips... CHECK CLEAN ◆Checkyourclothesinthefolds, ◆Alwaysmakesureyourclothingis creases, collarsandarmpitsforthe cleanbeforeyouputitawayinyour signsofmothdamageandactivity. wardrobeassweatattractsmoths.. ◆Checksoftfurnishingsand ◆Regularlyvacuumyourhometo upholsteryformoths' nests, getridofanyeggsanddisturbany especiallyifit'smadefromwoolor lurkingmothsincarpetsandrugs. hair. STORE DISPOSE ◆Disposeoforrecycleany old ◆Storeanyunusedclothes only in or unuseditemsofclothing, plasticboxesthataretightlysealed especiallyifthey'remadefromwool. shutasmothscangetinsmallgaps. ◆Emptythevacuumcleanerafter ◆Alternatively, vacuumpackclothes everyuseifyouknowyouhavea andfabricitemsandstorethem mothproblemtogetridofeggs. properlytokeepthemothsout. SHAKE GETHELP ◆ Ifyounoticeamothproblemin ◆ Takeoutrarelywornclothesand givethemagoodshaketodisturb yourhome, callintheprofessionals anymothsliving inhiddenplaces. tohandletheinfestationrightaway. ◆ Shakeoutallsoftfurnishings, like ◆ Professionalpestcontrollerscan cushionsandduvets, tohelpkeep offerfumigationorheattreatments mothsfromnestinginthem. toridyouofyourmothproblem. WWW.PESTCONTROL4LONDON.CO.UK