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Social Justice Committee

What we will cover:. Social Justice Committee. Some Definitions Purpose and Functions Members: qualities/expectations of members and task descriptions Relationship between Social Justice Committee and Parish Council Relationship between Social Justice Committee and Pastor

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Social Justice Committee

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  1. What we will cover: Social Justice Committee Some Definitions Purpose and Functions Members: qualities/expectations of members and task descriptions Relationship between Social Justice Committee and Parish Council Relationship between Social Justice Committee and Pastor New Resource being developed – Catholic Charities Social Ministry Liaison Questions?

  2. Some Definitions 1 Social Justice Committee The Social Justice Committee is the vehicle for Social Ministry in the parish community. Social Ministry has two main aspects: Social service (also known as Parish Outreach) and Social action Social Service is giving direct aid to someone in need. Social Action is correcting the structures that perpetuate the need.

  3. Social Concerns and Social Justice Many organizations offer programs that provide services to people in need which are works of charity. Education and advocacy for social justice is different in focus. Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et Spes), no. 26. No man or woman of good will should stand as an idle witness to the complex social problems of our day. Equally deserving of our attention and care is the private suffering of countless children, women, and men who do not have enough food to eat; who are deprived of adequate education, housing, or employment; or who suffer the trauma of abuse or neglect. Quote from “In All Things Charity: A Pastoral Challenge for the New Millennium” The Fathers of the Second Vatican Council strongly urged a proactive response to these and other human sufferings: "This social order requires constant improvement. It must be founded on truth, built on justice and animated by love; in freedom it should grow every day toward a more human balance." –

  4. Social Concerns and Social Justice The chart below (adapted from Archdiocese of Dubuque materials) helps illustrate the difference. 2 Justice ....Social Change Charity .....Social Services Scriptural Reference: Good Samaritan Story Scriptural Reference: Exodus Story The parable does not attempt to survey the causes of highway robbery or the institutional system. The Samaritan provides temporary and immediate relief. Moses does not ask for food and medicine for the Jewish slave-labor force. He challenges the institutional system.Message: "Let My People Go," Private, individual acts Public, collective actions Responds to immediate need Responds to long-term need Provides direct service:food, clothing, shelter, health care Promotes social change in institutions Requires repeated actions Resolves structural injustice Directed at the effects of injustice:symptoms Directed at the root causes of social injustice Examples: Homeless shelters and low-income housing, food banks and pantries, clothing drives, emergency services, visiting the sick, home-bound and imprisoned. Birthright, Catholic Charities programs, Federal and State welfare services like WIC, T'aNF, Medicare and Medicaid. Legislative advocacy altering or changing public policy that excludes some people or favors others, changing corporate policies or practices, promoting public policy that fosters the common good and reduces poverty, community organizing, voter registration, legislative lobbying, worker-owner enterprises, justice education.

  5. Archdiocesan Mission Statement 3 We the Church of the Archdiocese of Dubuque, are God’s people gathering together as a Eucharistic community to worship, sharing the Word of God, affirming traditional and emerging leadership roles and supporting families to model Catholic faith and morality for the next generation.  We commit ourselves to lifelong faith formation and to the service of humanity because we believe in the Risen Christ, in the wisdom and kindness of God, the author of life and in the love the Holy Spirit bestows.  We Envision... This faith and these principles inspired us to envision a Church in which we  ...are disciples of Christ empowered by the Holy Spirit to be a community “devoted to the apostles’ instruction and the communal life, to the breaking of bread and prayers,”zealous in caring for the needs of others. (Acts 1:8; 2:42; 4:34) ...are a people in whom the biblical Word of God finds rich soil, flourishes in the truth of Catholic teaching and produces a harvest of holiness and social justice. (Luke 8:8; 6:45)  ... are ministered to by faith-filled and qualified persons in leadership who imitate the Good Shepherd and are “worthy of their hire.” (1 Peter 5:1-4, Matthew 10:10)  ...support families, in various forms, striving to be domestic churches which instill Catholic faith and morality in the hearts of the next generation. (Ephesians 5:21-6:4). 

  6. (Blessed Pope John XXIII, Peace on Earth, 146, 164). 4 “146. Here once more We exhort Our sons to take an active part in public life, and to work together for the benefit of the whole human race, as well as for their own political communities. It is vitally necessary for them to endeavor, in the light of Christian faith, and with love as their guide, to ensure that every institution, whether economic, social, cultural or political, be such as not to obstruct but rather to facilitate man's self betterment, both in the natural and in the supernatural order. 163. Hence among the very serious obligations incumbent upon men of high principles, We must include the task of establishing new relationships in human society, under the mastery and guidance of truth, justice, charity and freedom—relations between individual citizens, between citizens and their respective States, between States, and finally between individuals, families, intermediate associations and States on the one hand, and the world community on the other. There is surely no one who will not consider this a most exalted task, for it is one which is able to bring about true peace in accordance with divinely established order.” ― Blessed Pope John XXIII

  7. Excerpts from the Manual for Parish Pastoral Councils: 5 Social Justice Committee – Section A. Purpose 1. To continue the ministry of Jesus by service to marginalized persons and persons with special needs. 2. To promote and coordinate programs which will promote justice and charity in full measure to all of God’s children. 3. To provide opportunities for parishioners to respond to the social needs of today.

  8. Excerpts from the Manual for Parish Pastoral Councils: Social Justice Committee – Section B. Membership • Appointed and/or volunteer according to the bylaws of the local pastoral council constitution. • If a parish or cluster has outreach committees such as a sister parish or a food bank, someone from these sub-committees is often member of the Social Justice Committee • Demonstrated interest in justice, in serving the needy, and in promoting respect for all persons. • Strive for a good balance of charity/compassion and action/root cause problem assessment.

  9. Excerpts from the Manual for Parish Pastoral Councils: Social Justice Committee – Section C. Functions (part 1) 1. To study the papal encyclicals and statements of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and of the Iowa Catholic Conference which: (1.8) a. Describe our Catholic social teachings. b. Assist us in advocating for just public policies by discerning the questions and the viable options. 2. To educate toward the realization that baptism calls each person to care for the needs of the universal Church and the world. (1.8, 4.1) 3. To educate and motivate parishioners about issues relating to justice, peace, hunger, the marginalized. (1.8) 4. To organize avenues for parishioners to respond directly to local needs. (1.8) 5. To coordinate and advocate for parish service programs and mission projects, e.g., parish twinning or partnership programs which promote solidarity, Thanksgiving clothing drive, local food collections for the poor, special collections for the poor and for emergency disaster relief, the semiannual 3-in-1 collections for national and international organizations sponsored by the USCCB, etc. (1.8, 4.1)

  10. Excerpts from the Manual for Parish Pastoral Councils: Social Justice Committee – Section C. Functions (part 2) 6. To be apprised of programs and resources available through Catholic Charities, the Archdiocesan Office of Hispanic Ministry, the Rural Life Conference, as well as Internet connections which can assist in education and networking, and also of the efforts for legislative advocacy coordinated by the Iowa Catholic Conference and the offices of the USCCB. (1.8)2. 7. To promote systemic change by informing and empowering parishioners to use principles of community organizing. These principles promote awareness of poverty, social analysis, and grassroots organizing so that the dignity and rights of each person may be preserved by social and religious institutions. (1.8) 8. To practice social justice through direct service, through policy formation, advocacy, and any other means which promote justice and peace. (1.8) 9. To communicate the work of the committee to the pastoral council via written report or liaison.

  11. CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHINGS Life and Dignity of the Human Person “Our belief in the sanctity of human life and the inherent dignity of the human person is the foundation of all the principles of our social teaching.” Every person is created in the image of God. Every person is precious. All social laws, practices, and institutions must protect, not undermine, human life and human dignity – from conception through natural death. Call to Family, Community, and Participation “How we organize our society – in economics and politics, in law and policy – directly affects human dignity and the capacity of individuals to grow in community.” We are social beings. We realize our dignity and human potential in our families and communities. The family is the basic cell of society; and it must be supported. Government has the mission of protecting human life, promoting the common good of all persons, and defending the right and duty of all to participate in social life. Rights and Responsibilities “The Catholic tradition teaches that human dignity can be protected and a healthy community can be achieved only if human rights are protected and responsibilities are met.” The Church upholds both personal responsibility and social rights. The right to life is fundamental and includes a right to food, clothing, shelter, rest, medical care, and essential social services. Every person has the right to raise a family and the duty to support them. Human dignity demands religious and political freedom and the duty to exercise these rights for the common good of all persons.

  12. CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHINGS Option for the Poor and Vulnerable “Catholic teaching proclaims that a basic moral test is how our most vulnerable members are fairing.” The Church does not pit one social group against another but instead follows the example of our Lord, who identified himself with the poor and vulnerable (cf. Mt 25:31-46). Giving priority concern to the poor and the vulnerable strengthens the health of the whole society. The human life and dignity of the poor are most at risk. The poor have the first claim on our personal and social resources. The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers “Work is more than a way to make a living; it is a form of continuing participation in God’s creation.” Workers have rights to decent work, just wages, safe working conditions, unionization, disability protection, retirement security, and economic initiative. The economy exists for the human person; the human person does not exist for the economy. Labor has priority over capital. Solidarity “We are one human family, whatever our national, racial, ethnic, economic, and ideological differences.” The Church speaks of a “universal” common good that reaches beyond our nation’s borders to the global community. Solidarity recognizes that the fates of the peoples of the earth are linked. Solidarity requires richer nations to aid poorer ones, commands respect for different cultures, demands justice in international relationships, and call on all nations to live in peace with one another. Care for God’s Creation “We show our respect for the Creator by our stewardship of creation.” Good stewardship of the earth and all of its creatures (including human beings) is a complex challenge. Humans are part of creation itself, and whatever we do to the earth we ultimately do to ourselves. We must live in harmony with the rest of creation and preserve it for future generations.

  13. How is the Social Mission of the Church Integrated into your Parish Life? 6 Parish Social Mission: Catholic mission is to serve “the least of these,” to “hunger and thirst for justice,” to “be a peacemaker.” Every parish is on joint mission to protect human dignity and life, to defend those who are poor or oppressed, and to seek the common good. The biblical call to charity, justice and peace claims not only each believer, but also each parish community. This mission leads every community to stand with the poor and vulnerable against the strong and powerful. (Communities of Salt and Light) Direct Service & Outreach Charity Prayer & Worship • How does the parish serve “the least of these” through charity? • What are specific ways the parish reaches out to the hurting, the poor, and vulnerable within the parish and beyond in the local and global community? • How do we anchor our social mission into prayer and worship? • What efforts are made to integrate liturgy with charity and justice issues? • What kinds of prayer experiences focused on charity and justice are afforded the parish outside the Eucharistic celebration? • Does the social justice committee see prayer as the root of their ministry? Social Concerns Coordination Team Parish Social Mission Analysis Family Work Citizenship Formation & Education • How does the parish support family, work and citizenship as integral to the social ministry of the Church? • What does the parish do to encourage, support, and sustain members living their faith in the family, neighborhood, marketplace and public arena? • How do we recognize that the most challenging work of justice is not done in Church committees, but, in the world of work, family and citizenship? • How is the message of peace and justice shared with the parish community? • To what degree does parish preaching reflect the social dimension of the Gospel as indispensable? • Is the social doctrine of the Church an essential part of all youth and adult education and formation mandated by the General Directory for Catechists? • What forums are used to educate the parish about Catholic Social Teaching? Page 1

  14. Advocacy/ Legislative Action Global Solidarity & Peace • What is the parish’s solidarity with the world beyond the boundaries of the parish? • A key test of a parish’s “Catholicity” is its willingness to go beyond its boundaries to serve those in need and work for global charity and justice. How is this being done? • How does the parish serve “the least of these” through justice? • How does the parish serve those in need and work to change those structures which deny people their dignity and rights as children of God? • A parish serious about social ministry will offer opportunities to serve those in need and advocate for justice. How does parish ministry concretely reflect this Issues/ Special Sub Groups • Is there an issue about which your Parish has passion? • What other issues that do not “fit” onto the chart does your Parish choose to participate in? Social Concerns Coordination Team Parish Social Mission Analysis Community Organizing • How does the parish create community and organize for justice with other church and civic communities? • How does the parish connect with those groups that are already working for justice? • How does the parish link with diocesan structures? • How is cultural diversity reflected in each parish ministry and how is every person invited to participate? Are confirmed youth and young adults part of every ministry? General Organization Questions Does the parish have special committees focused on social concerns? Who or what is responsible for ensuring that the social mission of the church is integrated within the framework of the parish? How does the parish council help place the social ministry in the center of parish life? Page 2

  15. Continue Jesus’ ministry through: • Service to marginalized and special needs • Promoting justice and charity to all • Providing opportunities for service • Educate and motivate members on issues • Coordinate parish service programs • Written report or liaison to Pastoral Council Social Justice 7Committee

  16. Social Ministry Liaison – Why? “Catholic Charities is the social service organization in the Archdiocese of Dubuque that responds to persons in need and works to achieve justice in our society.” Mission Statement “CCUSA’s Vision 2000 calls Catholic Charities agencies to become more fully integrated into local parish communities, providing stimulus for leadership in nurturing faith, proclaiming justice, serving people and building community.” “Catholic Charities should strive to complement the efforts of the parish and the individual faithful in loving their neighbor and should call them to more active engagement and discernment in fulfilling their responsibility.” Rev. Larry Snyder, President CCUSA in the foreword of Catalysts & Collaborators in Social Ministry

  17. Social Ministry Liaison – What? The Catholic Charities Social Ministry Liaison is responsible for coordinating parish and community partnership activities with leaders and members of the Catholic Community through parish social ministry, community engagement activities and advocacy. • Three main areas of responsibility: • Parish consultation & education • Community Outreach and engagement • Advocacy

  18. Social Ministry Liaison – How? Through the Social Ministry Liaison, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Dubuque will facilitate networking between parish-based social ministry staff, parish volunteers, community volunteers and community agencies in the Archdiocese. We will encourage best practices sharing, problem solving, community building, and spiritual development to assess and address the social ministry needs in the communities. • We will support and “Empower our Communities” by helping them: • Organize themselves to respond to needs by convening like-minded groups together • Offering program models • Providing or developing best practices models • Providing meeting facilitation and support • Promoting the goals of Strengthening Families, Reducing Poverty and Empowering Communities

  19. Social Ministry Liaison – How? • Some Key Parish/Community Leaders & Members: • Parish priests/parish life coordinators • Deacons • Parish Staff • Social Justice committees • Various Religious communities • Catholic schools • Youth Faith Formation • Family Life Office • Iowa Catholic Conference • Non-profit community agencies that share similar philosophies/values

  20. PRAYER FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 8 Lord Jesus, Carpenter and King, supreme Sovereign of all men, look with tender mercy upon the multitudes of our day who bear the indignities of injustice everywhere. Raise up leaders in every land dedicated to Your standards of order, equity, and justice. Grant unto us, Lord Jesus, the grace to be worthy members of Your Mystical Body, laboring unceasingly to fulfill our vocation in the social apostolate of Your Church. Sharpen our intellects to pierce the pettiness of prejudice; to perceive the beauty of true human brotherhood. Guide our minds to a meaningful understanding of the problems of the poor, of the oppressed, of the unemployed, of all in need of assistance anywhere. Guide our hearts against the subtle lure of earthly things and undue regard for those who possess them. May we hunger and thirst after justice always.Amen. 

  21. Questions? Social Justice Committee

  22. Resource links/Reference materials 1http://www.ecatholic2000.com/sj/socjust.shtml 2http://www.stjohnmv.org/socialjustice2.htm 3http://www.arch.pvt.k12.ia.us/LayFormation/pdfs/Vision%20of%20Lay%20Formation.pdf 4 http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_xxiii/encyclicals/documents/hf_j-xxiii_enc_11041963_pacem_en.html 5http://www.arch.pvt.k12.ia.us/LeaderDevPastPlan/ParishCouncil/documents/PPCGuidelines072010.pdf 6From CCUSA’s Catalysts & Collaborators in Social Ministry as adapted by the Diocese of Raleigh by Melissa DuCharme 7http://www.arch.pvt.k12.ia.us/LeaderDevPastPlan/ParishCouncil/documents/PPCGuidelines072010.pdf 8http://www.catholic.org/prayers/prayer.php?p=2773

  23. Contact Information Dan Rohner – Director Leadership Development & Pastoral Planning 800-876-3546 ext 283 dbqcldpp@arch.pvt.k12.ia.us Stephen Schmitz – Catholic Charities Program Director/Social Ministry Liaison 319-364-7121 dbqcccpd1@arch.pvt.k12.ia.us

  24. Thank you !! Social Justice Committee

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